
lā jī shí pǐn
  • junk food
  1. 他把垃圾食品当饭吃。

    He lived on a diet of junk food .

  2. 他好像靠吃垃圾食品为生。

    He seems to live off junk food .

  3. 烹饪快餐并不意味着牺牲风味,快餐也不见得就一定是垃圾食品。

    Cooking up a quick dish doesn 't mean you have to sacrifice flavour . Nor does fast food have to be junk food .

  4. 孩子大多喜欢吃垃圾食品。

    Kids are mostly prone to eat junk food .

  5. 垃圾食品无处不在。

    Junk food is everywhere .

  6. 同样,研究者说,看到垃圾食品就能刺激人们吃的欲望。

    Similarly , the researchers say , being presented with junk food stimulates our desire to eat it .

  7. 因此,可以将垃圾食品转移到商店的后面,并禁止将其摆放在结账队伍旁的货架上。

    One could remove junk food to the back of the store and ban them from the shelves at checkout lines .

  8. 为什么这么多美国人要吃成吨的加工食品——它们是真正的垃圾食品,真正应该贴上警告标签?

    Why do so many Americans eat tons of processed food , the stuff that is correctly called junk and should really carry warning labels ?

  9. 其他的措施还包括限制食物量、冋垃圾食品征税、禁止垃圾食品特价销售以及在产品上贴警告标志。

    The other measures include restricting portion sizes , taxing and prohibiting special price deals for junk foods , and placing warning labels on the products .

  10. 为了量化不良饮食的成本,我最近尝试用汉堡这一最著名的垃圾食品来评估不良饮食的影响。

    To help quantifycosts of a poor diet , I recently tried to estimate this impact in terms of a most famous food , the burger .

  11. 该研究参考了有关人们饮食和饮酒行为的研究成果以及对酒精管控的效果,然后列举出五项研究者认为有望实施到垃圾食品上的规定。

    The research references studies of peopled behavior with food and alcohol and results of alcohol restrictions , and then lists five regulations that the researchers think might be promising if applied to junk foods .

  12. 谁会想因为吃垃圾食品而毁掉自己的良好锻炼呢?

    Who would want to ruin their good workout by eating junk food ?

  13. 他们知道,先买健康食品的顾客会感到高兴,这样他们在旅行中会买更多的垃圾食品。

    They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food later in their trip .

  14. 不要吃太多垃圾食品。这对我们的健康有害。

    Don 't eat too much junk food . It is bad for our health .

  15. 一位数据挖掘公司的CEO说,这是他现在购买汉堡和垃圾食品时的支付方式。

    One data mining CEO says this is how he pays for hamburgers and junk food these days .

  16. 劝说MIKE每天锻炼身体,多吃水果、蔬菜,保证充足的睡眠、少吃垃圾食品。(用英语说)

    Persuade MIKE taking exercise every day , and eat more fruits , vegetables , assure enough sleep , eat less junk food .

  17. 这股潮流已经席卷整个“垃圾食品”业(BigFood),受影响最明显的可能是碳酸饮料行业。在美国,碳酸饮料销量已连续十年下降,反应出消费者对糖和人造甜味剂印象转差。

    This trend has cut across Big Food in general - perhaps most noticeably in the fizzy drinks industry , where a decade-long fall in US sales reflects a consumer backlash against sugar and artificial sweeteners .

  18. dietaryfiber膳食纤维protein蛋白质vitamin维他命mineral矿物质一般来说,垃圾食品含有大量的卡路里,糖,脂肪,只有一点点日常所需的膳食纤维,蛋白质,维他命,矿物质。

    The actual meaning of junk food is a term for food containing a large number of calories from sugar or fat with little dietary fiber , protein , vitamins or minerals .

  19. 玩着iPad、吃着垃圾食品长大的这一代,能适应野营炉具和厕所的艰苦吗?

    Is a generation raised on iPads and junk food up to the rigours of the camp stove and the camp potty ?

  20. 当老鼠不再吃垃圾食品的时候,它们释放出CRF,这和老鼠经历脱瘾过程时候释放CRF一摸一样。

    When the rats went off the junk , they expressed CRF , just as do rats going through withdrawal .

  21. 迪尼斯公司(Disney)如今正在将该公司所制作出品的儿童电视节目中的垃圾食品广告清理出去,还改善了迪斯尼主题乐园内所出售食品的质量。

    DisneyDIS + 0.85 % is eliminating ads for junk foods from its children 's programming and improving the food served in Disney theme parks .

  22. 八年前,我对“垃圾食品”简直到了痴迷的程度,我时常叫外卖,PapaJohn's(约翰爸爸快餐店)和中餐连锁店的外卖送餐员即使闭着眼睛也能找到我家。

    Eight years ago I was a junk food addict . The delivery drivers from Papa John 's and the Chinese food joint could have found their way to my house blindfolded .

  23. 我们请到了最棒的向导——弗兰克•西特曼(FrankHitman),他每时每刻都精力充沛,和我们一样,他也讨厌廉价旅游纪念品和垃圾食品。

    We have an amazing guide , Frank Hitman ─ ' Flanke ' to the Chinese ─ who is endlessly enthusiastic and as tourist-junk and crap-food avoidant as we are .

  24. 3年多以前,上海庆祝了史上最著名的垃圾食品之一——奥利奥(Oreo)问世100周年纪念日——外滩上燃放了焰火,摩天大楼上投射了几层楼高的奥利奥霓虹灯广告。

    Three scant years ago , Shanghai celebrated the 100th birthday of one of history 's most famous junk foods - the Oreo biscuit - with fireworks on the Bund and multi-storey neon adverts projected on to skyscrapers .

  25. 叫这么多的“垃圾食品”不利于身体健康。

    It 's not good to eat so much junk food .

  26. 可能你吃了坏的食物或者垃圾食品。

    Moon : Maybe you got bad food or junk food .

  27. 她坚决反对给孩子们吃垃圾食品。

    She 's dead set against giving the kids junk food .

  28. 如果你吃垃圾食品,最后身体就会很糟糕。

    If you eat junk , eventually your health will suffer .

  29. 但他们并不需要垃圾食品来养活。

    But it does not need to feed them junk food .

  30. 杰米告诉他们为什么垃圾食品有害健康。

    Jamie showed them why the junk food wasn 't healthy .