
  • 网络Local system;Local Institutions;Territorial System;provincial institutions
  1. WTO与地方制度创新

    WTO Rules and Local Institutional Innovation

  2. 在WTO规则的约束条件下,中央和地方制度创新的差异具有新特点,地方制度创新既有来自预期利益的推动力,又有来自财政、既得利益及政绩考核的压力。

    In the new institutional constraints of WTO rules , some new characteristics have appeared in the differences of central and local institutional innovation .

  3. 从封建、郡县到自治:中国地方制度的演变

    LOCAL ECONOMY From Feudalism , Centralized Bureaucracy , to Self-Government : Local Governance in China

  4. 地方制度作为国家体制的一部分,也有着巨大的研究意义和价值。

    Local system as a part of the state system is worthy to be researched .

  5. 因此,本人认为,韩国地方制度等同于地方自治制度。

    Therefore , I believe that Korean local system is equivalent to the system of local autonomy .

  6. 抗日根据地政权建设中的重要地方制度:行政督察专员制度

    An Important Local System in the Political Power Construction in Anti-Japanese Base Areas : The System of Administrative Supervisory Commissioner

  7. 在这之中,台湾地区以其特有的背景和独特的政治特点在亚洲各地方制度建设发展中也占有一席之地。

    Among these , Taiwan , China , with its special background and political characteristics , also deserves a place .

  8. 主要围绕地方制度的概念、泰国地方制度的组成及其主要内容作了介绍。

    The article introduces the concept of the local system , and the composition and content of the local system of Thailand .

  9. 关于地方制度,规定“确定省为地方自治之最高单位”;

    With respect to " local government ", it provided that " the province shall be the highest unit of local self-government ";

  10. 日本没有全国统一的最低工资制,而有把最低工资水平定得很低的地方制度。

    Japan does not have a national minimum wage , but rather a local system which tends to set minima at very low levels .

  11. 就史论内容方面,在关于中央和皇帝制度以及地方制度上,都主张对古代的一些礼法进行继承并有所发展。

    On history content , on the central and the emperor system and local system , have some rites of ancient inheritance and development .

  12. 一个地区的地方制度是反映其基层政权组织运作及政府和人民之间关系的最直接、最基本的标准。

    The local system is the most direct and essential standard that reflects opinions on the primary organizational functioning and the relationship between government and people on an area .

  13. 主要考察知识分子群体在制宪原则和精神、政体问题的选择、地方制度等三个方面的不同态度和主张。

    This part Investigates intellectuals in principle , spirit and choice , local system , government form of issue three different attitude and opinion of respect offormulating a new constitution mainly .

  14. 可见,此次争论的内容涉及到省制改革的各个方面,是中国近代思想史上一次较大规模的关于地方制度的争论。

    As is stated above , we can see that the debate refers to all aspects of the provincial system reform , which is a larger debate on the local system in Chinese modern thinking history .

  15. 基于这种认识,本文提出,尊重地方制度创新,学界对农地产权改革提出的方案和建议都可以尝试的创新思路。

    Based on this understanding , this paper suggest the innovative ideas , that is , respecting institutional innovation , all the reform programme and recommendations of agricultural land ownership that academics suggest can be tryed .

  16. 在地方制度安排中,注重克服信息扭曲程度、遏制寻租行为、建立激励相容的利益机制,则可强化上述良性互动。

    The design of the local institutional mechanisms , in particular by overcoming the degree of distortion of information , curbing rent-seeking behavior and establishing incentive-compatible mechanisms , will strengthen the formation of the benign interaction .

  17. 除对国民大会、政府机构的职权作了原则规定外,特别对于地方制度和人民之权利义务作了规定。

    In addition to prescribing the principles governing the duties and powers of the National Assembly and government organizations , special provisions were made regarding " local government " and " the rights and duties of the people " .

  18. 冷漠是英国地方民主制度长期以来难以推广的祸根。

    Apathy is the long-standing curse of British local democracy

  19. 人群高呼“不要人头税”,指的是政府新确立的地方税收制度。

    The crowd chanted ' No Poll Tax ' , a reference to the government 's new local taxation system

  20. 中国传统地方行政制度的主要特征分析

    On the Basic Characteristics of the Traditional Local Administrative System of China

  21. 关于我国地方债制度设计的构想

    The Conception of Our Nation 's Municipal Bonds System Design

  22. 其三,地方监察制度的完备和崇重。

    Third , the completeness of the local supervisory system ;

  23. 完善分税制,进一步增强地方政府制度创新的动力;

    By improving financial system to boost up the regional government impetus .

  24. 地方政府制度创新的路径选择&制度移植的可行性研究

    On Approach Selection of Institutional Innovation of Chinese Local Government

  25. 地方政府制度创新:一个治理的分析框架

    Local Government System of Innovation : A Governance Framework

  26. 建立我国地方债制度的客观条件与实施策略构想

    Establishing the External Condition of Our Local Debt System and Enforcement Tactful Conception

  27. 建立地方公债制度的思考

    Personal View In The Institution Of local Public Bonds

  28. 第二部分,对唐代的地方监察制度进行探析。

    The second part investigates the local supervisory system of the Tang Dynasty .

  29. 建立健全我国地方债券制度的若干思考

    Some Considerations on Establishing and Perfecting the Local Bond System of Our Country

  30. 地方政权制度设计与地方自治

    The Design of Local Authority System and Local Autonomy