
  • 网络Geographic Information System Applications;Applications of Geographical Information Systems
  1. 基于MaPobjects的植保地理信息系统应用软件的开发

    Development of Based on Map Objects about Plant Protection

  2. 随着通讯技术飞速发展,移动GIS将是地理信息系统应用的发展方向。

    With the development of transportation and communication , Mobile GIS will be the trend of GIS development .

  3. GIS在商业管理与决策中的应用在国内尚属空白,把地理信息系统应用于企业联盟,作了GIS与企业结合的有益尝试。

    The application of GIS in business management and decision-making was blank in native yet . This study applied geography information system in enterprise alliance and helpfully attempted GIS to enterprise application .

  4. 因此,将以处理空间信息为基础的地理信息系统应用到宗地地价评估形成宗地估价事务化地理信息系统(OFFICEGIS)已引起国内外的广泛注意。

    Therefore it arouse an abroad attention from the internal and the overseas that GIS which based on dealing with the spatial information , is been applied to the land price appraisal and form the land appraisal Office GIS .

  5. 回顾道路交通安全信息系统的发展历史和研究现状,论文将地理信息系统应用于道路交通安全领域,对基于GIS的道路交通事故多发点的自动搜索以及交通事故预测进行研究。

    Looking back the development history the present research condition of the traffic safety information system , the thesis applies the geography information system in the domain of the traffic safety , to research the auto-search based on GIS about the frequent spots of traffic accident .

  6. 林业是地理信息系统应用的一个重要领域。

    Forestry is one of the key fields for GIS application .

  7. 城市交通规划与城市地理信息系统应用

    Urban Traffic Planning and of Urban Geography Information System Application

  8. 海洋渔业遥感地理信息系统应用服务技术和方法

    Operational GIS and RS Technology & Methods for Marine Fishery

  9. 敏感地段的景观安全格局设计及地理信息系统应用&以北京香山滑雪场为例

    Landscape Security Approach in Planning of Very Sensitive Site and GIS Application

  10. 本文偿试将地理信息系统应用在汞的生物地球化学循环研究中。

    We research application of GIS to the biogeochemical cycle of mercury .

  11. 格网技术对地理信息系统应用与发展影响的分析

    The Influences of Grid Technology on the Development of GIS

  12. 成品油管道完整性管理及地理信息系统应用研究

    Research on Product Oil Pipeline Integrity Management and Geographic Information System Application

  13. 全国铁路地理信息系统应用服务共享平台的研究

    Research on Application Service Sharing Platform for China Railway Geographic Information System

  14. 地理信息系统应用模型实现技术研究

    Technical Research for Carrying out the GIS 's Applied Models

  15. 单桩承载力地理信息系统应用研究

    Study on Application of Geographical Information System of Bearing Capacity of Single Piles

  16. 基于控件的矿山地理信息系统应用软件开发

    Development of MGIS application software on basis of control

  17. 讨论了多媒体界面和多媒体的实现情况以及地理信息系统应用的特点和功能。

    Multimedia interface and realization , characteristic and function of GIS are described .

  18. 开放式地理信息系统应用开发平台的理论与实现

    Theory and Implementation of Open GIS application Development Platform

  19. 地理信息系统应用于血吸虫病的监测&Ⅱ.流行程度的预测

    Application of geographic information systems on schistosomiasis surveillance ──ⅱ . predicting transmission intensity

  20. 森林资源地理信息系统应用的效果分析

    Application Effects and Analysis of Forest Resources GIS

  21. 供电所电网地理信息系统应用研究

    The Study of the Power Supply Station GIS

  22. 人口地理信息系统应用软件的开发

    Exploiting of applied software of Population GIS

  23. 地理信息系统应用普及化程度低;

    Popularization of GIS application is low ;

  24. 森林管护经营地理信息系统应用初探

    Explore GIS applications in forest management

  25. 地理信息系统应用十分广泛,在水利部门中的应用更具优势。

    GIS is widely used , and the application of GIS in water conservancy has advantage .

  26. 土壤侵蚀监测一直是遥感和地理信息系统应用的一个重要领域。

    Soil erosion monitoring is an important part of the application of remote sensing and GIS .

  27. 地理信息系统应用于油气勘探开发的历史、现状与发展趋势

    History , actuality and development trend of GIS applied to exploration and development of oil and gas

  28. 面向城市规划的地理信息系统应用

    GIS for City Planning

  29. 地理信息系统应用广泛,它们往往有不同的应用背景和建模需求。

    Geographic information system ( GIS ) is widely used in different fields that has different background and model .

  30. 将地理信息系统应用于工程图档管理中,使其在城市规划的工程图档管理工作中发挥积极作用。

    GIS is used to engineering map and document management which will produce active action as well as city planning .