
  • 网络soil erosion modulus
  1. 不同植被类型间的土壤侵蚀模数差异极显著(p0.01),侵蚀模数平均达到45.88t/km~2·a,属于微度侵蚀。

    The soil erosion modulus between vegetation types was prominence ( p0.01 ), and the mean erosion modulus was 45.88t / km2 · a , belong to slight erosion .

  2. 10年平均土壤侵蚀模数减少2054~2149t/(km2·a),水土流失得到控制。

    Average soil erosion modulus decreased by 2054 ~ 2149t / km 2 · a and soil erosion was controlled .

  3. 在中强度降雨2次/a、总降雨量3874mm情况下,25°坡地土壤侵蚀模数下降至2500t/(a·km2)以下。

    The soil erosion modulus decrease to 2 500 t / ( a · km ~ 2 ) less , on the condition with two times common-intense rains a year and 387.4 mm of total rainfall .

  4. 比较今天该地区的土壤侵蚀模数1000~4000t/(km2·a),水土流失的严重程度呈现出与人类活动同步增强的趋势。

    Compared with the present soil erosion degree of this area , 1 000 ~ 4 000 t / ( km 2 · a ), the land loss has been gradually intensified with the growth of civilizations .

  5. 有部分区域水土流失已达到极强度侵蚀,土壤侵蚀模数高达9000t/(km2·a)以上,沟壑密度2km/km2,植被盖度仅为15%。

    Somewhere gives the most erosion of soil and water and has more 9 000t / ( km2 . a ) of soil erode model , 2km / km2 of gully erode density and only 15 % of vegetable cover .

  6. 开发建设项目水保监测中土壤侵蚀模数监测方法探讨&以东深供水改造工程水土保持监测项目为例

    Discussion on the Monitoring Method of Soil Erosion Modulus of Construction Project

  7. 广东阳江核电站工程土壤侵蚀模数的选取

    Selection on modulus of soil erosion and water loss in Yangjiang Nuclear Power Project

  8. 小流域土壤侵蚀模数的支持向量机预报模型研究

    Application of Support Vector Machine Method in Predicting Soil Erosion Modulus of Small Watershed

  9. 可为类似项目的土壤侵蚀模数监测提供借鉴和参考。

    This can provide references for the monitoring of soil erosion modulus in similar construction project .

  10. 土壤侵蚀模数是测度土壤侵蚀强度、进行区域土壤侵蚀评价研究的常用指标。

    Soil erosion modulus is a measure of soil erosion intensity and a index to assess the regional soil erosion .

  11. 四川省西充县土壤侵蚀模数数学模型和侵蚀强度分级的研究

    Study on Mathematical Model of Modulus of Soil Erosion and Classification of Soil Erosion Intensity in Xichong County , Sichuan Province

  12. 植被覆盖度由原来不足10%提高到37.74%,土壤侵蚀模数下降了30%。

    Vegetation cover is increased from under 10 % to 37.74 % . Modulus of soil erosion is decreased by 30 % .

  13. 结果表明,植被恢复与重建使生物多样性提高的同时,土壤侵蚀模数比治理前下降了45%;

    The results showed that vegetation restoration make it possible for the increase of biodiversity and the modulus of soil erosion declined by 45 % .

  14. 以“东深供水改造工程水土保持监测”为例,探讨了土壤侵蚀模数的监测方法。

    Takes " the monitoring of soil and water conservation in Dongshen water supply project " as an example , the monitoring methods of soil erosion modulus were discussed .

  15. 文中还根据土壤侵蚀模数及其主要影响因素,使用逐步判别分析力法,对土壤侵蚀强度进行了分级,从而提高了分级的可靠性。

    According to the modulus of soil erosion and the major effective factors , the method of progressive discriminate analysis is used to divide the intensity of soil erosion .

  16. 典型小流域水土流失观测及土壤侵蚀模数背景值&滇池流域台地区呈贡大渔乡综合示范区

    Background Value of Soil Erosion Modulus and Observation of Soil and Water Loss in Typical Small River Basin & Demonstration Areas of Dayu Town in Chenggong County in Dianchi Lake Basin

  17. 研究表明:经过治理后地表抗蚀能力增强,地表径流量和土壤侵蚀模数明显较小;大部分治理措施的植被覆盖度已由原来的20%左右提高到了60-80%。

    The results showed that soil erosion reduced after restoration , runoff coefficient and soil erosion modulus decreased significantly ; Vegetation coverage had been increased from about 20 % to 60-80 % .

  18. 本文应用沙量平衡原理,介绍了利用塘坝淤积量确定集水区内年土壤侵蚀模数的方法与步骤,并以计算实例证实了这种计算方法的科学性和可行性。

    According to the theory of sediment balance , this paper introduces the method and procedure of determining annual soil erosion modulus in a drainage area by measuring the siltation in check dams and pools .

  19. 2007年与2006年相比,几种植被恢复模式的土壤侵蚀模数均有降低趋势,表明恢复后的植被可以有效地防止水土流失。

    Compared with 2006 , the soil erosion modulus of all the patterns was reduced by the vegetation in 2007 . In a word , it showed that soil and water loss was prevented by the restored vegetation .

  20. 按照各因子计算方法求出相应的因子值,得到各因子栅格分布图及得分表,并按照两种模型公式求出研究区土壤侵蚀模数及产沙量。

    According to each factor calculation method get the corresponding factor value , and the raster map and factor score . According to the two kinds of model calculate the modulus of soil erosion and sediment yield of the study area .

  21. 本文根据50余座山塘水库的泥沙实测数据,应用逐步回归分析方法,建立了土壤侵蚀模数数学模型。

    According to data obtained in a field survey of 50 reservoirs and ponds , a mathematical model of modulus of soil erosion was established by using the method of progressive regression analysis The equation shows that the major effective factors of soil erosion are .

  22. 本文着重研究了江苏沿海平原沙土区土壤年侵蚀模数与引起土壤侵蚀各因素的关系。

    The paper emphasizes the study on the relationship between annual erosion modulus of soil and the seven factors which influence soil erosion .

  23. 流域颗粒态N、P污染负荷估算是由USLE方程得到流域土壤流失量(土壤侵蚀模数),然后由颗粒态N、P输出模型计算得出。

    Pollution loading of particle N and P in ChaoHu lake watershed could be evaluated through export model of N and P after annual soil eroding volume was work out according to USLE equation .

  24. 以水利部颁发的土壤侵蚀强度分级拟定标准为基础,利用前人的研究成果,比较了不同植被覆盖度下的土壤侵蚀模数。

    Based on the grade scale of soil erosion intensity issued by the Ministry of Water Resources , relying on the research results of former scholars , soil erosive modulus under different coverage of plants are compared .