
dì qiú zì zhuàn
  • earth rotation;rotation of the earth
  1. 地球自转速率和大气环流

    The rate of rotation of the earth and the atmospheric circulation

  2. 考虑地球自转时的抛体运动

    Motion of a projectile under the influence of rotation of the earth

  3. GPS在测定地球自转参数等方面的应用

    The Applications of GPS to Geodesy and Geodynamics

  4. 并且讨论了地球自转速率变化在地震预报中可能作用的R值评分。

    And the application of the earth rotation rate variation of earthquake prediction is discussed .

  5. 大气对地球自转参数(ERP)的高频激发

    High frequency excitation of earth rotation parameters ( erp ) from atmosphere

  6. 地球自转与ELNino现象的相关分析

    Correlation analysis between El Nino and earth rotation variation

  7. 地球自转与EINino&波动理论

    Earth rotation and EI nino : theory of waves

  8. 分析了InSAR系统的主要误差源,并对地球自转、大气效应等因素对InSAR测量的影响展开了详细讨论。

    The main error resources of InSAR and its influence on InSAR are also studied .

  9. VLBI单基线解算地球自转参数的秩亏性证明

    The Demonstration Of Rank Deficiency For One VLBI Baseline Estimation Earth Orientation Parameters

  10. 基于GPU的图像快速傅立叶变换研究地震成因&地球自转变速、变形振荡

    Study of image FFT by GPU seismogenesis & varying velocity and deformation oscillation of the earth rotation

  11. 从基本原理出发,通过具体公式的推导,对恒星光学干涉仪应用于测量恒星位置和地球自转参数(ERP)进行了分析。

    From basic principles and derivation of the formulae it is analyzed to using the stellar interferometer to determine stellar positions and earth rotation parameters ( ERP ) .

  12. 全球5.0级以上地震活动与地球自转变化的Granger因果关系检验

    Testing for the Granger causality of the changes of the Earth 's rotation and global earthquakes of magnitude above 5.0

  13. 本文用AR谱分析方法分析了1976&1980年地球自转速率的资料和大气环流的资料,以及用调和分析计算了各周期项的振幅及相位,并计算了大气环流的激发函数。

    In this paper , the rate of the Earth 's rotation and the atmospheric circulation in 1976 & 1980 are analysed with AR spectral analysis and Harmonic analysis .

  14. 热带海-气的相互作用与地球自转&用天文方法预测ENSO事件

    Interaction of ocean and atmosphere in the tropical zone and earth rotation & prediction of ENSO event by means of astronomical way

  15. 地球自转对分布式星载SAR-GMTI的影响

    The Earth Rotation Effects on Distributed Spaceborne SAR - GMTI

  16. 由PREM模型参数计算地球自转的周期变化

    Periodic variations of the earth rotation calculated with the Prem parameters

  17. 研究了星载SAR多普勒调频率随轨道高度的变化和地球自转对同步轨道SAR和低轨SAR调频率的影响;

    The change of spaceborne SAR Doppler frequency rate with the orbit altitude , as well as the influence of earth rotation on the Doppler frequency rate of LEO SAR and that of GEO SAR are studied .

  18. 引入了摄动周期满足T≤2/3d和T≥2d的其他因素(大气、海洋和地表水分布变化等)对地球自转的影响;

    Introducing influence of other disturbing mechanism ( atmosphere , ocean and surface water distributing , et al . ) on Earth rotation , which periods satisfy relations of T ≤ 2 / 3 ? d and T ≥ 2 ?

  19. 分析了地球自转、大气角动量和太阳黑子相对数的年际变化与ELNino的关系。

    The relationship between variations in time scale of years of the Earth 's rotation ( Δ LOD 1 ), the atmospheric angular momentum , sunspot number and El Nino is studied in this paper .

  20. 利用最近3a逐月的地温、地球自转和地震资料,分析了地热涡的演变与我国降水场的关系。

    The relationship of the geothermal vortex evolution and precipitation are analyzed by the data of monthly ground temperature , earth rotation and earthquake during 1996 ~ 1998 over China .

  21. SLR和卫星测高的潮汐解被用来计算月球轨道根数相对黄道坐标系的长期变化和地球自转速率的长期变化。

    The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon 's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system .

  22. 论述了卫星双向时间比对原理和比对系统中各项系统误差。计算出同步卫星运动导致的时间延迟误差、地球自转效应(Sagnac)误差和地面站设备时延误差。

    The two-way satellite time transfer ( TWSTT ) and its systematic errors are discussed in detail , especially the motion of satellite results in time delay errors and Sagnac effect error .

  23. 大气角动量(AAM)变化和地球自转变化密切相关,它们可应用于全球环流模型的检验。

    The atmospheric angular momentum ( AAM ) variation and the Earth 's variable rotation are closely related to each other . They might be applied to the verification of global circulation models ( GCMs ) .

  24. 结果表明:当地球自转速率的年际变化由快向慢转变,即表示年际变化的ΔLOD1的数值由极小逐渐增加并转变为正值约半年后,ELNino的初期开始出现。

    The result showed that the beginning of El Nino generally appeared after the progress of variation from slow dawn to fast of the Earth rotation , that is the variation of Δ LOD 1 is from minimum to maximum , by about half year and more .

  25. 日长变化是表征地球自转运动的一个重要参数,它与极移、岁差和章动统称为地球定向参数(EOP)。

    Length of Day ( LOD ) change is an important parameter which reflects the earth rotation . LOD change 、 Polar Motion ( PM )、 Precession and Nutation are called Earth Orientation Parameters ( EOP ) .

  26. 然而这些数据是在地固坐标系中给出的,因此其中的全球电离层TEC图像数据的变化必然会受到地球自转、极移等因素的影响。

    But the data of the file provide with the Geographic Frame Coordinate System , so the change of the Global Total Electron Content ( IGTEC ) maps are certainly influenced by the factors of the earth rotation and the earth pole moving etc.

  27. 为了提高卫星地面坐标计算精度,给出地球自转改正、地极移动、SLR系统时延、大气折射、卫星质心改正和跟踪望远镜各项动态系统差修正公式。

    To improve the accuracy for computing the satellite topocentric coordinates , the formulae to modify the Earth rotation , polar motion , SLR system time-delay , atmosphere refraction , the satellite mass-center correction , various dynamic systematic errors of the SLR tracking telescope are given .

  28. 当仅考虑地球自转改正、卫星的天线相位中心偏差改正、相对论改正等影响时,静态解与已知坐标的差异小于12cm,均方根(RMS)小于5cm。

    When only taken into consideration the earth rotation correction , the satellite antenna phase center offset and satellite orientation as well as relativity corrections , the static solution disagree to known coordinates with in 12 cm . The RMS is less than 5 cm .

  29. 根据IAU重新归算地球自转参数的要求,对上海天文台光电等高仪自1974年以来的观测资料作了重新整理,并录成机器可读的形式。

    In response to the demanding of The IAU Working Group " Earth Rotation in the HIPPARCOS Reference Frame " , the observational data of Shanghai Photoelectric Astrolabe since 1974 have been reorganized , and also transferred in machine readable form .

  30. 由于内核的存在,将出现两个新的与地球自转有关的章动模式,即顺向的自由核章动(PFCN)和内核摆动(ICW)模式。

    Because of the inner core of the earth , there will have two nutation modes related to the earth 's rotation , i. e. a prograde free core nutation ( PFCN ) mode and a inner core wobble ( ICW ) mode .