
  1. 视觉形象是城市旅游形象具体化、视觉化的传达形式。它与社会公众的联系最为密切,影响面也最广。

    Visual image is a communication form of concreting and visualizing urban tourism image , which contacting with the public most closely and affecting range most widely .

  2. 旅游城市化的进一步发展要求城市进行相应的旅游化建设,而城市的旅游化建设则可以更有效地促进旅游城市化的进程。

    The further development of tourism urbanization requires the corresponding construction of the form of tourism , while the construction of the form of urban tourism would effectively accelerate the process of tourism urbanization .

  3. 但随着近年来中国旅游发展中城市自身旅游功能的日趋完善,越来越多的旅游活动发生,甚至集中在城市,旅游的城市化倾向成为一种趋势。

    Recently , with the increasing recognition of city 's tourism function during the development of national tourism , more and more tourism activities happened and were concentrated in the city . The urbanization of tourism is becoming a trend .