
  • 网络Immobilized Glucose Isomerase;Immobilized glucose isomerase preparation
  1. 共沉淀法制备ZnO压敏电阻复合添加剂GB8274-1987食品添加剂固定化葡萄糖异构酶制剂

    The Preparation of ZnO Varistor Composite Additive By Means of Chemical Coprecipitation Food addition & Immobilized glucose isomerase preparatio

  2. 采用丹麦Novo公司测固定化葡萄糖异构酶(SweetzymeT)活力的反应体系,用半胱氨酸-咔唑法评价酶的活性,研究了磁场在不同条件下对酶活力的影响。

    By Novo method for activity determination of the Immobilized Glucose Isomerase ( IGI ) - Sweetzyme T , the effect of magnetized substrate on IGI activity was studied .

  3. 磁场影响固定化葡萄糖异构酶活性的研究

    The Effect of Magnetic Field on Immobilized Glucose Isomerase Catalytic Activity

  4. 家蚕丝素固定化葡萄糖异构酶的制备方法及其理化性质

    Preparation and Properties of Immobilization of Glucose Isomerase on Silk Fibroin

  5. 固定化葡萄糖异构酶的研究&Ⅱ.固定化葡萄糖异构酶的性质

    STUDIES ON IMMOBILIZED GLUCOSE ISOMERASE ⅱ . Properties of Immobilized Glucose Isomerase

  6. DEAE&纤维素固定化葡萄糖异构酶

    Enzyme & glucose FET sensor for detection of glucose Immobilized Glucose Isomerase on DEAE-Cellulose

  7. 细胞-载体共交联固定化葡萄糖异构酶研究Ⅱ、高温转化及酶生产能力和稳写性预测

    Studies on Cell-carrier Co-crosslinked Glucose Isomerase Part II . Prediction of Productivity and Half-life of an Immobilized Gl in a High Temperature and Shorttime Conversion

  8. 固定化葡萄糖异构酶转化葡萄糖为果糖的转化率可达45-54%,其甜度超过同浓度的蔗糖。

    The conversion ratios of glucose to fructose catalyzed by the immobilized glucose isomerase is from 45 to 54 % . The sweetness of the product is over that of sucrose in the same concentration .

  9. 方法:以磷酸化的PVA海藻酸钙为载体包埋黑曲霉细胞,与固定化的葡萄糖异构酶协同反应,以蔗糖为原料转化生产低聚果糖。

    Methods : Aspergillus niger cells entrapped by modified phosphorylated polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA ) alginate gel co react with immobilized glucose isomerase to transfer sucrose to FOS .

  10. 在双头试剂的帮助下,用分子沉积法,于多孔三甲铵甲基聚苯乙烯载体上成功地固定化了双层葡萄糖异构酶。

    With the help of double reagent , using molecular deposition method , double layer glucose isomerase was immobilized on porous trimethylammonium methyl polystyrene carrier .

  11. 糖果:糖果是糖或可可做成的糖基产品。固定化黑曲霉细胞与固定化葡萄糖异构酶生产高含量低聚果糖

    Candy : Sweet sugar - or chocolate-based confection . Production of High content Fructooligosaccharides with Immobilized Aspergillus niger and Glucose Isomerase