
ɡuó jì fàn diàn
  • international hotel;Park Hotel
  1. 当晚总经理设座国际饭店宴请外宾。

    In the evening the general manager gave a banquet at the international hotel in honour of the foreign guests .

  2. 郑州国际饭店空调工程设计及使用

    Design and performance of air conditioning engineering for Zhengzhou International Hotel

  3. 37岁的创业酒店顾问贾扬•辛格在这里如鱼得水。他在古尔冈成立了服务业咨询公司&国际饭店合伙公司(InternationalHospitalityPartners)。

    The city is the perfect market for37-year old Jayant Singh , an entrepreneurial hotel consultant who launched International Hospitality Partners , a service-industry consultancy in Gurgaon .

  4. 国际饭店则在城外。

    And the international is somewhat further out of town .

  5. 朋友告诉我是在国际饭店近旁边。

    My friend told me the hotel was just around park hotel .

  6. 国际饭店与餐馆协会选举产生2006年新董事会

    Newly Elected 2006 IH & RA Board of Directors

  7. 这些外宾是英国人,住在国际饭店。

    These foreign visitors are english , who stay at the park hotel .

  8. 我们为他预定了市中心的国际饭店的房间,住四个晚上--

    We 've booked him into the International Hotel downtown for four nights -

  9. 国际饭店与餐馆协会为全球饭店业提供了58年的服务

    International Hotel & Restaurant Association 58 Years of Service to the Global Hospitality Industry

  10. 设计于1979~1983年的北京国际饭店是一座平面复杂、由弧线构成的高层建筑。

    Beijing International Hotel designed in 1979 to 1983 is a complicated tall building .

  11. 随着越来越多的国际饭店集团进入中国市场,我国饭店集团的劣势地位越来越明显。

    With the globalization , more and more international hotels enter the China 's market ;

  12. 即将到来的拍卖会将在北京国际饭店会议厅举行,时间从11月12日持续到16日。

    The coming auction will last from November12th to16th at Beijing International Hotel Conference Room .

  13. 这些因素的综合作用使中国成为了国际饭店集团的必争之地。

    The combined effects of these factors have made China into the international Hotel Group battleground .

  14. 加州洛杉矶西木区的时代国际饭店是名流聚集地,这座建筑也给人留下了很好的第一印象。

    Celebrity hot-spot , W Hotel Los Angeles in Westwood , California , offers anotherstunning first impression .

  15. 无锡国际饭店是隶属于无锡市益多投资发展集团有限公司的四星级涉外饭店。

    Wuxi International Hotel attaching Wuxi Yiduo Investment and Development Group is a four-star foreign tourism hotel .

  16. 欢迎光临国际饭店。

    Welcome to International Hotel .

  17. 大部分外来人士都居住在坎帕拉,在这里英语很普遍并且到处都是国际饭店。

    The majority of expats live in Kampala , where English is common and international restaurants abound .

  18. 国际饭店集团在中国市场的开拓与发展,极大地推动了中国饭店业的成长。

    With the pioneering and developing of international hotel groups in China , Chinese hotel industry has greatly enhanced .

  19. 在美国,最常见的国际饭店是意大利餐馆。

    One of the most common international restaurants to be found in the United States is the Italian restaurant .

  20. 本周六,我想请您和我公司营销职员一起在国际饭店吃饭。

    I 'd like to invite you to have dinner with our sales staff at the international hotel this saturday .

  21. 快来加入最佳西方镇江国际饭店“天使之约”圣诞活动,体验这个冬日佳节带来的无限温馨吧!

    Join in our " Date with an Angel " party and experience the limitless warm this winter holiday bringing us !

  22. 西安市长安国际饭店采用静力压桩加固软弱地基。

    The static pressed pile has been adopted to consolidate the soft soil foundation bed of the Xi'an Chang'an International Hotel project .

  23. 路路通一走进国际饭店,就觉得自己似乎还没有离开英国。

    When Passepartout reached the International Hotel , it did not seem to him as if he had left England at all .

  24. 这一日趋成熟并被国际饭店业认可的经营方式,为我国饭店企业的经营提供了新的思路。

    This maturing model has won great appreciation in the world hotel industry and can provide a new thinking of operation for China 's hotel industry .

  25. 目前,绿色饭店已成为国际饭店业的发展趋势,并在发达国家开始得到普及。

    At present , the green hotel has become the International Hotel industry trend of development , and starts in the developed country to obtain the popularization .

  26. 给小费不是韩国文化的一部分,尽管在国际饭店里收取10%的服务费似乎是理所当然的一件事。

    Tipping is not pwt of Korean culture , although it has become a matter of course in international hotels where a l0 % service charge is often added .

  27. 届时,汉思乐先生将同时担任北京凯燕国际饭店管理有限公司总经理一职,这是凯宾斯基在华与首旅集团的合资公司。

    At the same time , Henssler will be appointed Managing Director of Key International Hotels Management Co. , Ltd , Kempinski 's joint venture in China with the Beijing Tourism Group .

  28. 当晚总经理设座国际饭店宴请外宾。我能接受你提出的宴请吗?

    In the evening the General Manager gave a banquet at the International Hotel in honour of the foreign guests . Can I take you up on your offer of a meal ?

  29. 想给家人、朋友、商务伙伴带去一份别致的圣诞礼物和惊喜吗?现在就加入最佳西方镇江国际饭店“天使之约”圣诞狂欢夜,尽情享受这份专属于您的快乐。

    Having you prepared the christmas gifts and surprise for your family and friends ? Join us " DATE WITH AN ANGEL " CHRISTMAS EVE and enjoy the happiness to your name .

  30. 随着全球一体化进程加速和中国市场经济的深入发展,吸引了众多国际饭店管理集团以特许经营或参与投资的方式大举进入中国市场。

    With the accelerated process of globalization and the further development of Chinese market economy , there are a lot of international hotel management groups attracted entering Chinese market in the way of the franchise or investment .