
tuán gòu
  • purchase in a group
  • group purchase;group buy
  1. 对W团购企业主要存在的团购运营管理问题进行分析,而后并对团购企业组织网络团购提出相应的建议。

    The W group purchase group purchase enterprise mainly exist in the operation and management problems are analyzed , and then the group purchase group purchase of organizational network put forward the corresponding suggestion .

  2. 整合措施分为三个方面即纵向整合、横向整合以及与网络新应用(LBS、3G、团购、网上商店)的整合。

    The integration measures are divided into three aspects , which are vertical integration , horizontal integration and the integration combined with new network applications ( LBS 、 3G 、 group purchase 、 online shop ) .

  3. 也就是说,吉尔亚迪成为了团购界的谢乐儿•桑德博格(谢乐儿•桑德博格为Facebook首席运营官&译注)。

    So Georgiadis becomes Sheryl Sandberg for the daily deals world .

  4. 本文以H品牌笔记本电脑网络团购的策略选择问题为实例,给出了团购策略选择方法在现实中的应用研究,并验证了本文给出方法的可行性和实用性。

    This case is about a group-buying strategy selection of H notebook , which demonstrates the selection method .

  5. 团购网站Groupon最近收购了从事社会旅行研究的初创公司Uptake。

    Groupon acquired the social Travel Research startup uptake .

  6. 当然,如果Facebook的Deals团购平台真的做大,那么就没吉尔亚迪什么事了。

    Well , unless Facebook really scales its deals platform , which would make Sheryl Sandberg the Sheryl Sandberg of the daily deals world .

  7. 那时Groupon才真正与团购网站开始短兵相接的战斗。

    Groupon will then be running up against that Tuangou competition .

  8. 问问团购网站Groupon或社交游戏公司Zynga公司吧,它们都知道个中滋味。

    Just ask Groupon ( grpn ) or Zynga ( ZnGa ) .

  9. 比方说,团购网站Groupon就在IPO流程中被SEC要求重新报告收入。

    Groupon , for instance , during its IPO process was forced by the SEC to restate its revenue .

  10. 其中,俄罗斯的数字天空科技(DigitalSkyTechnologies)集团今年就为京东注资5亿美元,这家公司也是Facebook、社交游戏开发商Zynga、和团购网站Groupon背后的投资者。

    Digital Sky Technologies ( DST ) & the Russian firm that is backing Facebook , Zynga , and grouponinvested $ 500 million this year .

  11. 主打中国餐馆点评和团购服务的美团和大众点评,以及在线零售商当当网,都已经为iPhone用户推出了兼容ApplePay的最新版APP。

    Chinese restaurant review and group buying services Meituan and Dazhongdianping and online retailer Dangdang.com have also made Apple Pay-compatible versions of their apps available to iPhone users .

  12. 比如家喻户晓的一个例子,团购网站Groupon拒掉了谷歌公司(Google)的60亿美元出价。

    Groupon ( grpn ) , for example , famously shunned a $ 6 billion offer from Google ( GOOG ) .

  13. Groupon(团购网)已经拉开了节假日交易的序幕。

    Groupon has already kicked off a festival holiday deals in hundreds of local markets .

  14. 查莉•罗斯:团购网站Groupon的上市及其他相关动态是否改变您对公司IPO时机的看法?

    Charlie Rose : has the Groupon experience and has other things changed your sense of the timing of an IPO ?

  15. 你听说团购网站Groupon的早期投资者正在对这家公司丧失信心的事了吗?

    Have you heard that early Groupon ( grpn ) investors are bailing on the company ?

  16. 此外,昔日的垃圾邮件制作者还在利用团购网站Groupon等在线优惠券服务。

    Erstwhile spammers are also making use of online-coupon services such as Groupon ( grpn ) .

  17. 据说,像团购网站Groupon和谷歌(Google)之类的公司也在紧锣密鼓地推出新产品,将直接与Square公司展开竞争。

    And others , like Groupon ( grpn ) and Google , are said to be close to introducing products that will directly compete with square ' s.

  18. 已经采用了营销推文的合作公司包括戴尔(Dell)、Groupon、捷蓝航空(JetBlue)、团购网站LivingSocial和微软的Xbox。

    Partners include Dell , Groupon , JetBlue , livingsocial , and Microsoft Xbox .

  19. 几乎就在同一时期,团购的大衰退开始了,尽管当时Groupon已经宣布公司即将上市。

    Almost immediately , the backlash ensued , even as Groupon announced that it would go public .

  20. 团购网站Groupon等公司虽然增长迅速,但亏损严重。

    Some , like Groupon ( grpn ) , went public with fast growth but big losses .

  21. 正是这些人让安德鲁·梅森在团购网站Groupon首次公开募股之前将所有股票套现。

    And who let Andrew Mason cash out all of that Groupon ( grpn ) stock pre-IPO .

  22. 封面女郎汰渍Halo团购网美国运通看看他背后其中一个广告商是我的书

    Cover Girl , Tide , Halo , Groupon , American Express.Look at the back , one of the sponsors is my book

  23. 几个月来备受质疑和指责的团购网站Groupon终于做了件让投资者高兴的事。

    After months of skepticism and criticism , daily deal company Groupon apparently did something to excite investors .

  24. 我们推出了LivingSocialInstant以后,Groupon不久也推出了他们的即时团购服务(GrouponNow),它完全克隆了我们的LivingSocialInstant。

    So we launched livingsocial instant , and Groupon launched their clone of that later [ Groupon now ] .

  25. JiWire现在正将Groupon提供的团购交易信息加入这些基于位置的移动广告。

    The company is adding Groupon deals to its location-based mobile ads.

  26. 京东已经从一些有声望的战略投资者那里募集到了资金,包括在美国投资了Facebook和团购网站Groupon的数字天空技术公司(DigitalSkyTechnologies)。

    It has already raised a whopping $ 1.5bn from a group of high-profile strategic investors including Digital Sky Technologies , which invested in Facebook and discount buying website Groupon in the US .

  27. 两年前,社交定位网站FourSquare和团购网站Groupon这样的公司还籍籍无名,如今基本上已成了家喻户晓的品牌。

    Barely known two years ago , companies like foursquare and Groupon are now practically household names .

  28. 去年,团购网站Groupon启动首次公开募股,安德鲁•梅森又将其提升到了一个可笑的新高度。

    Andrew Mason raised it to absurd new heights when Groupon ( grpn ) launched its IPO last year .

  29. 过去六个月里,像Facebook和团购网站Groupon这类公司的股票表现实在令人失望。

    In the past six months , such tech companies as Facebook ( FB ) and Groupon ( grpn ) have seen their shares disappoint .

  30. 互联网集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)既是美团(主要是一家团购网站)的第三大股东,如今也是美团最大的竞争对手之一。

    Internet group Alibaba is both the third-biggest investor in Meituan , which is primarily a group buying site , and one of its biggest rivals now .