
  1. 本月该公司又输掉了一场商标抢注官司,无法阻止一家中国企业在皮套和皮革配件上使用“IPHONE”名称。

    And this month , the company lost a lawsuit against a Chinese group that uses the word " iPhone " on leather cases and accessories .

  2. 但发生在三地之间的商标抢注为三地经贸往来造成事实上的贸易壁垒,有违CEPA的宗旨和目标。

    But the trademark preemptive registration in the three regions actually became a trade barrier , which is in violation of the objective and goal of the CEPA .

  3. 据参与商标抢注案的一名律师透露,北京高院裁定中山市珠江饮料厂(ZhongshanPearlRiverDrinksFactory)不应在2014年获准注册“facebook”商标。

    According to a lawyer involved in the case , the Beijing High Court ruled that the Zhongshan Pearl River Drinks Factory , based in southern Guangdong province , should not have been allowed to register the " face book " trademark in 2014 .

  4. 由商标抢注现象引起的法律思考

    Legal Consideration for Phenomenon About Rush Registration to Trademark

  5. 谈商标抢注与商标注册制度的完善

    Perfection of Trademark Snatch - register and Register System

  6. 对商标抢注的法律思考

    On Legal Consideration for Rush Registration to Trademark

  7. 商标抢注寒流袭击中国企业

    Cold wave of trademark registration attack Chinese enterprises

  8. 论驰名商标抢注及其法律规制

    On Registering Famous Trademarks and Law Regulations

  9. 要建立商标抢注监测系统。

    To establish a trademark monitoring system .

  10. 商标抢注成为时下的热点话题,从知名商标到公众人物、热点话题,都成了商标抢注者的盘中餐。

    The scramble for registering trademarks including well-known trademark , public figures and hot topics is becoming the present hot topic .

  11. 在法律无法对商标抢注进行完善规制的情况下,我们该如何看待商标抢注行为?

    When the law fails to prescribe sophisticated regulation against vicious trademark registration , how do we have to judge this kind of actions ?

  12. 老字号商标的抢注人往往是该企业在海外市场的代理商和经销商。

    The time-honored trademark cybersquatting tend to be the enterprises in the overseas market agents and dealers .

  13. 因而驰名商标域外抢注法律救济研究具有重要的现实意义。

    So the relevant legal relief of overseas rush registration of well-known trademarks has important practical significance .

  14. 本章归纳了中国商标遭海外抢注的几类主要情况。

    This part also classifies the cases of preemptive registration of Chinese trademarks overseas .

  15. 中国商标海外被抢注的原因及应对措施浅析

    A Brief Analysis about the Reason and Solution of the Overseas Preemptive Registration of Chinese Trademarks

  16. 如果企业选择不去争夺域名,那它们未来为了保护自身商标与恶意抢注者进行对抗的成本可能更高。

    Alternatively , if companies choose not to take up a domain , they might face higher costs in the future to protect their trademarks from cybersquatters .

  17. 在经济利益的驱动下,在商标注册中抢注他人具有一定声誉的企业简称的案件逐渐增多,企业简称与商标权的权利冲突日益明显。

    Driven by economic interests , the cases of cybersquatting other enterprises ' ACN in the trademark registration is increasing , and the conflict between trademark right and ACN is becoming increasingly evident .

  18. 微软互联网安全执行团队的高级律师亚伦•科恩布卢姆(AaronKornblum)表示:对于全球的知名商标而言,域名抢注是一个日益严重的问题。我们希望引导其它商标所有者,鼓励它们采取行动。

    Cybersquatting is a growing problem for brands around the world and we hope to educate other brand holders and encourage them to take action , said Aaron Kornblum , senior attorney on Microsoft 's internet safety enforcement team .

  19. 域名易手的速度,以及追踪这些大批量自动注册的难度,给商标所有者防范域名抢注带来了挑战。

    The rate at which domain names change hands and the difficulty in tracking such mass automated registrations challenge trademark owners in their pursuit of cybersquatters .

  20. 我国的企业为防止商标在国外被抢注,应当实施及时在国外进行商标确权、办理商标国际注册等策略,以加强对驰名商标的域外保护。

    In order to prevent such phenomenon , it is necessary to carry out the tactic of the confirmation of right in foreign countries timely and of the international registration for trademarks , so as to strengthen the protection of well-known trademarks for China 's enterprises .

  21. 首先,以中日《商标法》中防止商标抢注的有关规定为对象进行分析;然后,对中日《反不正当竞争法》中防止商标抢注的规定进行比较分析。

    First of all , the paper will make the related provisions about the prevention of cybersquatting in the " Trademark Law " as an object for analysis between China and Japan .

  22. 为防止企业的商标尤其是驰名商标被恶意抢注,企业需要完备的商标战略和长远的国际眼光,充分利用马德里商标注册系统来获得商标的国际保护。

    For the sake of averting the trademarks , especially the well-known ones to be bad-faith registered , the enterprises require perfect related tactics and long-term international sights and make good use of the Madrid trademark registration system to attain the international protection of trademark .

  23. 较为普遍的域名与商标冲突的表现形式有:域名抢注、偶合及商标抢注。

    The general forms of the conflict are domain name hijacking and trade mark preemption .

  24. 完善取得商标专用权制度、明确认定商标抢注行为属于不正当竞争行为和建立严格的商标注册审查制度是解决问题的关键。

    The key to resolve this problems is improv - ing the system of trademark monopoly rights and determining unfair competition to rush registration and founding strict review system for trademark registration .

  25. 对企业商标注册若干问题的探讨&兼论商标抢注问题

    Understand the Problems in Trademark Registration

  26. 在实践中,反竞争的商标许可、域名反向劫持、商标恶意抢注等行为均是商标权滥用的具体表现。

    In practice , the anti-competition licensing of trademark , reverse domain name hijacking and so on , is the incorporate of trademark right abuse .

  27. 正因为商标蕴含着巨大价值,些基于不正当目的的抢注者企图通过商标抢注行为来牟取巨额利益。

    Because of the huge value contained in trademark , some people basing on improper purpose attempt to reap huge profits through the cybersquatting .

  28. 我国高校商标无形资产的管理策略分析&从高校校名成为商标抢注对象谈起

    The Analysis of Management Strategies about the Trademark of Immaterial Assets at University

  29. 第四部分就姓名商标保护的特殊问题进行了论述,如姓名商标的恶意抢注问题和合理使用问题。

    The fourth part discusses some special problems of the name of trademark protection , such as the malicious registration and the problem of fair use .

  30. 本文将商标审查评审流程单独列为一个部分进行中日两国防止商标抢注法律制度的比较研究,是想更深入地介绍和分析日本在这方面的一些独特的法律制度。

    The paper makes the Trademark Examination and Appeal Procedure as a separate part comparatively analysed in order to deeply introduce and analyze some unique legal systems in this area of Japan .