- 名international value

International value is that formed in the international market .
International Value Theory and the New Content of Price Work
Factor Analysis of International Values of Commodities under Circumstances of Economic Globalization
Marx s Theory of International Value and Western Doctrine of International Trade
The International Value of Software Industry and Software Outsourcing
Marx ' Theory of International Value and the Changes of Contemporary International Value
Research on Upgrading of Shanghai Auto Industry under International Division of Labor within Value Chains
Constructing of Marxist Theory of International Value
Making efforts to improve the level of productive force and creating even more international value ;
Marx : On the International Value
A More Thorough Understanding of Marx 's Theory of International Value and Its Application in Practice
Some Points on International Value
Therefore , according to the different characteristics of the service sectors , the way of the value determination varies .
However , for different types of service products , the way of the determination of its international value is different .
Marx didn 't build a comprehensive theoretical system of international value , but he had left us some important ideas .
Tumen River Area has a comprehensive developed international value , because it is the core of regional cooperation in Northeast Asia .
Britain 's history of free trade and openness gives UK companies comparative advantage in the new international structures of value creation .
The International Value of world labor clearly show the unity of labor that has face ′ s distinguish in the countries .
Technological Progress , Coordination of Institutional Changes and International Value : A Reconstructed Analysis of International Value from the Perspective of New Economic Geography
Trade globalization is an inevitable trend of profit-and market-oriented economy . It originates from the contradiction between production and market and its basic law is the international value law .
In the third chapter , the author of international law of value separate from the international value of theory out , a separate chapter , to highlight its importance .
It induces the international economic law and mechanism led by the law of international value , the law of value-added international capital , and the law of international technological innovation .
There is important significance in studying Marx ' theory of international value and its changes in the new period of time while developing China 's international trade and economic relations .
In the era of economic globalization , it has with important significance for us to study Marxist theory of international value which helps us to understand the international economic phenomena deeply .
In this chapter , we introduce the innovation theory that exposes the deep reason for the state-owned foreign trade enterprise 's management puzzledom from its position in the international value chain .
This article systematically expounds the general theory of the determination of the commodity value and the development of the Labour Theory of Value as well as its new problems confronted in the new economy .
The international value of software industry should be realized through international value chain . Whether the core software techniques may be controlled determines the chances that the country will hold the high-end of international value chain .
Finally , based on China 's fact and development rule , referring to the successful experience of international value-based management , it attempts to present basic thinking on the countermeasures about China 's listing company value development .
It is characterized by the contradiction between the national value and inter national value , the contradiction between capital globalization and national occupation , and the contradiction between dominance of technological innovation and the international innovation gap among nations .
On the basis of informatization and globalization caused by technological revolution the paper analyzes the influences of contemporary world economic changes on international value and the features of formation and realization of international value and the change of its law .