
  • 网络Brand recognition;brand awareness;brand perception;Brand Cognitive;Perceived Brand Quality
  1. 在形象差异化方面,通过塑造品牌知名度、品牌认知度、品牌联想度、品牌忠诚度,打造高端品牌形象。

    In the aspect of image differentiation , the image of high-end products is formed through building up brand awareness , perceived brand quality , brand association , and brand loyalty .

  2. 利用快闪店作为营造品牌认知度的机会

    Use it as a marketing opportunity to create brand awareness

  3. 在其他地区市场,我们看到了与TOUCHLAB共同创造的很多成功,不但提高了品牌认知度并且进一步缩短了我们和客户之间的距离。

    In other markets , we 've seen great success with TOUCH_LABs , leading to increased brand recognition and deeper connection with our customers .

  4. 周三发布的《欧盟商会企业信心调查2011》(EuropeanChamberBusinessConfidenceSurvey)显示,44%的受访企业感觉到,过去两年中,它们的中国竞争对手的品牌认知度有所提高。

    According to the annual European Chamber Business Confidence Survey , published on Wednesday , 44 per cent of respondents feel that their Chinese competitors have improved their brand recognition over the past two years .

  5. 在就业市场的严峻形势下,教育类股被认为有一定的抗跌特性,而MeadJohnson过去100年来在婴儿营养市场上的业绩纪录使其在全球获得了出色的品牌认知度。

    Education companies are considered somewhat defensive plays during tough job markets , and Mead Johnson's100-year track record in infant nutrition gave it great world-wide brand recognition .

  6. 而品牌认知度低、缺乏对最终消费者的影响力,iF是大多数高居产业链顶端的B2B企业面临的困境。

    However , low awareness of brands and lack of influence on the final consumer , are the difficulties that the most B2B enterprises in the top industry chain are facing .

  7. 在这方面,由于品牌认知度和较低的成本基础,无锡尚德、英利(yingli)和天合光能(trinasolar)等顶级中国制造商拥有优势。

    In this aspect , top-tier Chinese manufacturers such as Suntech , Yingli and Trina Solar have an advantage because of their brand recognition and lower cost base .

  8. 据报道,Z10手机在发布一个季度后,出货量终于突破了100万台,这算不错的表现,但对于一家拥有如此巨大的品牌认知度的公司而言,这并不值得庆贺。

    The phone has reportedly passed the 1 million shipped mark in its first quarter of launch , which isn 't bad , but isn 't great for a company with such huge brand recognition .

  9. 对于获得如此高的品牌认知度,你们有什么秘密吗?

    Is there a secret to gaining such strong brand recognition ?

  10. 周:对,我们的确需要提升品牌认知度。

    Kimball Cho : Yeah , we do need better brand awareness .

  11. 越来越多的公司正在把快闪店当成提升品牌认知度的一个营销工具。

    More companies are using pop-ups as a marketing tool for brand extension .

  12. 品牌认知度较高,但品牌推广与保护力度欠缺。

    The brand has high popularity , but lack of popularity and protection .

  13. 但特制茶不会给中国带来它所渴望的国际品牌认知度。

    But speciality teas will not bring China the international brand recognition it craves .

  14. 韩国公司三星电子的智能手机销量和在消费者中的品牌认知度双双飙升。

    The Korean company has seen a meteoric rise in smartphone sales and in consumer awareness of its brand .

  15. 一些品牌认知度更高、资金更丰厚的大公司,已经在提供网上购物服务,而且败得很惨。

    Much bigger companies with greater brand recognition and deeper pockets were already offering online shopping and failing miserably .

  16. 周永明表示:由于我们的国际品牌认知度已急遽上升,所以选择现在推出时机正好。

    Now , as our global brand recognition has risen steeply , the time is right , Chou argues .

