
shèng mǔ
  • a female deity;goddess;the Virgin Mary;the Madonna;the (Blessed)Virgin Mary;Our Lady;lady
圣母 [shèng mǔ]
  • (1) [a female deity]∶旧时迷信的人称某些女神

  • (2) [the (Blessed)Virgin Mary]∶天主教徒称耶稣的母亲玛利亚

圣母[shèng mǔ]
  1. 苔丝狄蒙娜形象是莎士比亚笔下完美的圣母形象。

    Desdemona 's image is one of flawless goddess images in shakespeare 's writing .

  2. 但是妈祖这个民间渔女,为何被奉为天后圣母?

    Nevertheless , why was Ma Zu who was a common folk fisherwoman divinized as a goddess ?

  3. “圣母啊!”马尔科画着十字说道。

    ' Holy Mother of God ! ' Marco crossed himself .

  4. 桑利斯的圣母院不如在巴黎与其同名的圣母院有名。

    Notre-Dame Cathedral in Senlis is less famous than its namesake in Paris .

  5. 你能为我向圣母马利亚祈祷吗?

    Will you pray to Our Lady for me ?

  6. 这些年轻人说几乎每天都会看到圣母马利亚显圣。

    The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary .

  7. 很多人声称他们被治愈是圣母马利亚代他们祈祷的应验。

    Many claimed to have been cured as a result of the Madonna 's intercessions .

  8. 1981年6月24日那天,年轻的村民们首次报告说看到了圣母马利亚的幻象。

    It was on 24th June 1981 that young villagers first reported seeing the Virgin Mary in a vision .

  9. 他坐着听《圣母颂》,听得入了神。

    He sat entranced listening to ave maria .

  10. 这是最常见并通用于各种场合的英式惊叹词之一。从语言学上来说,“Bloodyhell”是一种避免爆粗的委婉表达。“bloody”应该是“ByOurLady”(即圣母玛利亚)的缩略语。

    One of the most common and versatile2 of British exclamation3 , ' Bloody hell ' is what we linguistics4 call a minced5 oath , as the word ' bloody ' is probably a shortening of ' By Our Lady ' ( i.e. the Virgin6 Mary ) .

  11. 在大型吊车的守护下,巴黎圣母院仍然使人联想起两年前火灾的惨烈和人们的英勇事迹。

    Beneath its protective cranes , Notre Dame1 still embodies2 the horror and heroism3 that unfolded here two years ago .

  12. 火灾当晚,消防人员曾一度认为巴黎圣母院将不复存在,它能否幸存就取决于分秒必争的抢救。

    There was a time that night when fire crews thought Notre Dame was lost , its survival measured in minutes .

  13. 巴黎圣母院的使徒雕像也得以重获新生,为进行例行修复,它们被从大教堂尖顶上取了下来,就在尖顶被烧毁的几天前。

    A second life too for these statues of the apostles , taken from the cathedral 's spire for routine restoration , days before it collapsed12 in flames .

  14. “这是专为巴黎圣母院挑选出来的一千棵橡树中的一棵。较小的树干将被用来重建中世纪屋梁。像这样的大树干将用来重建尖顶。”

    This is one of the thousand oak trees that have been specially8 selected for Notre Dame . Smaller tree trunks will be used to rebuild the medieval rafters .

  15. 法国亿万富翁弗朗西斯-亨利·皮诺特周一承诺将拿出1亿欧元(1.13亿美元)用于巴黎圣母院的重建工作。

    French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault pledged 100 million euros ( $ 113 million ) on Monday towards the rebuilding of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris , which was partly gutted fire .

  16. 西班牙一名艺术品收藏家花钱请人修复一幅17世纪名画的复制品,但修复后的画作令他震惊不已,画中圣母玛利亚的面庞已难以辨认。

    An art collector in Spain was shocked after the face of the Virgin Mary in a copy of a 17th century painting he paid to have restored was left unrecognizable .

