
  • Bad Girls;Mean Girls;Nasty Girl
  1. 我总是喜欢坏女孩

    Always had a thing for the bad girls .

  2. 她们被称作“坏女孩”是有原因的

    There was a reason that they called them " bad girls . "

  3. 艾娜是个坏女孩,后来自然就进了监狱。

    Ina is a bad girl so , natch , ends up in prison .

  4. 她嗓门越来越高地说道:“你是个坏女孩!你是个妖女!你是个魔鬼!”

    She spoke in a crescendo : ' You are a bad girl ! You are a wicked girl ! You are evil ! '

  5. 然后在我十几、二十几岁时,坏女孩和酷孩子们来了。

    Then came my tweens and teens , and mean girls and cool kids .

  6. 坏女孩终于变好了,SerenaVanDerWoosen和ChuckBass搬到了一起。

    Yeah . And catatonic 's bad-girl-turned-good Serena Van Doer Worsen ... moved in with Chuck Bass . - Blair : Yeah .

  7. 正如《纽约每日新闻》(NewYorkDailyNews)所说,“由于她即将成年,这位‘势不可挡'的歌手将以坏女孩的形象全速发展,并且说比起之前在电视银幕上刻画的任何好女孩形象,这才更像她自己。”

    As the New York Daily News put it , " Now that she 's coming into her own womanhood , the ' We Can 't Stop ' singer is going full throttle with her bad girl image and said that 's more like who she is than any good girl persona previously portrayed on television . "

  8. Goolge在线搜索引擎公布,“坏女孩”帕丽斯·希尔顿和Bebo社交网站成为2006年最为热门的搜索主题。

    Celebrity bad-girl Paris Hilton and social networking website Bebo were the hottest topics on Google in2006 , the online search engine revealed .

  9. 在谈到她的角色时,加朵说:“Shank的驾驶技术很棒,她有一种坏女孩的感觉。但随着电影的继续深入,你会发现她是多么的有趣、睿智和温暖,这也是我最喜欢她的地方。”

    Gadot said about her character , " Shank is amazing at driving cars and has this bad-girl vibe to her . But as the movie goes on you realize how fun , wise and warm she really is on the inside , which is what I like most about her . "

  10. 哦,而且还有潜在的坏女孩基因。

    Oh , and there 's also this latent mean-girl gene .

  11. 你想看艾玛演坏女孩吗?

    Are you anxious to see Emma play a bad girl ?

  12. 如果你抽烟,你是坏女孩;

    If you smoke , you are a bad girl ;

  13. 比一个坏女孩的梦还要强大,冷酷。

    Stronger and harder than a bad girl 's dream .

  14. 希德姐妹帮是所有坏女孩组织中最大的少女组织。

    Heathers is the big sister of all mean-girl movies .

  15. 我是个坏女孩,所以没有亲吻。

    I am a bad girl , so no kiss .

  16. 现在你知道那些坏女孩都是什么下场了吧

    now you know what happens to bad little girls .

  17. 那天在体育馆,那些坏女孩…

    Well , at gym the other day , these mean girls ...

  18. 敏男过去不是一个坏女孩。

    Mi-nam wasn 't such a bad girl before .

  19. 她就是一个坏女孩,很多女人都是这样的。

    She 's just a bad girl . a lot of women are .

  20. 就连麦莉·赛勒斯都成了坏女孩的榜样了。

    Even Miley Cyrus is a bad role model .

  21. 听着,你这个瑞德克里夫的坏女孩,星期五有一场冰球赛。

    Listen , you Radcliffe bitch . There 's a hockey game on Friday .

  22. 坏女孩真的转性了?

    Has our bad girl really gone good ?

  23. 艾米:我明白,我发现扮演个坏女孩的角色,竟让我很兴奋。

    Amy : I do . I find being cast in the role of bad girl oddly

  24. 我是个坏女孩!

    I am a bad girl !

  25. 你是个坏女孩吗?

    Are you a naughty girl ?

  26. 心碎的感情还没有恢复,就有人指戳你是坏女孩了。

    When you don 't recover from heartbreak , you may be pointed as some bad girl .

  27. 当圣诞老人很爽的主要原因是他知道所有的坏女孩住在哪儿。

    The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live .

  28. 他的朋友想安慰他,说:你知道她不是个坏女孩。

    His friend tried to comfort him by telling him , You didn 't know she was bad .

  29. 坏女孩性格乖张、名声不好、卑微低下、没有朋友。

    She was the odd girl out with a bad reputation , low to no status , and few friends .

  30. 坏女孩就难说了,要么是真的不够好,要么是不够聪明

    As for Bad girls , hard to say , some are not good enough , others are not smart enough