
  1. 第二年,兔子们想起了我,有一只甚至会坐起来向我要薄片!

    That second year , the rabbits remembered me , and one would even sit up for slices !

  2. 降雨使Leatherman的工作停了下来,所以他可以坐下来向我们描述他是怎样使自己的经济状况恢复正常的。

    Rainfall brings Leatherman 's work to a pause , so he sits down with us to describe how he brought his financial house back to order .

  3. 那个鳏夫整个晚上坐着向一个混血少女以目传情。

    The widower sat casting sheep 's eyes at a half-caste girl all the evening .

  4. 勇气不仅表现在在需要的时候站起来向人们说话,而且也表现在在需要的时候坐下来向人们倾听。

    Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak ; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen .

  5. 妈妈接着把这个消息告诉了奶奶,她们抱头痛哭.我们坐上车向医院驶去。

    When mum had told my Nan , and they 'd had a good cry together , we got in the car and went up to the hospital .

  6. 考迪尔(JimCaudill)的前妻让他坐下来,向他解释她为什么想离婚的时候,她列出了一长串的理由:吉姆不愿照顾孩子。

    When Jim Caudill 's first wife sat him down and explained that she wanted a divorce , she had a long list of complaints : He didn 't help enough with the kids .

  7. 他们坐独木舟划向下游。他用独木舟将我划过河去。

    He paddled me across the river in his canoe .

  8. 他还坐着,向火炉那边更挨近些。

    He kept his seat , and shrank closer to the fire .

  9. 他们坐独木舟划向下游。

    They paddled down the stream in a canoe .

  10. 在椅子上坐正,向天花板方向拉伸手臂。

    Sit tall in your chair , and stretch your arms toward the ceiling .

  11. 他坐起来,向四周望了望。

    He sat up and looked around .

  12. 女郎鞭子一指,虎兄就规规矩矩地坐下来,向观众敬了一个举手礼。

    As the woman pointed the whip , the tiger sit down obediently and bowed to the audience .

  13. 安排特定的时间和地点,面对面坐下来,向对方解释你们需要谈一谈。

    Set up a specific time and place to meet face to face , explaining that you need to talk .

  14. 在人们安静的间隙,我坐直身体向后面看台的边看去。

    During a quiet spell , I straighten up and turn to look behind me over the edge of the stadium .

  15. 例如:命令你自己向上飘浮、站起来、坐起来,向脚的方向滑下去。

    Commanding yourself to float up , stand up , roll over , slide downwards towards the feet are a few .

  16. 至于三星,这家在2006年就以生产优质屏幕而大获成功的生产商,坐在那向所有其他公司吐舌头。

    And Samsung , the maker of those excellent TV screens in 2006 , sat there sticking its tongue out at everyone else .

  17. 不许那样做,西里尔,姑妈说。来看看窗外。男孩闭上嘴靠窗而坐。他向外面的绿地和树木张望。

    ' Don 't do that , Cyril , 'said the aunt . ' Come and look out of the window . 'The boy closed his mouth and sat next to the window . He looked out at the green fields and trees .

  18. 在一个名叫底对底(bottomtobottom)的游戏中,戴维斯让学员在水中跳起,然后以臀部下坐的姿势落向池底。

    In a game called ' bottom to bottom , ' students jump up in the water , then let themselves fall bottom-first to the floor of the pool .

  19. 和摩根挂了电话十分钟后,我已坐在车里向商场开去。

    Ten minutes after I hang up with Morgan I 'm in the car and heading for the mall .

  20. 近藤表示,当她走进一个新家时,她会坐在地板中央向这个空间打招呼。

    When she enters a new home , Kondo says , she sits down in the middle of the floor to greet the space .

  21. 坐着从市中心向东南方向的绿线15分钟就到了古科罗缅斯克庄园站,此刻你置身于莫斯科的另一个隐藏的无价宝藏。

    A15 minute ride from the city center south-east along the green line to Kolomenskoye station brings you to another of Moscow 's hidden treasure troves .

  22. 扩胸伸展:上身坐直,双手向上伸,扩胸,双肩收紧,保持20秒。

    The chest stretch : Sit forward , point your thumbs to the ceiling and stretch the chest , squeezing the shoulder blades together for 20 seconds

  23. 黑落德在约定的日子,披戴君王的礼服,坐在宝座上向他们演讲。

    And upon a day appointed , Herod being arrayed in kingly apparel , sat in the judgment seat , and made an oration to them .

  24. 但书中自有智慧存,令人兴奋的故事就像是由一名疤面汉子坐在火堆旁向我们娓娓道来一样,火光让人安详。

    But there is also wisdom here , and the momentum of a thrilling yarn , delivered as if by a scarred man by the consoling light of a fire .

  25. 那时候就像是在度假一样。每天下午,窗边的那位会坐起来,他向同伴描述窗外他能够看到的一切。

    And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up , he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window .

  26. 我们俩坐在椅子上向上及四周凝视直到教堂关门,看着太阳照亮窗格中的彩色玻璃,有深红、蓝色、金色,及眩目的白色。

    The two of us sit on chairs and stare upward and around until closing time , watching the sun illuminate the stained glass panes deep red , blue , gold , and a near blinding white .

  27. 伊丽莎白苦闷了整整一个上午,想不到在极短的时间里,居然坐上马车,向浪搏恩出发了。

    and Elizabeth , after all the misery of the morning , found herself , in a shorter space of time than she could have supposed , seated in the carriage , and on the road to Longbourn .

  28. 那时我大约七八岁,父亲几年前去世了,母亲坐在客厅里向我描述父亲是多么了不起。

    I was about seven or eight years old at the time . Father had died a few years earlier . Mother was sitting in the living room talking to me , telling me what a wonderful man Father was . She told me of his last illness and death .