
  • 网络Merchandising;Merchandise planning
  1. 外商投资企业出口许可证商品计划;

    Export plan of FIEs for products under export licenses ;

  2. 此举是巴西对亚洲销售更多高附加值商品计划的第一步。

    The move is the first stage in a plan to sell more value-added goods to Asia .

  3. GPPS:商品采购计划系统

    Gpps : a planning system for purchasing commodities

  4. 制定商品包装计划时首先考虑的就应该是这一目标。

    The development of packaged goods , first of all to consider the plan should be the goal .

  5. 一位资深政客称,把队服生产外包到他国与本国政府计划发展和鼓励“尼日利亚制造”商品的计划相悖。

    One prominent politician said outsourcing the kits to be produced outside the country contradicted the Nigerian government 's plans to expand and encourage production of ' Made in Nigeria ' goods .

  6. 下一届中国商品展销会计划在吉尔吉斯斯坦举办。

    Next Chinese Commodity Fair is planning to be held in Kyrgyzstan .

  7. 有计划商品经济与计划&市场双向改革

    Planned Commodity Economy and Dual Reforms of Planning and Market

  8. 此前,国家政府于周四在天津举行了第一轮高价值医疗商品集中采购计划。

    This comes in the first round of the Chinese government 's centralized purchasing program for high-value medical commodities , held in Tianjin on Thursday .

  9. 论有计划商品经济条件下计划与市场的结合

    On Combination of Planning and Market under the Conditions of Planned Commodity Economy

  10. 中国方面抱怨说,这一让商品自由流动的计划几乎没什么具体细节。

    The Chinese gripe that the plan for freer movement of goods involves few specifics .

  11. 而且,在一个货币金融经济中,每一个参与者必须都拥有充足的货币量,以保证意愿的商品需求和供给计划能够完全实现。

    And , in the monetary and financial economy , every agent owns sufficient money to achieve attentions of demand and supply .

  12. 营销是为了个人或者组织目的的交换所做的创痍.定价,促销,商品和服务的计划和执行的过程。

    The process of planning and executing the conception , price , promotion , and distribution of ideas , goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives .

  13. 建设马克思主义理论的一项核心任务就是建设马克思主义的社会主义市场经济理论,而不是重复已经过时的非商品经济理论和计划经济理论。

    One core task of constructing the Marxism theory is to construct the theory of Marxist socialist market economy , not to repeat the obsolete theories of non-commodity economy or planned economy .

  14. 两岸今年6月签署了一份具有里程碑意义的自由贸易式协议,降低了800多种商品的进口关税。此后,台湾方面表示,还有数千种商品也在减税计划中。

    After the two sides signed a landmark free trade-style pact in June to cut import tariffs on more than 800 items , Taiwan said thousands more items were in the pipeline .