
ɡuó jì zú qiú lián hé huì
  • Federation Internationale de Football Association ;International Football Federation;International Soccer League
  1. 在国际足球联合会(FIFA)最新的国家队排名中,中国队排第97。国际足联的排名数据将于周四更新。

    The country sits at 97 on FIFA 's latest world rankings , which are due to be updated Thursday .

  2. 国际足球联合会是世界性足球领导管理机构。

    FIFA is the world governing body of football .

  3. 京晶:对,可是我刚才查到的,全名是国际足球联合会。

    Yeah , but I just looked it up : F é d é ration Internationale de Football Association .

  4. 这起诉讼针对足球管理机构国际足球联合会,原告起诉该组织未能制定脑震荡规则保护球员。

    The suit targets FIFA , soccer 's governing body , alleging the organization has failed to enact concussion rules to protect players .

  5. 1904年国际足球联合会成立,从此足球日益发展,遍布全球。

    International Association Football Federation was established in 1904 , the football was growing from then on , spread all over the world .

  6. 世界杯管理机构国际足球联合会仍在考虑对苏亚雷斯的处罚措施,而意大利最终以0比1输掉了这场比赛,赛后意大利主教练辞职。

    World Soccer governing body FIFA is still concerning sanctions for Suarez , and after Italy has lost a ball in the terminal , the head couch resigned .

  7. 第三:中国足球于1931年5月26日加入国际足球联合会,厘清了近现代中国足球组织发展的承接关系,为当代学者做进一步研究作了铺垫。

    Third , it prove the Chinese football joined in the FIFA in May 26th 1931 years , it give a clearly clue and matting to the modern football studies .

  8. 足球的世界管理机构国际足球联合会国际足球联盟[FIFA]主席布拉特[SeppBlatter]在圣保罗发表讲话时称他期待即将到来的巴西世界杯取得成功。

    President of football 's world governing body FIFA Sepp Blatter has said that he expected the upcoming World Cup in Brazil to be a success . He was speaking in Sao Paulo .

  9. 这首歌曲旋律动人,歌词朗朗上口,代表着“全球在2018年世界杯期间所共享的激动、欢庆以及团结,”国际足球联合会首席商贸官菲利普?勒弗洛克向国际足联官网表示。

    With a great melody and catchy lyrics , the song stands for " the excitement , the celebration and the unity that people all over the world will share during the 2018 World Cup , " Philippe Le Floc'h , chief commercial officer of the International Federation of Football Association ( FIFA ) told FIFA.com .

  10. 国际足球协会联合会世界明星赛;

    Federation of international football associations world All-Star game ;