
  • 网络Commodity trading market;commodity market
  1. 基于成本优化的商品交易市场选址方法探讨

    The Study of Selecting Location of Commodity Market Based on Cost Optimization

  2. 20世纪末21世纪初,随着大宗商品交易市场的快速发展,在批发市场、电子商务和期货交易的基础上,出现了大宗商品集合竞价交易市场。

    From the end of 20 century to the beginning of 21 century , with the rapid development of bulk commodity market , there has been bulk commodity aggregate auction exchange in the basis of wholesale market , e-commerce , and time-bargain .

  3. 侯马商品交易市场的发展与思考

    Thinking on the Development of Commodity Transaction Market of Houma City

  4. 亿元以上商品交易市场主要指标

    Major Indicators of Trade Markets with Sales over 100 million yuan

  5. 北京市商品交易市场发展中存在的九大问题

    In the Beijing commodity exchange market development has nine major problems

  6. 北京市商品交易市场的分布特征与发展趋势

    The distribution of beijing 's public market and its future development

  7. 中国商品交易市场的空间分布及其发展对策

    Spatial Distribution and Countermeasures of Development of Commodity Exchange Markets in China

  8. 试论商品交易市场法律主体地位的缺失与确立

    The imperfections and establishment of legal corpus position in commodity exchange market

  9. 商品交易市场是北京商品流通的主要渠道之一。

    The commodity exchange market is one of Beijing circulation of commodities main channels .

  10. 论加强商品交易市场管理

    On Strengthening the Administration of Goods Distribution Market

  11. 商品交易市场在服务人民群众的生活以及带动当地经济发展等多方面发挥了重要的作用。

    The commodity trading markets play an important role in serving people and promoting economic development .

  12. 对商品交易市场进行准确定位,确立其合法经营的法律主体地位,对于提升商品交易市场的地位、规范商品交易市场的经营管理和服务,完善我国企业法人体系具有特殊的意义。

    Suggestions are proposed as to how to establish the legal corpus position in commodity exchange market .

  13. 芝加哥商品交易市场。

    Chicago Board Of Trading .

  14. 长三角地区商品交易市场发展的现状及动力机制研究

    Research on the Driving Force Mechanism and Actuality of the Commodity Trading Market in the Yangtze Delta Region

  15. 对冲交易包括套期保值和跨期套利,是金融衍生商品交易市场中非常重要且较为安全的交易方式。

    The spreading trade , including hedging and the arbitraging , is the important and safe operations in derivative security market .

  16. 作者在对北京市商品交易市场进行较充分调研基础上,提出北京商品的交易市场体系存在的9大问题。

    The author in carries on a fuller investigation and study to the Beijing commodity exchange market in the foundation , asks the Beijing commodity exchange market system existence 9 major problems .

  17. 现有批零贸易业和餐饮业网点12万个,商品交易市场330个。批发及零售业、进出口贸易、饮食店及酒店业按年统计调查

    At present it has 120,000 wholesale and retail shops and mts , 330 commodity exchange markets . " Annual Survey of Wholesale , Retail and Import / Export Trades , Restaurants and Hotels "

  18. 从保护价值的角度出发,资本市场的繁荣稳定对经济的推动作用要远远大于商品交易市场。

    Therefore , from the value protection point of view , the driving force of the boom and stability of the capital market to the general economy is far more important than the trade market .

  19. 本文首先从商品交易市场密度、市场规模等方面剖析了我国商品交刎市场发展的省区差异特征,证实了市场密度、市场规模与国民经济发展水平之间存在着显著的相关关系;

    Firstly , based on market density and market scale , this paper analyzes the provincial differentiation of market development in China , and confirms the remarkable interrelationship between market density , market scale and development level of the national economy .

  20. 通过研究长三角地区商品交易市场发展的现状和动力机制,为其进一步的规划、建设、发展及其竞争力的提升提供发展思路,并为其它地区商品交易市场的发展提供借鉴价值。

    So , the study of the commodity market of the Yangtze Delta region has great significance . The study of commodity trading market of Yangtze River Delta region supply reference basis and the development of ideas for its further development 、 planning 、 construction and upgrading of its competitiveness .

  21. 这个集团成为了商品期权交易市场的销售巨头。

    The group became a sales juggernaut in the commodity options business .

  22. 同时,为了使研究结论更贴近中国市场的发展实际,本文创新地引荐了国内股份制大宗商品电子交易市场的在处理盈利性与自律性冲突的经验。

    In the fourth part , in order to make the study conclusion more close to the reality of Chinese market , this article introduced the experience of the domestic share-holding electronic commodity exchanges , who also faces the rentability and the self-discipline conflict .

  23. 大崩溃令资产和证券市场蒙羞,并商品与劳务交易市场却毫发无损。

    The meltdown did no discredit to markets that exchange goods and services as opposed to assets and securities .

  24. 农村专业批发市场作为一种具有传统市场形态特征的流通组织形式,是由现阶段中国国情和农村经济特点所决定的,也是由农村商品交易特性及市场合约行为特征所决定的。

    Acting as an organizational form with the characteristics of traditional market , the specialized wholesale market in the countryside is determined by China 's current state conditions and characteristics of rural economy , and also by the special nature of rural commodity transaction and market contract act .

  25. 芝加哥商品交易所进入电子交易市场的举动削弱了交易所圈内交易世界的重要性。

    The move to electronic trading , led by the Chicago Merc , has made the board of trade 's clubby floor-trading world less relevant .

  26. 这种方法可以应用在股票市、商品市场和外汇交易市场,甚至于资金管理和利率走势的任何市场。

    The method applies to all investment markets including the stock , commodity and foreign exchange markets and extends to the analysis of managed funds and even to the movement of interest rates .

  27. 由于水资源是一种独一无二的特殊资源,具有重要的社会、经济和生态价值,其交易不同于一般的商品交易,在交易市场并不能完整、准确地反映其所有相关的价值。

    Because water is a unique resource with important social , economic and ecological value , its transaction is different from the general commodity trading . The market can not completely and accurately reflect all the related values .

  28. 随着世界经济的发展、科学技术的进步和生产工艺的提高,越老越先进的大规模生产技术使得市场上充斥着大量的商品,商品交易的市场已有卖方市场向买方市场转变。

    With the increasing economic development and the improvement in science and technology , the advanced mass production technologies enable market abound with a large number of commodities , the master of commodity trading market has changed from seller to buyer .

  29. 很多商品的期货是在商品交易市场上进行交易的,而在以后进行支货。

    Many commodity futures are bought and sold on commodity markets , which means that future deliveries are organized .

  30. 周围的国际小商品批发市场、家具及商品交易市场,具有丰富货源。

    Around the International Commodity Market , furniture and commodities trading market , with rich sources .