
tǔ dì suǒ yǒu quán
  • land ownership;land titles;ownership of land;property in land
  1. 土地所有权成为他们财富和权力的基础。

    Land ownership formed the basis of their wealth and power .

  2. 法律移植,移植什么?&以土地所有权的中国命运为中心

    What to Transplant ?: Focusing on the Future of Land Ownership

  3. 第十六条土地所有权和使用权争议,由当事人协商解决;

    Article 16 Disputes arising from the ownership or use right of land shall be settled through consultation among parties concerned ;

  4. 或许应该通过世贸组织(wto)达成新协议但是,只要土地所有权不等同于粮食控制权,就应该继续允许跨境农业投资。

    It may be desirable to agree new rules through the world trade organisation but cross-border farm investment must continue , as long as ownership of land does not equal control of food .

  5. 房地产开发项目一般包括土地所有权的获得、建筑和销售三个阶段,对于其投资决策,传统的NPV法无法正确地评价管理的柔性价值。

    Real estate development project usually contains three stages : obtaining ownership of land , building and selling . But for the decision-making of an investment , the traditional NPV method can not exactly evaluate the flexible value of management .

  6. 例如,saiban项目就成立了一个团队,他们的工作就是要让潜在购房人相信,购房者将获得土地所有权,可以信赖开发商。

    A team at Saiban , for example , works to assure potential home buyers they will gain access to the title for the land and that they can trust the developer .

  7. 农民集体土地所有权的独立性价值研究

    Research on the Independence Value of the Collective Ownership of Land

  8. 两个家庭之间关于土地所有权的长期争执

    A longstanding dispute between the families over ownership of the land

  9. 农村土地所有权价格与征地制度改革

    Reform of Rural Land Ownership Price and Land Acquisition System

  10. 再次,建立集体土地所有权实现机制。

    Moreover , set up the realization mechanism of collective land ownership .

  11. 土地所有权注册登记制度盛行于英格兰。

    Registration of title to land is spreading over England .

  12. 当前我国农民土地所有权问题的哲学思考

    Philosophical Contemplation on the Problem of Current Chinese Peasant Land Property Right

  13. 阶级结构往往是以土地所有权为基础的。

    The class system is often based on land ownership .

  14. 论我国古代土地所有权保护制度的特征

    On the Characteristics of Protection Institution for Land Ownership in Ancient China

  15. 没有限制的完全保有的土地所有权。

    Freehold ownership of land with no restriction to it .

  16. 他们提出封那块土地所有权的要求。

    They put in claims for possession of the estate .

  17. 国有化:中国农村集体土地所有权制度变革之路

    Analyzing the Nationalization of China Country Collective Landownership ; change of title

  18. 关于土地所有权的法律架构也存在巨大差异。

    There are big differences in the legal structure of landholding too .

  19. 农村土地所有权主体制度的不足与完善

    The Insufficiency and Consummation about the Subject System of Countryside Land Ownership

  20. 农村土地所有权制度也不例外。

    The ownership system of rural land is no exception .

  21. 试谈农村土地所有权的归属问题

    On the Relegation of Rural Land Ownership On the Rights of Assembly

  22. 农村集体土地所有权问题研究

    A Study of the Ownership Right of Rural Collective Land

  23. 集体土地所有权立法的妥当性分析

    An analysis on propriety of legislation of collective land ownership

  24. 集体土地所有权法律制度研究

    Study of the Legal System Related to Collective Land Ownership

  25. 论集体土地所有权的缺陷及其完善措施

    Drawbacks and Perfecting Measures of the Collective Land Ownership

  26. 农村集体土地所有权登记发证主体确定问题研究

    Probe into Register and Certificating Main Bodies Confirmation in Country Collective Land Proprietorship

  27. 土地所有权立法之反思:透过历史的映照

    A Reflection of Legislation on the Land Ownership : from a Historic Perspective

  28. 西周分封制度下的土地所有权与使用权关系

    The Relationship Between the Land Ownership and the Use Rights in Chou Dynasty

  29. 中国集体土地所有权权能探析

    A Probe into Powers and Functions of the Collective Land Ownership in China

  30. 当前我国农村土地所有权制度存在的现实困境要求我们对其进行改革。

    The plight of rural land property system requires us to reform it .