
  • 网络geomagnetism
  1. 基于实验的结果,我们推测地磁场可能对地球上原生磁性矿物的形成和演化产生过重要影响。

    Based on our experimental results , we could speculate that geomagnetic field could influence the alteration and evolution of the primary magnetic minerals on Earth . 2 .

  2. 地球曾经是单一磁性的,并将返回到单一磁性的能量流。

    Earth was once magnetic only , and shall return to a magnetic only energy flow .

  3. 在非物质层面,蚂蚁王国看守着地球的根植和磁性能量。

    In the nonphysical , the Ant Kingdom monitors the grounding and magnetic energy of earth .