
  1. 知识型员工流动成本的构成及防控对策

    On the Composition and Prevention & Control Countermeasures of Knowledge Employee Turnover Cost

  2. 员工流动成本的分析与测算

    The cost analysis and calculation of employee turnover

  3. 在此基础上,还对员工流动的成本和收益进行了分析,详细探讨了员工流动率对员工流动的影响。

    On this basis , the paper also analyzes its cost and benefit of staff mobility , and the impact of the rate of brain drain to brain drain .

  4. 核心员工一旦流失,将对企业造成不可估量的损失。知识型员工流动成本的构成及防控对策

    Brain drain will cause inestimable losses to enterprises . On the Composition and Prevention & Control Countermeasures of Knowledge Employee Turnover Cost