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  • 网络fixed phrase;set phrase
  1. 近20年来大规模的真实语料统计分析表明,自然话语中的70%是由单词和固定短语之间的一种半固定的板块结构来实现的(Altenberg,1991)。

    Large-scale statistic analyses of real language materials in recent 20 years have shown that 70 percent of natural utterances are completed by the semi-fixed " chunks " existing between words and fixed phrases ( Altenberg , 1991 ) .

  2. 面向教育领域的固定短语提取方法研究

    Research on Methodology for Extraction of Fixed Phrases in Education Field

  3. 故填has,haveaninfluenceon为固定短语,意为“对……有影响”。句意为:父母与孩子之间的亲密程度对孩子性格的形成有很大的影响。

    How close parents are to their children ______ ( have ) a strong influence on the development of the children ’ s characters .

  4. 是否应把这句话里的takealookat作为固定短语记?

    Shall we remember " take a look at " as a set phrase in this sentence ?

  5. 在对NV结构的省略分析中,NV省略介词或其它相关词语是受到相同语境和已知信息的影响,并且Ⅱ类短语的省略还受固定短语结构的稳定性特征影响。

    In the usage of omitting , both the omitted preposition in NV structure and other relative words are affected by the same context of words and given the information , and the omitted preposition of the second kind phrases is also affected by the stability of fixed phrase .

  6. 书面语副词的语例多为固定短语。

    More example words of archaism adverbs are fixed phrases .

  7. 汉语成语是汉语在发展中形成的约定俗成的固定短语。

    Chinese Idioms were formed in the development of conventional fixed phrases .

  8. 试论现代汉语中非固定短语的熟语化过程及其成因

    On the Conventionalization of Unset Phrases in Modern Chinese and Its Causes

  9. 固定短语是我们的“文化图标”或文字形象;

    Set Phrases are our " cultural icons " . or word images ;

  10. 一般来说,我们可以从结构上的定型性、语义上的不可分割性以及语用的频率来判别一个非固定短语是否已经熟语化。

    Generally speaking , we can judge this by their structures , meanings and pragmatic frequency .

  11. 为固定短语,意为“尝试做某事”。

    C.make an attempt to do sth.

  12. 意义的双层性是成语区别于其他固定短语的本质特点。

    The characteristic of double meanings is the essential feature that distinguishes the Chinese idioms from other fixed phrases .

  13. 描述性短语一旦成为固定短语,重音就从第二个单词转移到第一个单词上。

    As soon as a descriptive phrase becomes a set phrase , the emphasis shifts from the second word to the first .

  14. 我们主要阐述了这篇论文的选题目的以及意义,整合理论和类固定短语的研究现状。

    It introduces the purpose and meaning of this paper , the current situation of the research on integration theory and class fixed-phrase .

  15. 尝试建构类固定短语型式格式语例三级体系,从三个不同层级考察类固定短语的性质和构成。

    Attempt construction quasi-fixed structure pattern - form - case three-level system , from three different level inspection quasi-fixed structure nature and constitution .

  16. 而类固定短语也是里面非常重要的一个组成部分,它处于单词和成语之间。

    It also includes the quasi-set phrases , which are the very important part in it , it is between the idioms and words .

  17. 此外,一些含有丰富中国传统文化的固定短语、典故、谚语和诗词也经常被使用。

    Besides , set phrases , ritual sentences , allusions , proverbs and poems with a strong sense of Chinese culture are often used .

  18. 在语言层面,新闻英语语篇翻译中的互文性因素主要体现在各式各样的引用,⑧默凭糕如直接引语、间接引语、固定短语、谚语的引用及翻译技巧;

    In the language layer , Intertextuality is characterized by varied citations such as direct speech , indirect speech , set phrases , and proverbs .

  19. 通过对今年来国内外研究现状的考察,我们可以看出在现代汉语类固定短语的研究方面还有可突破的空间。

    Through the study at home and abroad this year , we can find that there is still a breakthrough space on the quasi-set phrases .

  20. 本文基于大规模语料库,对现代汉语中大量存在的类固定短语进行一定的理论建设和探讨。

    This article , we rest on the large-scale corpus , carries on certain theory construction and the discussion to quasi-fixed structure in modern Chinese .

  21. 在实际的语言应用中,类固定短语的使用频率越来越高,所以这部分词还是有很高的能产性的。

    In the practical application of language , quasi-set phrases are used with an increasing frequency , so this part still has a high productivity .

  22. 英习语作为一种广为流传且具有特定含义的固定短语和短句,其翻译不仅是不同语言的转换,更是不同文化的融合。

    English idioms are popular fixed phrases and short sentences with special connotations , and their translation involves not only the transfer of language but also cultural fusion .

  23. 所谓熟语单位,就是结合紧密,使用稳定,功能相当于熟语的结构单位,是符合人的认知规律并被人们经常当作一个词来使用的定型化了的固定短语或凝固表达式。

    IU functions as the structural unit of the idioms , conforms to the cognitive rules . It is a fixed expression often used as a single word .

  24. 成语是一种人们长期以来沿习使用的形式精练、含义丰富、具有书面语色彩的固定短语。

    The idiom is one kind of fixed phrase used by people since long time ago , which has concise form , rich meaning and the written language color .

  25. 本文依据蒙古语词汇中构成近义关系的单位,将现代蒙古语词汇分为单词、复合词及固定短语,概述了其特点及近义关系。

    On the basis of Mongolian vocabulary constitutes near-synonymy units , will modern Mongolian vocabulary consists of words , compound words and phrases , summarizes its characteristics and near-synonymy .

  26. 高频副词的语例以普通词语、句子和组合类居多,低频副词的语例以复合词或固定短语居多;

    The more example words of higher frequency adverbs are common words , sentences and combinations , more example words of lower frequency adverbs are compound words or fixed phrases ;

  27. 类固定短语的理论建设相对薄弱,相关问题的探讨比较分散,前人往往只注重具体格式的研究。

    The quasi-fixed structure theory construction is relatively weak , the related question discussion is quite dispersible , and the predecessor often only pays great attention to the concrete form the research .

  28. 要想避免汉化、译出比较地道的英文,重点要掌握两方面的知识:一是熟知英语词形的屈折变化、词的习惯性搭配和固定短语的用法;

    To avoid Chinglish and learn to use good English , it is necessary to master following knowledge : ⑴ the changes of English morphology , collocation and the usage of set phrases ;

  29. 类固定短语介于固定短语和自由短语之间,很难将它们截然分开,因此限定研究对象是考察工作展开的前提。

    The quasi-fixed structure is situated between the fixed structure and the free structure , clearly separates very difficultly them , therefore the definition object of study inspects the premise which the work launches .

  30. 从语言角度看,该教材的主要特色表现在以下几个方面:由简到繁、循序渐进的指导思想;标音有助于记忆;专门的词汇教学;固定短语的教学以及语块的教学。

    From the angle of language , the compilation characteristics of the textbook show up in the following aspects : step-by-step guidelines from simple to complex , transcription contributing to memory , specialized vocabulary teaching , fixed phrases and language chucks teaching .