  17. 这个词组最初的意思大概就是:“圣母在上,天都要塌了!这实在太令人吃惊了!”。

    Originally , then , this probably meant something like ' by our Lady , all Hell 's about to break loose because of this thing that 's surprised me ! '

  18. CBS锦标赛中赤色风暴队以42比14击败了公认最佳的巴黎圣母院队。

    The Crimson Tide rolled over top-ranked Notre Dame 42-14 for the BCS championship .

  19. 美国圣母大学(NotreDame)门多萨商学院(MendozaCollegeofBusiness)的两位管理学教授爱华德•康隆和安特•格拉瓦斯对这一点深信不疑。

    Edward Conlon and ante glavas , two management professors at the Mendoza College of business at Notre Dame , think so .

  20. 这个问题是美国圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)门多萨商学院(MendozaCollegeofBusiness)管理学教授蒂姆西•贾吉进行的一项深入研究项目的核心。

    That 's the question at the core of an exhaustive research project by Timothy Judge , a professor of management at the University of Notre Dame 's Mendoza College of Business .

  21. 根据Deadline杂志的报道,曼德维尔影业的创始人大卫·赫伯曼30年来一直想把《巴黎圣母院的钟楼怪人》带到好莱坞,这从他还是迪士尼影业的总裁时就开始了。

    According to Deadline , Mandeville founder David Hoberman , had tried to bring The Hunchback of Notre Dame to Hollywood for over 30 years , starting when he was Disney film president .

  22. 据基督教马太福音记载,圣母玛丽亚与婴儿耶稣接受了携带礼物的magi(拉丁语,东方智者)的拜访。

    In the Christian Gospel of St Matthew , Mary and the infant Jesus receive a visit from " magi " bearing gifts .

  23. 1917年,十岁的葡萄牙女孩LuciaSantos和她两个堂兄弟声称,一个形貌模糊、酷似圣母玛利亚的人拜访了他们,并聊了很多。

    In1917,10-year-old Portuguese peasant Lucia Santos , along with her two cousins , claimed that they were being visited by a hazy , chatty image of the Virgin Mary .

  24. 巴黎圣母院队球星MantiTe'o成为互联网死亡恶作剧的受害人。

    Notre Dame says Manti Te'o was the victim of an apparent outline hoax .

  25. 例如,2年前开设这一课程的印第安纳州门多萨商学院(MendozaCollege)研究生商务课程的高级主任玛丽戈斯(MaryGoss)称,40%的学生仍是其所属的圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)的毕业生。

    At Mendoza College in Indiana , for example , which started its programme two years ago , 40 per cent of students are still graduates of the parent University of Notre Dame , says Mary Goss , senior director of graduate business programmes .

  26. 天主教的Marianist是由那些甘愿为上帝、为圣母玛利亚奉献一生的人组成的。

    The Marianists are a brotherhood of people who are all devoted to giving their life in faith of God and the Virgin Mary .

  27. 在大学系统内,与其它学院相比,给商学院命名的阻力要小得多,圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)门多萨商学院(Mendoza)院长CarolynWoo表示,你很少看到艺术和科学学院被命名。

    There 's much less resistance within university systems to having business schools named than with other schools , says Carolyn Woo , dean of the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame . You seldom see colleges of art and sciences being named .

  28. 朝圣委员会秘书长穆尔塔克.皮亚拉(MushtaqPyara)神父表示,关注朝圣者准备前往旁遮普省参与第六十二届默里亚巴德全国圣母朝圣地的朝圣之旅。

    Father Mushtaq Pyara , secretary of the pilgrimage committee , expressed concern as devotees prepare for the62nd pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad , Punjab province .

  29. 这个农家姑娘非常崇拜圣母玛丽亚的塑像。

    The peasant girl adores the statue of the Virgin Mary .

  30. 向「童女?圣母?玛丽亚」祈祷到底有多重要?

    How important is it to pray to the Virgin Mary ?