
  • 网络regenerative cycle;regenerated cycle
  1. 200MW模块式高温气冷堆回热循环系统热力学设计研究

    Thermodynamics Design of Regenerative Cycle System in 200 MW Modular HTGR

  2. 分析了制冷和制热工况下R22及R410a工质回热循环的性能,并利用多种不同结构形式的回热器在实验样机上进行了实验验证。

    Analyze the performance of regenerative cycle using R22 & R410a refrigerant under refrigeration and heat-pump condition . The feasibility of using regenerator is analyzed by experiments .

  3. 介绍了多孔介质(PM)发动机的工作过程及其PM回热循环的热力学理想模型。

    Working processes of the porous medium combustion engine , called " PM-engine ", are briefly introduced and the ideal thermodynamic model of PM heat regeneration cycle is presented .

  4. 间冷回热循环舰船用燃气轮机WR-21的技术特点

    Technological Feature of the WR-21 Marine Intercooled Recuperated Gas Turbine

  5. 化学回热循环燃气轮机可以充分利用排气余热来提高循环热效率和输出功率,减少NOx排放。

    Chemically recuperated gas turbine ( CRGT ) can make full use of the exhaust heat to enhance the thermal efficiency and output power , reduce the emission of exhaust gas NOx and get high-quality pyrolysis fuel .

  6. 燃气轮机化学回热循环是一种先进循环方式,既可以充分利用燃气轮机排气余热提高循环热效率,又可以解决简单燃气轮机循环NOx排放物过多等造成的环境问题。

    Chemical recycle of gas-turbine is an advanced method of recycling , which can increase cycle thermal efficiency by taking full advantage of remainder of exhaust heat of gas-turbine and sort out to deal with environmental problems caused by overmuch exhaust NOx emissions in gas turbine engine of simple cycle .

  7. 基于回热循环的燃气轮机发电系统技术分析

    The Analysis for Heat Recuperated Gas Turbine Cycles for Power Generation

  8. 文中对该循环进行了计算,并以常规回热循环为参照,详细研究了其性能。

    The thermodynamic performance of the proposed cycle has been studied detailedly .

  9. 实际闭式燃气轮机回热循环热力参数数值分析

    A numerical analysis on thermodynamic parameters of real closed-cycle regenerated gas turbine

  10. 铁电致冷回热循环的基本优化关系

    The fundamental optimal relation of the regeneration cycle for the ferroelectric refrigeration

  11. 横管降膜蒸发-凝结回热循环太阳能海水淡化装置实验研究

    Experimental study on horizontal tube falling film evaporation-condensation solar desalination unit with regenerated cycle

  12. 中冷回热循环燃气轮机动态仿真研究

    Dynamic Simulation of Intercooled Regenerated Cycle Gas Turbines

  13. 回热循环燃气轮机中回热器的动态特性研究

    On regenerator dynamic behavior of regenerative gas turbines

  14. 间冷回热循环航空发动机的发展和关键技术

    Developing IRA Engine and Its Key Technology

  15. 燃气轮机回热循环新析

    New analysis of recuperative gas turbine cycles

  16. 中间冷却式回热循环燃气轮机带中间冷却器的增压柴油机

    Intercooled regenerative cycle gas turbine superthermal diesel

  17. 铁电制冷回热循环的制冷系数和制冷率

    The coefficient of performance and the refrigeration rate of the regeneration cycle for the ferroelectric refrigeration

  18. 气体透平氦气模块堆的事故分析高温气冷堆回热循环及透平机组的初步研究

    Analysis of the GT-MHR Benchmark Problem Preliminary Study on Helium Turbomachine for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor

  19. 燃气轮机中间回热循环性能分析

    Alternative regenerative cycle performance analysis

  20. 采用回热循环可以使燃机效率提高10%甚至更高。

    It makes the efficiency of cycle 10 % higher and even more by using recuperated cycle .

  21. 定压[等压]回热循环

    Constant pressure regenerative cycle

  22. 燃气轮机回热循环进一步新析&考虑平均传热温差与流阻的关系

    New analysis of recuperative gas turbine cycles & with the relationship between heat transfer temperature difference and pressure drop included

  23. 为下一步的化学回热循环燃气轮机系统的研究打下基础。

    It lays a good foundation for the study of the Chemical Heat Recycle Gas Turbine in the next stage .

  24. 特别对间冷回热循环的优点进行了分析和介绍。(2)优化设计燃气轮机间冷系统。

    The advantages of ICR cycle are introduced and analyzed systematically . Secondly , the design of intercooler system is optimized .

  25. 用等效热降法逐次逼近回热循环最佳焓升分配&兼论国产60万千瓦机组的回热分配燃气轮机中间回热循环性能分析

    An interative approximation to the optimum distribution of enthalpy rises in a regenerative cycle by the method of equivalent enthalpy drop

  26. 作为回热循环中的关键部件,回热器性能的好坏对于燃气轮机效率的提高至关重要。

    Recuperator , as the key part in recuperated cycle , plays the important role in efficiency increasing of gas turbine .

  27. 提出一种带回热的新型节能燃气灶,即采用回热循环来提高燃气灶的热效率。

    A new type of energy saving gas stove with heat recovery is proposed , which adopts heat regenerative cycle to improve gas stoves thermal efficiency .

  28. 通过实例,对中冷回热循环燃气轮机的动态性能进行分析,并与简单循环燃气轮机仿真结果进行比较。

    The dynamic behaviors of intercooled regenerated cycle gas turbines are analyzed by an example , and are compared with simulation results of simple cycle gas turbines .

  29. 化学回热循环燃气轮机是一种先进循环燃机,既可以充分利用排气余热提高循环热效率,又可以形成高品质的裂解燃料。

    Chemically recuperated gas turbine using the advanced recycle can improve cycle thermal efficiency by making full use of exhausted waste heat and also produce the high-quality fuel .

  30. 根据化学燃烧理论和变比热容计算方法,提出了微型燃气轮机回热循环装置性能参数的计算和分析的方法;

    By using chemical combustion theory and variable specific heat capacity approach , a method of calculation and analysis of thermal performance parameters of micro-turbine device on a regenerative cycle is presented .