
tuán huǒ fàn zuì
  • gang crime;crime committed by a gang
  1. 论90后青少年团伙犯罪的心理机制

    A Study on the Psychological Mechanism of Post-1990s Gang Crime

  2. 论恶势力团伙犯罪特点及打防对策

    Brief Argumentation Of Characteristics And Countermeasures Of Gang Crime Of Evil Power

  3. ellis正在调查州内团伙犯罪的影响。

    Ellis is investigating the influence of organized crime in providence .

  4. 他们被控谋杀罪和团伙犯罪,正在等待审判。

    They were awaiting trial and charges of murder and gangsterism .

  5. 青少年团伙犯罪已成为青少年犯罪的重要形式。

    Teenager regiment crime has becoming an important form of teenage crime .

  6. 论对团伙犯罪前置性侦查打击

    On the Precedent Strike of Criminal Investigation against Organized Crimes

  7. 涉及工会的腐败行为和团伙犯罪。

    Corrupt practices and organized crime that involve organized labor .

  8. 预防耳聋青少年团伙犯罪的教育对策研究

    The Education Tactics Research of Preventing Young Deaf People 's Clique in Crime

  9. 团伙犯罪人物和他的副手们。

    The organized crime figure and his lieutenants .

  10. 同时这时期在团伙犯罪、女性犯罪等方面也显示出了不同以往的新的情况。

    There also are new character in organization of crime and crime of female .

  11. 社会学视域下的青少年团伙犯罪

    A Sociological Interpretation of the Juvenile Gang Crimes

  12. 青少年犯罪类型多样化,涉及财物团伙犯罪的占绝大多数。

    Diverse types of juvenile crime , gang crimes involving property of the majority .

  13. 调查人员表示,罪犯与死者相互认识,且枪杀不涉及团伙犯罪。

    Investigators say the two knew each other and the shooting was not gang related .

  14. 团伙犯罪突出;

    Gang crimes are outstanding ;

  15. 从犯罪形式上,个人犯罪逐渐向团伙犯罪发展;

    In delinquency form , the rural juvenile delinquency develops gradually from individual crime to gang crime ;

  16. 国际难民协会表示,所有难民营的性暴力,家庭暴力和团伙犯罪呈上升趋势。

    Refugees International says sexual , domestic and gang violence in and around the refugee camps is rising .

  17. 他认为团伙犯罪和暴力是一种疾病,应该作为公共健康问题来处理。

    He sees gangs and violence as a disease that needs to be dealt with as a public health problem .

  18. 日本正在进行一份新的报告,试图终止团伙犯罪与古老的运动相扑之间的关系。

    A new effort is underway in Japan to end links between organized crime and the ancient sport of sumo wrestling .

  19. 米克斯被指控违法持有军火武器和弹药,在公共场所以及团伙犯罪活动中携带装有子弹的武器。

    Meeks was charged with illegally possessing firearms and ammo , carrying a loaded firearm in public and criminal street gang activity .

  20. 抢劫案的特点是犯罪嫌疑人年龄偏小,多为团伙犯罪,所获取的财物较少。

    The robbery is characterized by the small age of the suspects , mostly gang crime and the small amount of property .

  21. 团伙犯罪,在我国是一个法律问题,也是当前农村一个较为严重的社会问题。

    Criminal group is a legal problem in our country , and is also a serious social problem at present in rural area .

  22. 在洛杉矶和圣何塞这样的城市,检察官已要求对那些被怀疑有团伙犯罪行为的犯罪集团成员实行禁令。

    In cities such as Los Angeles and San Jose , prosecutors have sought injunctions against groups of people suspected of gang activity .

  23. 我们很难估计团伙犯罪的收入,因为罪犯通常会花大量时间来隐藏他们的所得。

    Organized crime revenues are very difficult to estimate , as criminals often spend a significant amount of time trying to hide what they make .

  24. 罪名一旦成立,绑架最高服刑9年;团伙犯罪须服刑3到9年。

    Conviction on the kidnapping charge carries a maximum penalty of nine years ; the criminal association charge carries a penalty of three to nine years .

  25. 前置性侦查打击团伙犯罪模式,是近年来首都刑侦部门针对现代社会变革及刑事犯罪发展态势,在侦查打击团伙性刑事犯罪过程中创建的新的工作思路和侦查模式。

    The new strike mode of precedent criminal investigation has formed as a result of the study on the reform situation and the development of modern crimes .

  26. 青少年团伙犯罪行为作为青少年犯罪的主要形式,其行为模式是与青少年自身的生理、心理等方面的特点和所处的社会环境无法分开的。

    Juvenile gang crimes whose criminal behavioral mode is closely related to the physical and mental characteristics of adolescents and the social environments account for a majority of juvenile delinquencies .

  27. 公务员们根据中央规定而不是价格因素进行食品分配带来的后果便是餐饮行业成为黑市和团伙犯罪的温床。

    One consequence of food and drink being allocated by civil servants according to central decrees , rather than by price , was that the restaurant business became an incubator for the black market and organised crime .

  28. 近年来由于受到第5次犯罪高峰的影响,团伙犯罪出现了许多新特点,那么出现新特点的原因是什么,如何对这些新型的团伙犯罪进行遏制,作者在文中阐明了自己的看法。

    In recent years , being influenced by the 5th crime peak , many new characteristics have arisen from gang crimes . The author illustrates his own opinion on the reason that arose those characteristics and how to control those gang crimes .

  29. 未成年人犯罪呈现出以下特点:犯罪低龄化;犯罪升级,严重暴力犯罪不断增长:团伙犯罪现象严重;少女犯罪增长迅速的特点。

    Also , the proportion of juvenile crime in crimes is growing constantly . There are some characters in juvenile crime : lower age ; crime upgrade ; increase of serious violent crime ; gang crimes ; fast increase of crimes by girls .

  30. 了解青少年团伙犯罪的特点,探索青少年团伙犯罪的心理原因和预防措施,对预防和减少青少年团伙犯罪,对促进青少年一代的健康成长和社会的稳定是非常有益的。

    It is beneficial to prevent and reduce teenage regiment crime , and to promote society stability and teenager 's generation 's growth healthily ; to understand the characteristics and psychological reasons for teenager regiment commit , and to research into the prevention measures .