
  • 网络Essex;University of Essex
  1. 今天他们登场与郡冠军队埃塞克斯队比赛。

    Today they take the field against county champions Essex .

  2. 埃塞克斯的警察再次拜访了他们。

    They had another visitation from Essex police .

  3. 沃里克队在排名中蹿升至第3名,落后领先的埃塞克斯队31分。

    Warwicks leap to third in the table , 31 points behind leaders Essex .

  4. 我一直心里清楚过了这么多年后离开埃塞克斯会非常痛苦。

    I always knew it would be a wrench to leave Essex after all these years

  5. 为了做到这一点,该研究小组使用了埃塞克斯大学编制的“英国家庭小组调查”中的数据。

    To do this , the team used data from the British Household Panel Survey compiled by the University of Essex .

  6. 235平方英尺的豪华开间StudioQueen有个大窗户,能俯瞰热闹的埃塞克斯街(EssexStreet),很适合看人来人往。

    Our 235-square-foot Studio Queen had a large window overlooking lively Essex Street , which was great for people-watching .

  7. 这家人的孩子们在英国埃塞克斯郡(Essex)的热带羽翼动物园(TropicalWingsZoo)追赶小公鸡宝贝杰克(Jake),而他们的父母却大笑着旁观。

    The children 's parents watched on laughing as they chased treasure Jake the cockerel around Tropical Wings Zoo in Essex .

  8. 肖娜来自英国的埃塞克斯,是一位化妆师,也是视频分享网站YouTube上的红人。她耗时一个半小时将自己打扮成灰姑娘、白雪公主等经典公主形象,但在其中都添加了个恐怖元素。

    Makeup artist and YouTube star Shonagh Scott from Essex spent 90 minutes transforming herself into the classic princesses - such as Cinderella and Snow White - but with a macabre twist 。

  9. 所以来自英国埃塞克斯大学(UniversityofEssex)的ElaineFox和她的同事想知道基因是否在对积极或者消极事件的选择性注意上起一定的作用,从而影响“世界观”。

    So Elaine Fox and her colleagues at the University of Essex , in Britain , wondered whether genes play a part in the selective attention to positive or negative material , with consequent effects on outlook .

  10. 但如果这位王子坚持娶本国姑娘,谢丽尔科尔是最好人选,令人惊讶的是位列第三的是真人秀《埃塞克斯是唯一的生活方式》里的明星AmyChilds。

    But if the party prince wants to stick to home-grown girls , Cheryl Cole came second , with a surprise third place going to The Only Way Is Essex star Amy Childs .

  11. 梅根和英国战时首相温斯顿·丘吉尔(SirWinstonChurchill)都是撒迦利亚·霍恩(ZachariahHowe)第六任侄子的第5位孙辈,撒迦利亚·霍恩是英国埃塞克斯生人。

    The actress and wartime prime minister Sir Winston Churchill are sixth cousin five times removed , connected through Zachariah Howe , who came from a family of British settlers that originated from Essex .

  12. “看上去是很小的差别,但说到集中注意力的时间,这个研究结果是前后一致的。”英国Colchester埃塞克斯大学的研究小组组长ElaineFox如是说。

    " It sounds very small , but in terms of attentional time , it 's consistent ," says team leader Elaine Fox of the University of Essex in Colchester , UK .

  13. 来自埃塞克斯霍恩彻奇的GeoffreyWalkley今年已经69岁,他花了35年完成了这项工程,这一玩偶小屋是英国国民托管组织中一座18世纪的雷纳姆大厅复制品。

    Geoffrey Walkley , 69 , from Hornchurch in Essex , took 35 years to finish the project , which is a replica of the National Trust 's 18th century Rainham Hall .

  14. 考古研究小组为我们展示了清晰的远古画面,让我们可以追溯到更远的历史甚至小的个体群落,例如在埃塞克斯(Essex)考古遗址,考古人员发现了当时原始居民修建,使用和后来废弃的围场,它伴随了一代人的成长。

    The team 's work offers such a sharp picture of the past that it is possible to trace the histories even of individual communities , such as one in Essex whose inhabitants built , used and then abandoned an enclosure within the span of a single generation .

  15. 甚至不和埃塞克斯伯爵说什么?

    Not even the Earl of Essex is talked of ?

  16. 告诉他女王正在寻找埃塞克斯伯爵。

    Tell him the queen is looking for the Earl of essex .

  17. 他是埃塞克斯的骄傲,马克“皇家的”金!

    The pride of Essex , Mark " the Royal " King !

  18. 他目前正在埃塞克斯开业行医。

    He is now a practising doctor in essex .

  19. 或许可以让埃塞克斯伯爵就任。

    Maybe we could send the Earl of essex .

  20. 迪拜环球港务集团在英国也拥有一些港口,如位于埃塞克斯的蒂尔布利港。

    DP World also owns ports in Britain such as Tilbury in Essex .

  21. 我们由福兰克埃塞克斯开始。

    We 're gonna start off with Frank essex .

  22. 这一调查是在埃塞克斯的湖边购物中心开展的。

    The survey was carried out at the Lakeside Shopping Centre in Essex .

  23. 把他关进埃塞克斯的宅子。

    Take him under guard to Essex house .

  24. 派个人去见埃塞克斯伯爵。

    Send someone to the Earl of essex .

  25. 埃塞克斯大学的科学家们便将两者结合以观其效果。

    So scientists at the University of Essex wanted to see the effect of combining the two .

  26. 她可以迷惑埃塞克斯每一个男人,但她永远没法子跟我的狗儿交上朋友。

    She may bewitch every man in Essex , but she 'd never make friends with my dog .

  27. 或者说,是那个在经过了没完没了的废话以及当地许多地理学性质的困难之后将会变成埃塞克斯郡的地方。

    Or what would , after a lot of palaver and local difficulties of a geological nature , become Essex .

  28. 这位来自埃塞克斯郡罗姆福德附近的哈罗德山的纹身艺术家,在他闲暇时光里常常定做灵车。

    The tattoo artist from Harold Hill , near Romford in Essex , normally customises hearses in his spare time .

  29. 去年10月,埃塞克斯一个工业区的冷藏拖车里发现了越南公民的尸体。

    The bodies of the Vietnamese nationals were discovered in a refrigerated trailer at an industrial estate in Essex last October .

  30. 劳伦·古杰综合了所有完美特质,被真人秀“埃塞克斯是唯一的生活方式”评为全国理想女性形象。

    Ideal woman : Lauren Goodger boasts all three of the top characteristics named by British men as making up their perfect woman .