
  • 网络state accumulation
  1. 帝国能源于2004年由其董事长彼得莱文(peterlevine)创建,已在俄罗斯及前苏联其它国家积累了众多资产。

    Imperial , which was founded by chairman Peter Levine in 2004 , has built up a number of assets across Russia and other countries in the former Soviet Union .

  2. 因为这些国家积累了大量的财富。

    There is so much wealth accumulation in these countries .

  3. 除了日本,亚洲国家积累盈余的主要途径是向美国提供廉价的商品和服务。

    Asian countries , other than Japan , accumulated the surpluses largely by supplying cheap goods and services to the US .

  4. 按照当时流行的学说,有助于一个国家积累货币或金银块的无论什么事情都会增加其财富。

    According to the doctrines then prevalent , whatever tended to heap up money or bullion in a country added to its wealth .

  5. 政府采购制度最先在英国实行,在英美等一些发达国家积累了许多经验。

    Purchase system for government was carried out firstly in England , and there is a lot of experience at England and America .

  6. 但也有一些反对者指出,中国没有理由不走先污染、后治理这一工业化国家积累财富时采取的模式。

    But they face rivals who see no reason why China should not follow the pollute first ; mitigate later model on which industrialised nations built their wealth .

  7. 最后,根据上述分析结果以及西方发达国家积累的节能减排经验针对不同的区域提出了相应的节能减排对策。

    Finally , we put forward the corresponding countermeasures to various regions according to the above analysis result and the accumulating experience of western developed countries in energy saving and emission reduction .

  8. 中国、新加坡和中东国家积累的外汇储备和国内财富规模意味着,这些基金可能吸引足够多的投资,来挑战美国私人股本业巨头。

    The scale of reserves and domestic wealth being accumulated by China , Singapore and countries in the Middle East suggests such funds could attract sufficient investment to challenge the US titans .

  9. 法官识别习惯,一要依靠一定的方法、二要依据一定的标准。关于习惯的查明方法,普通法系国家积累了丰富经验,特别是非洲国家的经验值得借鉴。

    To ascertain the custom , the judge depends on some approaches and accords to some criteria , In the common law countries , many experiences have been accumulated , especially in Africa .

  10. 居民储蓄存款不仅是我国金融机构运营资金的主要来源和国家积累资金的重要渠道,而且是国家调节货币流通的重要工具。

    The resident 's savings is not only the main capital source for national financial institutions and important channel for national capital accumulation , but also the key means for capital administrators to regulate the national currency .

  11. 目前体育教育俱乐部制在教育发达国家积累了许多经验,而且这些国家的实践也充分证明:高等学校体育教育走俱乐部制是完全正确的。

    At present , education-developed countries have accumulated a lot of experience on sports club system , and the practice of the countries has adequately proved : it is quite correct for the universities physical education to adopt the club system .

  12. 在这方面,许多国家已积累了丰富的经验。

    In this respect , many countries have gathered rich experiences .

  13. 我们要为国家建设积累资金。

    We should accumulate funds for the construction of the state .

  14. 他们省吃俭用,为了给国家多积累资金。

    B.They save food and reduce expenses to that to accumulate more funds for the state .

  15. 国家要积累,合作社也要积累,但是都不能过多。

    Accumulation is essential for both the state and the co-operative , but in neither case should it be excessive .

  16. 我国加工贸易的对象国主要集中于西方发达国家并积累了大量的贸易顺差,这使得人民币升值的压力进一步加大,也使我国与西方国家的贸易摩擦日益增多。

    The target countries of our processed trade are concentrating in the western country , which causes the revaluation pressure of RNB and the trade frictions day by day .

  17. 原因很可能是,增长最快的国家已积累了大量资金,因此不再需要外国人希望提供的额外资金(见图表)。

    It may well be because the fastest-growing countries save a great deal already and so do not need the extra capital foreigners wish to provide ( see chart ) .

  18. 几年来,这四个国家不断积累和趋于成熟的互联网行业给人们留下了非常深的印象,其中一些公司已经准备在2014年首发上市。

    Brazil , Russia , India , and China all have been developing and maturing very impressive Internet properties in the last few years , and some of those will be ready to hit the IPO market in 2014 .

  19. 英国通过与其他国家做生意积累起本国的财富。

    Britain built up her wealth by trading other countries .

  20. 对于大多数国家,储备积累是降低外部脆弱性和提高信用度的一种理智的战略的组成部分。

    For most countries , reserve accumulation is part of a sensible strategy to reduce external vulnerability and improve creditworthiness .

  21. 富裕的发达国家继续不断积累财富,而贫穷的发展中国家却几乎得不到日常生活的必需品。

    While the rich developed nations continued to amass wealth , the poor developed nations hardly obtain the basic necessities of life .

  22. 但是,根据对发展中国家的经济增长要素研究来看,却有别于发达国家,资本积累对发展中国家的经济增长显得更为重要。

    But , if we begin our research based on the developing country , the result is different , capital is most important .

  23. 亚洲金融危机后,大多东南亚国家都积极积累外汇储备以增强外汇市场干预能力。

    After the Asian financial crisis , most Southeast Asian countries are actively accumulating foreign exchange reserves to strengthen the exchange market intervention capabilities .

  24. 而对于占全国人口70%以上的农村居民而言,虽然为国家的原始积累做出过巨大贡献,但事实上从未获得过任何医疗保障。

    On the contrary , rural dwellers never gain any medicare in fact , though they contribute a lot to the original accumulation of the country .

  25. 教育是一个国家或地区积累人力资源的重要途径之一,也是经济可持续发展的重要基础。

    Education system is one of the major ways to accumulate human resource stock in a country of regin and also is an important base of economy development .

  26. 除了资金之外,世行在此类情形下及时帮助其它国家过程中积累的广泛经验也很重要。

    But beyond resources , what is also important is all the experience that the World Bank has accumulated in precisely having assisted other countries in this type of situation .

  27. 泰国和很多东亚国家未能给积累起来的过热降温,导致大量对外赤字以及房地产和股市泡沫。

    Failure to reduce overheating that had been building up in Thailand and many other countries in the region , led to large external deficits and property and stock market bubbles .

  28. 美国与日本作为发达国家,逐渐积累了有效的政府危机管理经验,包括危机管理战略地位的确定和危机管理的体制化。

    As a developed country , both US and Japan have cumulated rich proven experiences in crisis management , especially in defining the strategic roles and establishing a due system for crisis management .

  29. 同时国际收入的差异是通过在世界市场进行不等值交换达到“余额耗尽”的基础,减少了在第三世界国家固有资本积累的可能性。

    At the same time international income differences are the basis for the " drain of surplus " through unequal exchange in the world market , reducing the propects of indigenous capital accumulation in third world countries .

  30. 积累的各环节在社会主义中都起作用,否认这些环节,只要国家的高积累,会损害社会主义积累的速度。

    Every link of accumulation has its own role in socialism , try to deny their roles and concentrate attention only on high accumulation by the state , will be harmful and reduce the speed of socialist accumulation .