
  1. 玉寿外出办事,在大路上遇到徐冯。

    Once Yu Shou went out to handle some affairs . He met Xu Feng on the roads .

  2. 有一位儒学先生进城去,走在大路上,弓着腰,背着手,恭恭敬敬地踱着四方步,每一步都不超过规定的角度和距离。

    There was one Confucian moralist who went to the city . On the street , he walked respectfully with measured strides , his back arched and his hands behind his back . He took every step according to the accepted angle and length .

  3. 我喜欢在大路上开车的感觉。

    I love the feeling of driving on the open road .

  4. 村里的水龙头在大路上第二条横路的转角上。

    The village water supply was two streets down the road .

  5. 但尽量不要走在大路上

    You stay off road as much as you can .

  6. 在大路上,摩托车和漂亮的新汽车迅速超过它们。

    Along the thoroughfare , motorcycles and smart new cars zoom past them .

  7. 从一九六五年到一九七五年我几乎常年是在大路上。

    I was on the road almost constantly from1965to1975 .

  8. 太阳照着她的后背,消失在大路上。

    The sun shines on her back , and disappears on the road .

  9. 所以他现在又站在大路上了。

    Therefore he again stand on the boulevarded now .

  10. 小排量汽车:我们走在大路上

    SMALL Displacement Automobiles : Riding on the Way

  11. 只在大路上撒了盐。

    Only the main roads have been salted .

  12. 在大路上找着的,不是吗?

    On the boulevard , was it not ?

  13. 一队骑兵在大路上奔驰,扬起一片尘土。

    A group of horsemen galloped along the road , raising a cloud of dust .

  14. 我走在大路上。

    I 'm on the way .

  15. 这并不是随时可以在大路上找得到的东西呀!

    This isn 't the thing that can seek to get on the boulevard at any time !

  16. 有一位道学先生进城去,走在大路上,

    There was one Confucian moralist who went to the city.On the street , he walked respectfully with measured strides ,

  17. 不过,当然喽,你是从来都不会认识真理的。即使你在大路上碰到了。

    But , of course , you 've never been able to know the truth if you met it in the road .

  18. 如果这个案子里被害者的尸体是在大路上发现的,而且又没有任何使这个案子显得突出的那些超出常轨和骇人听闻的情节,那么,这个谋杀案解决起来就要困难得多了。

    This murder would have been infinitely more difficult to unravel had the body of the victim been simply found lying in the roadway without any of those outr é and sensational accompaniments which have rendered it remarkable .

  19. 但布里解释道,那儿好几里长的河流两岸,都有花园和游乐场所,泰坎和泰克希娜们很可能就住在那儿的屋子里面,并且在大路上骑马,在河上举行社交聚会。

    But Bree explained that there were gardens and pleasure houses on both banks of the river for miles and that there would be Tarkaans and Tarkheenas living in them and riding about the roads and having water parties on the river .

  20. 由于最后不得不出现在大路上,所以厄运终于又降临到他的头上。有一小群以一位残暴的年轻屠夫为首的男孩子正躺在那里等待着有什么可供他们开心取乐的事情发生。

    Being compelled to emerge into the main road , his ill fortune brought him at last where a small party of boys , headed by a ferocious young butcher , was lying in wait for any means of pleasurable excitement that might happen .

  21. 她告诉奶奶她碰到了狼,那家伙嘴上虽然对她说「你好」,眼睛里却露着凶光,要不是在大路上,它准把她给吃了。

    She told her that she had seen the wolf , and that he had wished her a good day , but had stared at her in a wicked manner . " If we hadn 't been on a public road , he would have eaten me up , " she said .

  22. 村子坐落在大路边上,很容易成为土匪袭击的对象。

    The village lies beside a main road , making it an easy target for bandits

  23. 别错过了。就在大路边上。

    You can 't miss it . it 's right off the main road .

  24. 他在乡间大路上飞奔。当他奔跑在金色的麦田之间时,总是把开过的机车一路甩在身后。

    As he raced between golden wheat fields , he would always outrun the locomotives passing by .

  25. 那些走在热闹大路上的人,嘲笑着我们,这你知道的。

    The people that travel on the wider , more used paths are laughing at us , you know .

  26. 他走到一条大路上,各种四轮马车、轻便马车、俄奥两军各个兵种的伤兵和未受伤的士兵都在这条大路上挤来挤去。

    The high road along which he rode , was thronged with carriages , with vehicles of all sorts , and Austrian and Russian soldiers of every kind , wounded and unwounded .

  27. 我在大路灼热的尘土上消磨了一天。

    I spent my day on the scorching hot dust of the road .

  28. 他们喜欢呆在外边空旷的大路上。

    They love being out on the open road .

  29. 有时候,他们在同一条大路上架设路障,中间相隔不到一公里。

    Sometimes their roadblocks were less than a kilometre apart on the same main roads .

  30. 二十年来我一直与你们一同在通往荣耀的大路上前行。

    For twenty years I have constantly accompanied you on the road to honor and glory .