
  • 网络stratigraphic framework
  1. 华北&江南地区中、新元古代地层格架的再认识

    Recognition of Meso - and Neoproterozoic Stratigraphic Framework in North and South China

  2. 建立了区域层序地层格架,将须二、须三段划分为两个长期(LSC3~LSC4)、十个中期(MSC7~MSC(16))以及数十个短期旋回;

    Build up the district sequence stratigraphic framework , and divide T_3x ~ 2 and T_3x ~ 3 into two long-term ( LSC_3-LSC_4 ), ten middle-term ( MSC_7-MSC_ ( 16 )) and Several tens short-term cycle ;

  3. 中国南海A盆地深水区古近系B组层序地层格架特征

    Characteristic of sequence stratigraphic trellis of B formation of Paleogene in deepwater area in the a basin of South China Sea

  4. 在层序地层格架内分析了各旋回的沉积体系构成和生、储、盖发育情况,指出垂向上LSC2下部为本区相对有利的储集层段;

    The component of sedimentary system and the development of source , reservoir and cap rocks in each cycle are analyzed in the framework of sequence stratigraphy .

  5. 吐鲁番坳陷中下侏罗统高精度层序地层格架的建立

    Establishment of high-precision sequence framework of middle-lower Jurassic in Turpan Sag

  6. 基于层序地层格架的有机相研究进展

    Study advance of organic facies and its distribution in sequence frame

  7. 盆地三维构造-地层格架的矢量剪切原理及方法

    Vector cut principle and method for 3-D tectonic - stratigraphic basin framework

  8. 论沉积盆地的等时地层格架和基本建造单元

    STRATUM On the Chronostratigraphic Framwork and Basic Building Blocks of Sedimentary Basin

  9. 采用旋回对比、分级控制的方法建立精细油藏地层格架。

    Using method of cycle contrast to establish fine reservoir stratigraphic framework .

  10. 南鄂尔多斯盆地的成因地层格架及沉积演化过程

    Genetic stratigraphic framework and sedimentary evolution of southern Ordos Basin

  11. 上扬子区下古生界层序地层格架的初步研究

    Sequence-Stratigraphic Framework for the Early Palaeozoic of the Upper-Yangtze Region

  12. 伊通地堑层序构成及层序地层格架样式

    Constitution of sequence and pattern of sequence stratigraphic framework in Yitong graben

  13. 伊通盆地层序地层格架与层序构成分析

    Sequence stratigraphic framework and sequence components of the Yitong Basin

  14. 基于钻孔资料构造&地层格架三维建模

    The Research of 3D Modeling for Tectonic-Stratigraphic Framework Based on Borehole Data

  15. 贵州省三丹地区中、晚寒武世岩石地层格架

    Lithostratigraphic Framework of Middle-Late Cambrian in Sandu-Danzhai Area , Guizhou

  16. 滇东南地区泥盆纪层序地层格架及海平面变化

    The stratigraphic framework of Devonian sequence and sea level changes in Southeast Yunnan

  17. 基于钻孔资料的三维数字地层格架自动生成技术研究

    Research of automatic modelling on 3D digital stratigraphic framework based on boring data

  18. 研究表明,所建立的高分辨率层序地层格架与实际区域地质认识是完全吻合的。

    The established stratigraphic frames are consistent with the geological information collected before .

  19. 贵州南部二叠系层序地层格架

    The Permian sequence - stratigraphic framework in Southern Guizhou

  20. 浙江永康盆地沉积作用与成因地层格架分析

    Analysis of sedimentation and genetic stratigraphic framework of Yongkang basin in Zhejiang province

  21. 论盆地的地层格架

    A Discussion on the Stratigraphic Framework of Sedimentary Basins

  22. 大庆长垣以东地区扶杨油层层序地层格架

    The correlation framework of Fu-yang oil layers in the east of Daqing placanticline

  23. 对14个三级层序总体上进行较详细描述,建立了延吉盆地白垩系层序地层格架。

    After elaborating on those third-order sequences , we establish Cretaceous strata framework .

  24. 上述层序地层格架控制了沉积相带的分布,进而控制了层序格架内地层圈闭的分布模式。

    The sequence stratigraphic framework determined the distribution model of the stratigraphic traps .

  25. 合肥盆地侏罗系高精度层序地层格架研究

    Jurassic High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Framework in Hefei Basin

  26. 华南海相下组合层序地层格架与油气勘探

    Sequence stratigraphic framework of marine lower assemblage in South China and petroleum exploration

  27. 新疆塔里木盆地层序地层格架

    Sequence stratigraphic framework of the Tarim Basin , Xinjiang

  28. 准噶尔盆地中部侏罗系层序地层格架

    Jurassic sequence stratigraphic frames in the Middle Junggar Basin

  29. 渤南油田义3-7-7井高精度层序地层格架分析

    Framework of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy for Well Yi 3-7-7 in Bonan Oil Field

  30. 巢湖地区石炭纪地层格架

    The Carboniferous stratigraphic framework in the Chaohu Area