
yuán yì xué
  • horticulture;landscape gardening horticulture
  1. 爱荷华州大学园艺学专家CindyHaynes建议种子应埋在1.25公分的深度。

    Iowa State University horticulture specialist Cindy Haynes suggests planting the seeds one and one-quarter centimeters deep .

  2. 此研究所致力于观赏园艺学的发展。

    IQDHO promotes and contributes to the development of ornamental horticulture .

  3. 克隆这个词最初是应用于园艺学,随着克隆技术的发展,克隆概念不断获得新的含义,扩展到了细胞培养技术、核移植技术、以及DNA序列的扩增技术。

    Its implication of the term " clone " has been renewed continuously , extending to the techniques of cell culture , nuclear transplant , and multiplication of DNA sequences .

  4. 多媒体技术作为一种新的教学手段有着其它教学手段无可比拟的优越性,制作园艺学CAI课件,将多媒体技术用于园艺学教学过程中,能取得很好的教学效果。

    There is superiority of other teaching with incomparable means in the new teaching means as one kind of the multimedia technology , Make gardening CAI lesson one , use multimedia technology for it in the teaching course of gardening , Will make better teaching result .

  5. 他已热衷于是园艺学。

    He 's gone in for gardening in a big way .

  6. 玛丽·格林已经写了许多颇受欢迎的有关园艺学的书。

    Mary Green has written many popular books on gardening .

  7. 《园艺学概论》课程教学改革与实践的研究

    Researches on the Teaching Reform and Practice of An Introduction to Horticulture

  8. 抱子甘蓝新品系主要园艺学性状的评价

    A preliminary evaluation on main horticultural characteristics of Brussels sprouts

  9. 西瓜种质资源主要园艺学性状的评价

    An evaluation on main horticultural properties of Watermelon Germplasm

  10. 甜椒的园艺学分类及其特性

    Horticultural Classification of Sweet Pepper and Their Characteristics

  11. 他是个有才华的年轻人,将成为园艺学方面的巨人。

    He is a gifted young man and will become a giant in gardening .

  12. 相对于作为基础学科的植物学而言,园艺学是一门应用科学。

    Horticulture is an applied science , as opposed to Botany , a basic science .

  13. 根茎鸢尾园艺学研究进展

    Advances of Horticultural Study of Rhizomatous Irises

  14. 贵州省荔波野生梅分布、生态适应性和园艺学性状

    Distribution , ecological adaptability and horticultural characteristics of wide plum in Libo , Guizhou province

  15. 园艺学有关种植水果,蔬菜,鲜花或装饰性植物的学问或技巧

    The science or art of cultivating fruits , vegetables , flowers , or ornamental plants

  16. 2001-2003年中国园艺学论文的统计分析

    Statistics and Analyze of Horticultural Sci-Tech Papers During the Period from 2001 to 2003 in China

  17. 依托实验教学示范中心构建园艺学实验课程新体系

    Constructing a new system of horticultural experiment course based on resources of experimental teaching demonstration centre

  18. 对毒剂有一般的了解,而对于实用园艺学却一无所知。

    Knows nothing of practical gardening .

  19. 戴夫只想找个地方过一段家庭居住的生活以获得沙漠园艺学学位。

    Dave had only wanted a place to do a homestay and earn his degree in desert horticulture .

  20. 总结了根茎鸢尾栽培和育种的新进展,旨在推动我国根茎鸢尾园艺学研究的发展。

    This paper presented the advances in their cultivation and breeding , in order to promote the horticultural study of rhizomatous irises in China .

  21. 同时,随着园林设计和园艺学的发展,植物景观的作用及景观意义倍受重视。

    Meanwhile , with the development of garden design and horticulture , the significance of plants and landscape and the role of the landscape becomes more important .

  22. 该研究为园艺学研究提供了用孢子人工繁殖剑叶凤尾蕨的方法,也为分子生物学、遗传学和蕨类植物系统学研究提供了基础。

    This study reveals not only the technique of propagation of P.ensiformis with spores for horticulture but also the proper conditions for molecular biology , genetics and systematics study .

  23. 环境园艺学通过合理的植物选择、繁殖、生长、种植安排等各方面来提升人们的生活环境,包括室内外植物的应用。

    Environmental Horticulture includes all aspects of enhancing people 's lives through the proper selection , propagation , growth , placement , and use of plants in interior and exterior surroundings .

  24. 根据园艺学,生态经济学原理,重点剖析了内陆脐橙区冻害和优质果生产并存的气候生态和资源条件。

    On the basis of horticulture and ecological - economics principles , the climatic ecological and resources conditions for the co - existing phenomena of navel orange freeze injury and high yielding in inland areas are analyzed .

  25. 目前,科技文献对医学、水利、森林培育等方面的发展作用的研究较多,但对园艺学的发展作用研究较少。

    At present , the scientific and technical literature is fostered to the medical science , water conservancy , forest , etc. development function of the respect is studied more , but the development function on gardening is studied less .

  26. 获取多孔介质水力参数,精细刻画野外含水层水力特征,描述含水层空间变异性,一直是水文地质学、土壤学、园艺学等研究的热点。

    Seeking a method to obtain the hydrogeological parameters of porous media and to give a detailed description of the heterogeneous properties and hydrogeological characteristics of aquifers in the field is always a hotspot in hydrogeology , agrology , and horticulture .

  27. 主要采用实地调查和综合分析的研究方法,应用园林生态学、观赏园艺学、环境行为学等相关学科的理论知识,针对兰花栽培和兰花庭院景观的设计开展研究。

    Mainly using the research methods of field investigation and comprehensive analysis , application of landscape ecology , horticulture , ornamental theory knowledge of environmental behavior science and other related subjects , the research design of orchid cultivation and orchid garden landscape .

  28. 如果你想建立一个小组,共同的兴趣爱好是很棒的一个组织原则:法国电影、园艺、学意大利语、训练马拉松长跑等等。

    If you want to start a group , a common passion is a great organizing principle : French movies , gardening , learning Italian , training for a marathon , etc.

  29. 园艺产品加工学实验与实习改革探讨

    Primary Exploration on the Reform of Experiment and Practice on Horticulture Products Processing

  30. 实验与实习教学是培养学生创新能力的重要途径,通过对园艺产品加工学课程实验与实习教学的研究与实践,打破传统实验与实习教学的思路。

    Experiments and practice teaching are an important way to cultivate students ' innovation ability . A new method to train students ' innovation ability was explored by means of experiments and practice teaching .