
  • 网络balanced urban and rural;urban-rural integration
  1. 城乡统筹背景下农地适度规模经营问题探讨

    Moderate Scale Management of Agricultural Land in the Context of Urban-rural Integration

  2. 科学发展观和城乡统筹的提出为农民的彻底解放奠定了理论基础。

    Scientific development mindset and urban-rural integration provide the theoretical basis for thoroughly liberalizing farmers .

  3. Granger因果关系检验表明,短期内江苏经济发展与城乡统筹存在着单向因果关系,长期内江苏的经济发展与城乡统筹之间存在着双向的、互为因果关系。

    An empirical analysis of Granger-causality test shows a short-run one-way causal relationship between the provincial economic development and overall planning , while there exists a cause-effect relationship between them in the long run .

  4. 新疆城乡统筹发展刍议

    Some Ideas about the Unified Urban and Rural Development of Xinjiang

  5. 城镇化与城乡统筹的综合改革

    Urbanization and Comprehensive Reform of a Unified Rural - Urban Plan

  6. 基于城乡统筹的基本卫生服务公平性研究

    Study on Equity in Essential Health Care Based on Coordinating Urban-Rural

  7. 城乡统筹发展职业教育是一种新型职业教育发展观。

    It is a new concept of development of vocational education .

  8. 第四部分:城乡统筹评价方法研究。

    Part Four deals with the evaluation method of urban-rural coordination .

  9. 县(市)域城乡统筹规划的实施方案探讨

    Discussion on schemes of urban and ru-ral integrated planning at county level

  10. 对贵州省城乡统筹问题的几点思考

    Thoughts on the Comprehensive Planning of Urban and RuralAreas in Guizhou Province

  11. 城乡统筹发展与政府推动问题研究

    Research on Urban and Rural Coordinate Development and Government Impetus

  12. 又对大连市城乡统筹的原因进行了分析。

    Then it analyzes the reason of Dalian urban and rural areas .

  13. 以农村城镇化推进城乡统筹发展

    On Promoting Coordination Development between Urban and Rural Areas via Rural Urbanization

  14. 通货膨胀、公共财政与城乡统筹发展

    Inflation , public finance and considering both city and country

  15. 构建城乡统筹的最低生活保障体系

    Integrating the Minimum Living Standard Security Systems in Urban and Rural China

  16. 实施高等教育资源共享工程推进重庆城乡统筹发展

    Higher Educational Resource-Sharing Project to Boost Coordinative Development of Chongqing Urban-Rural Area

  17. 城乡统筹视角下农村土地流转机制研究

    Basic Research on Rural Land Transfer Mechanism in Coordinating Urban-Rural Development Perspective

  18. 试论城乡统筹发展视野下的政府责任

    On Governmental Duties in the Overall Development of Rural and Urban Areas

  19. 城乡统筹发展,创建海南新型农村居民点体系

    Integrate urban and rural development and set up new rural settlement system

  20. 而城乡统筹发展正是题中之意。

    Therefore , the urban and rural development is an important topic .

  21. 对城乡统筹发展的社会关系进行了概述性描述。

    Of social relations in urban and rural development are outlined description .

  22. 第二部分:关于城乡统筹的基本理论与实践。

    The second part deals with theories and practices of urban-rural coordination .

  23. 第三部分:城乡统筹发展的评价指标体系构建。

    Part Three establishes the evaluation index system of urban-rural coordinating development .

  24. 制度统筹是城乡统筹的关键所在。

    Balancing the system is the key to balancing urban and rural development .

  25. 第六章:城乡统筹视角下完善新农合的路径选择。

    The path to perfect the NCMS from the perspective of Urban-rural co-ordination .

  26. 构筑有利于城乡统筹发展的制度支持系统

    Construct the System Environment to Support the Overall Development of Villages and Cities

  27. 在此社会经济背景下,城乡统筹应运而生。

    In the social economic background ," urban and rural " came into being .

  28. 五是城乡统筹中农村医疗保障制度建设的立法思考。

    Fifth , urban and rural in the rural medical security system in Legislation .

  29. 加快发展现代畜牧业推动城乡统筹发展

    Accelerate the Development of Modern Animal Husbandry to Promote Urban and Rural Coordinated Development

  30. 城乡统筹发展中的土地利用问题探讨

    Discussion of land-use in urban and rural development