
wèi lěi
  • taste bud;degustator;taste-goblet;Schwalbe's corpuscles
味蕾 [wèi lěi]
  • [taste bud] 舌、软腭、咽等处粘膜上皮内的味觉感受器

味蕾[wèi lěi]
  1. P2X2和P2X3受体在小鼠咽粘膜味蕾内的分布

    Localization of p2x_2 and p2x_3 receptors in mouse pharyngeal taste bud

  2. 南方鲇的皮肤腺和味蕾结构研究

    Study on structure of skin gland and taste bud in Silurus meridionalis Chen

  3. 味蕾集中于舌尖、舌根和舌头两侧。

    Taste buds are concentrated at the tip and rear of the tongue and around its periphery .

  4. 所以我们的味蕾变得迟钝。

    So our taste buds become senseless .

  5. 当飞机上升时,气压的变化降低了味蕾的三分之一的敏感度。

    As the plane moves up , the change in air pressure reduces one third of the sensibility of our taste buds .

  6. 它的味道简直太好了,会挑动你的味蕾!

    It 's absolutely delicious . It will tickle your taste buds !

  7. 餐馆、电视广告、户外广告牌等等都利用食物图片来唤醒我们的味蕾。

    Restaurants , television advertisements , billboards1 and more use the images of food to awaken2 our taste buds3 .

  8. ~(60)Co照射SD大鼠对舌菌状乳头及味蕾的影响

    Changes of Taste Bud and Fungiform Papillae after ~ ( 60 ) Co Radiation in Rat

  9. 用简并性引物RT-PCR技术检测大鼠舌味蕾细胞谷氨酸受体表达

    The study on GluRs expression in rat taste buds by RT PCR using degenerate primers

  10. 一小队设计师、工程师和厨师却烹制出了使用头戴式显示、3D打印和食品科学来欺骗我们的味蕾的虚拟现实美食体验。

    A small team of designers , engineers , and chefs have cooked up a gastronomical virtual reality experience that uses head-mounted displays , 3-D printers , and food science to trick our taste buds .

  11. 上皮细胞发生变性坏死;采用微吸管吸取技术,我们体外分离出大鼠的味蕾,将其培养在LAPS芯片上。

    Using micropipette , the taste buds were successfully isolated from rat tongue epithelium and then placed on LAPS chip .

  12. 一小队设计师、工程师和厨师却烹制出了使用头戴式显示、3D打印和食品科学来欺骗我们的味蕾的“虚拟现实美食体验”。

    A small team of designers , engineers , and chefs have cooked up a " gastronomical virtual reality experience " that uses head-mounted displays , 3-D printers , and food science to trick our taste buds .

  13. 大鼠失舌神经对舌味蕾Shh表达的影响

    The effect of lingual nerve denervation on Shh expression in lingual taste buds of Sprague-Dawley rats

  14. 在无味蕾的粘膜上皮中,也发现少量P2X2免疫反应阳性神经纤维。

    In the epithelial layers without taste buds P2X_3 , immunoreactive fibers were also found .

  15. 目的研究临床治疗剂量60Co照射头颈部恶性肿瘤后,舌菌状乳头及其味蕾的形态学变化和再生能力。

    Objective To observe the morphological changes and the regenerating ability of the fungiform papillae and taste buds after + { 60 } Co radiation with clinical doses in rats .

  16. 如果他们的计划能成功(我的味蕾暗示他们或许会成功),HamptonCreek或许将向世人展示软件和生物科技行业的创新科技将如何改变众多其他行业。

    If their plan works and my taste buds suggest it might Hampton Creek may show how the software and biotech industries ' innovation techniques might alter sectors far beyond .

  17. SprinkleBakes博客的博主希瑟·莱尔德是第一个分享她的天鹅绒星系蛋糕的成分和方法的人,但是还有很多适合你的味蕾的替代品。

    Heather Laird , of the Sprinkle Bakes blog , was the first to share her ingredients and method for a velvet galaxy cake , but there are plenty of alternatives to suit your tastebuds .

  18. 本文针对激励信号频率条件改变对味觉细胞传感器响应特征的影响进行了深入研究,以STC-1细胞和小鼠味蕾细胞为苦味传感器的敏感元件,在广泛的频率范围内研究了苦味的响应特性。

    In that case , it was necessary to do in-depth research on the influence of taste cell sensor response characteristics excited by changing signal frequency condition .

  19. 味乳头和味蕾的发育过程与细胞信号分子(signalingmolecules)、味觉神经(gustatorynervefibers)等许多因素有着密切的关系,其中有些作用机理至今尚无定论。

    Although several factors ( signaling molecules , gustatory nerve fibers , etc. ) have many affinities with the development of the papillae and taste buds , the specific mechanism that regulate initiation , growth , and maintenance of the papillae and taste buds are still not clear yet .

  20. 等到用户回到家里,Foodini已经为你做好了热腾腾的饺子——或是任何能够挑逗用户味蕾的美食。

    By the time the user arrives home , there will be hot , fresh ravioli - or whatever else strikes a user 's fancy - waiting .

  21. 此外,该公司还为食评家艾戈?罗内的味蕾上过保险。

    It also insures the taste buds of restaurateur Egon Ronay .

  22. 如果你想彻底毁了你的味蕾,就去吧。

    Only if you wanted to completely destroy your taste buds .

  23. 原位杂交检测味蛋白及转导蛋白味蕾的表达

    In situ hybridization detection of gustducin and transducin expression in taste buds

  24. 他们的大口部和外部的双唇包含非常敏感的味蕾。

    Their large mouths and external lips contain extremely sensitive taste buds .

  25. 我虽然没味蕾但也知道这一定很美味

    I have no taste buds but I can tell this is exquisite

  26. 随着你的味蕾适应新的味道,你可以去掉另一个蛋黄。

    As your taste buds become acclimated you can eliminate another yolk .

  27. 阿基姆:你的味蕾肯定非常敏感。

    Akim : You must have very sensitive taste buds .

  28. 即使是茶杯的颜色也会欺骗你的味蕾。

    Even the color of a cup can trick your taste buds .

  29. 结累原位杂交分析了150个大鼠味蕾,结果显示味蛋白和转导蛋白在舌味蕾细胞中都有表达。

    About 150 taste buds in rat vallate and foliate papillae were analyzed .

  30. 我崇拜能让我的味蕾惊喜的厨师。

    I worship anyone who can surprise my palate .