  17. 基于全球化温州鞋业自主品牌认知度和形象创新战略研究

    Research on the Brand Cognition and Image Innovation of the Shoe Industry in Wenzhou on the Basis of Globalization

  18. 曼联最近不断宣布新的赞助商协议,以更多利用自己在全球的品牌认知度。

    New United sponsorship deals are being announced frequently as the club pushes to exploit its global brand recognition .

  19. 与谷歌不同的是,他们与自己的用户建立了持久牢固的关系,在宽带竞争中拥有更高的品牌认知度。

    Unlike Google , they have longstanding relationships with their ISP customers and a stronger brand recognition in the broadband game .

  20. 具有良好美誉度与忠诚度的中海,在品牌认知度上却输给了竞争对手万科。

    In possession of good honor and admire , but the degree of brand feel is lower the competitor , vanke .

  21. 但西尔表示,设计该赛事最主要的目的是增强品牌认知度和推动对于品牌的积极联想,比如创造性和多样性。

    But Mr sire says it is , above all , designed to develop awareness of the brand and positive association such as creativity and diversity .

  22. 我国制造业已有相当规模,但普遍存在着缺乏创意设计、品牌认知度和技术工艺水平低、效益差的问题。

    China 's manufacturing is already large scale , but it lacks originality , is not well-known , and is based on low technology and low efficiencies .

  23. 此外,为增强品牌认知度而设计的企业商业竞赛已经开始衍生出用于雇员教育、甚至针对中学生的同类产品。

    Moreover , corporate business games designed for building brand awareness are starting to spawn siblings used for employee education or even targeted at high school students .

  24. 王振堂称,这个事实就是宏碁在美国的品牌认知度很低,而这可能需要高达1亿美元的巨资才能有所改善。即便这样,结果也并不确定。

    The reason is the company 's weak brand recognition in the US , which , argues Mr Wang , would take up to $ 100m to improve , with no certain results .

  25. 虽然通用汽车和大众汽车等市场领导者在经过十多年的经营后在中国获得了品牌认知度,但中国消费者对汽车品牌的忠诚度仍没有西方国家消费者那么高。

    While market leaders such as GM and VW have won brand recognition in China after more than a decade of operations , Chinese consumers remain less loyal to auto brands than in the West .

  26. 普里福伊表示,在将外国房产推介给中国买家时,万达将受益于品牌认知度,但该公司不仅仅是希望将亚洲资金引入英国房地产市场。

    Wanda will benefit from brand recognition when marketing foreign homes to Chinese buyers , Mr Purefoy said , but the company does not want simply to channel Asian cash into the British housing market .

  27. 普里福伊表示,在将外国房产推介给中国买家时,万达将受益于“品牌认知度”,但该公司不仅仅是希望将亚洲资金引入英国房地产市场。

    Wanda will benefit from " brand recognition " when marketing foreign homes to Chinese buyers , Mr Purefoy said , but the company does not want simply to channel Asian cash into the British housing market .

  28. 桑德森表示,由于它们良好的品牌认知度、受众范围和大量的财务与技术资源,要撼动门户网站在综合性业务领域的地位,将是件难事。

    Thanks to their instant brand recognition , audience reach and extensive financial and technical resources , " it is going to be hard to unseat [ the portals ] in the broad aggregation business ," he says .

  29. 单是苹果的品牌认知度,就足以使很多中国人心甘情愿地掏钱——不过品牌问题反过来却会影响苹果手表在美国的销量,因为苹果在美国一般被认为是个科技品牌而不是时尚标签。

    Apple 's brand recognition could seal the deal for the Apple Watch in China - but it could also hurt sales in the U.S. , where Apple is seen as a tech brand rather than a fashion label :

  30. 本文在全球化的背景下,基于现有成果着重从品牌认知度和品牌形象的角度对温州鞋业的国际化经营进行定性和定量的分析研究。

    The main idea of this paper is to make a qualitative and quantitive analysis on the international management of the Wenzhou shoes industry from the angle of brand cognition and brand image on the basis of the existing achievement .