
guó wài
  • abroad;overseas;external
国外[guó wài]
  1. 结论:与国外样品相比,B样品与C样品的控释效果较好;

    Conclusion : Controlling effect of B and C were the same as the external sample .

  2. 高g常数的梯状结构PZT压电陶瓷&国外新型压电材料简介

    High g-constant Piezoelectric PZT Ceramic with Ladder Type Structure & A brief introduction of new external piezoelectric material

  3. 我对有希望到国外工作着实很激动。

    I 'm really excited at the prospect of working abroad .

  4. 我们的大部分雇员都会在某一时期派驻国外。

    Most of our employees get posted abroad at some stage .

  5. 他早先在国外干过一段时间。

    He did a stint abroad early in his career .

  6. 现在这家公司已准备好在国外市场竞争。

    The company is now well positioned to compete in foreign markets .

  7. 她要移居国外,开始新的生活。

    She 's moving abroad to make a fresh start .

  8. 我总是向往去国外工作。

    I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad .

  9. 你在信中谈到你可能要移居国外。

    You mentioned in your letter that you might be moving abroad .

  10. 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱去国外。

    We can 't afford to go abroad this summer .

  11. 权力被褫夺后,遭废黜的国王流亡国外。

    Shorn of his power , the deposed king went into exile .

  12. 那次旅游使我产生了去国外旅行的兴趣。

    That trip gave me a taste for foreign travel .

  13. 国外进口货物当时按普通税率征税。

    A general tariff was imposed on foreign imports .

  14. 在国外使用此卡的2%附加费已经取消。

    The 2 % loading for using the card abroad has been removed .

  15. 在20世纪90年代来自国外的竞争加剧。

    Competition from abroad became fiercer in the 1990s .

  16. 英国的高价足以使买主把视线转向国外。

    High prices in the UK make it worthwhile for buyers to look abroad .

  17. 我毫不犹豫地抓住了去国外工作的机会。

    I grasped the opportunity to work abroad .

  18. 我本不想移居国外,但是比尔把我给说服了。

    I didn 't want to move abroad but Bill talked me into it .

  19. 他在国外居住多年以后,于1939年回到了英国。

    He returned to Britain in 1939 , having resided abroad for many years .

  20. 他的妻子立刻驳斥了他已逃到国外的谣言。

    Rumours that he had fled the country were promptly scotched by his wife .

  21. 过剩的谷物正销往国外。

    Surplus grain is being sold for export .

  22. 她在国外工作了一年。

    She worked abroad for a year .

  23. 这几个男人坚持说案发时他们在国外。

    The men maintained they were out of the country when the crime was committed .

  24. 她现在是空中乘务员了,去国外旅行对她已失去吸引力。

    Now that she 's a flight attendant , foreign travel has lost its glamour for her .

  25. 他认为出生于英格兰的选手在国外不会取得好成绩。

    He doesn 't think English-born players can cut it abroad .

  26. 她第一次在没有父母陪伴的情况下自己去国外度假。

    She was on her first foreign holiday without her parents .

  27. 大约65%的销量来自国外。

    About 65 per cent of its sales come from abroad .

  28. 他们把国外救济金非法转入了个人银行账户。

    They siphon foreign aid money into their personal bank accounts .

  29. 他们密切追踪有线电视新闻网上的国外新闻。

    They follow minutely the news from abroad on Cable News Network .

  30. 我们用进口石油赚到的钱从国外购买一切商品。

    We buy everything abroad with the money earned from oil imports .