
ɡuó jì liè chē
  • international train
  1. 因此在TCN网络通信技术的基础上采用UIC国际列车通信技术会进一步提升网络整体通信应用性能,实现车辆间真正意义上的互操作。

    Therefore using the UIC international train communication technology based on the TCN network communication technology can greatly promote the whole communication application ability of network , and really realize the mutual operation .

  2. UIC556协议则是为实现这种互操作性制定的一种国际列车标准。

    The protocol of UIC556 which is an international train standard , is made for solving the problem of mutual operation .

  3. 乘坐国际列车就像是感受一次新生,至少在欧洲是这样。

    In Europe at least , international train travel is enjoying a renaissance .

  4. 靠着国际列车货运支撑的跨国生意,它已经是一个世界级的物流公司。

    It is already a world-class logistics company , with a global business based on its international rail-freight activity .

  5. 字签证发给执行乘务、航空、航运任务的国际列车乘务员、国际航空器机组人员及国际航行船舶和海员及其随行家属;

    Visa C to train attendants , air crew members and seamen operating international services , and to their accompanying family members .

  6. 在华运营的国际列车制造商高管私下表示,向北京抱怨或启动法律诉讼毫无意义。

    In private , officials from international train manufacturers operating in China say it is futile to complain to Beijing or initiate legal proceedings .

  7. 国际列车和民航国际航班乘务人员、国境铁路工作人员的出境、入境,按照协议和有关规定执行。

    The exit and entry of crews of transnational trains , crews of civil aviation planes operating international flights and the railway functionaries working in china 's border areas shall be handled according to relevant agreements and provisions .

  8. 符合列车通信网国际标准的列车已在欧美得到了广泛的应用,为了对TCN的体系结构有更进一步的了解,对列车通信网的编址和寻址方式的研究是很有必要的。

    In America and Europe the trains that follow TCN have been widely applied in order to have profound understanding , it is necessary to do research on addressing of TCN .

  9. 这是国际间高速列车开往沈阳新。

    This is the international high-speed train bound for New Shenyang .

  10. 集列车控制、故障诊断以及旅客服务信息处理于一体的列车通信网络是高速电力列车控制系统的关键技术,符合国际标准的列车通信网络设备有着极其广阔的前景。

    As the combination of train control , failure monitor and process of passenger service information , TCN ( Train Communication Network ) is the key technology in the control system of high-speed electrical train .

  11. 虚拟应答器已成为国际研究低成本列车运行控制系统的热点。

    It has become a hot area of low-cost train control system internationally .

  12. 从浦东国际机场乘坐磁悬浮列车到陆家嘴金融区。

    Take the Shanghai Maglev Train from Pudong International Airport to the Lujiazui financial district .