
  • 网络Urban Consumer
  1. 中国城市消费者的品牌态度与市场细分轮廓:一项来自上海的实证研究

    The Brand Attitude and Segmentation Profile of Urban Consumer in China : An Empirical Study from Shanghai

  2. 领导这项研究的利加·拉希徳·萨莉说:“废水农业有很大的潜在可能去帮助和伤害众多城市消费者。”

    " There is a large potential for wastewater agriculture to both help and hurt great numbers of urban consumers , " said Liqa Raschid-Sally , who led the study .

  3. 麦肯锡(McKinsey&Company)最近发布的一份报告称,到2022年,中国超过75%的城市消费者将迈入中产阶级的行列。

    More than 75 percent of China 's urban consumers will fall into that demographic by 2022 , according to a recent report by McKinsey & Company .

  4. 这就是HectorBeverages旗下传统印度饮料品牌PaperBoat的缘起——自2013年8月上市以来,PaperBoat便受到了富裕的印度城市消费者的热切欢迎。

    That was the origin of Paper Boat - Hector Beverages " brand of traditional Indian drinks , which have been lapped up by affluent , urban Indian consumers since their launch in August 2013 .

  5. 这就是HectorBeverages旗下传统印度饮料品牌PaperBoat的缘起&自2013年8月上市以来,PaperBoat便受到了富裕的印度城市消费者的热切欢迎。

    That was the origin of Paper Boat & Hector Beverages ' brand of traditional Indian drinks , which have been lapped up by affluent , urban Indian consumers since their launch in August 2013 .

  6. NEO志在成为一个面向预算较紧的消费者或二三线城市消费者的入门系列。海纳说,他认为公司三分之二的机会都在二三线城市。

    NEO aims to be a gateway line for consumers with tighter budgets or with shoppers in lower-tier cities , where Mr. Hainer said he sees two-thirds of the company 's opportunity .

  7. 阿里巴巴CEO张勇称,像城市消费者一样,农村消费者也成为网购爱好者,“年货节将更好的为农村消费者服务,把更多的农产品带到城市居民的餐桌上。”

    Zhang Yong , chief executive officer of Alibaba , said like urban residents , many rural consumers have also become online shopping enthusiasts . " The soon-to-be-launched shopping event will better serve rural consumers and bring more agricultural products to the dining tables of urban consumers , " he said .

  8. 该调查显示了城市消费者对转基因食品的意识较低。

    The survey revealed low awareness among urban consumers of GM foods .

  9. 它也增加了城市消费者对汽车和家用电器的需求。

    It is also driving demand among urban consumers for cars and appliances .

  10. 然而,关注的焦点却大都集中在城市消费者知情权保护上。

    However , the attention is focused on the right of urban citizens as consumers .

  11. 尤其受到威胁的是城市消费者和农村地区贫穷的粮食净购买者。

    Particularly at risk are poor urban consumers and poor net food buyers in rural areas .

  12. 各地特色农产品年货将通过阿里巴巴的平台被送到更多城市消费者手里。

    The program enables farmers to sell their agriculture products in cities through the Alibaba platforms .

  13. 独有性(专用权)是吸引城市消费者的主要因素,因为人们还是会被身份地位(带来的虚荣感)所迷惑的。

    Exclusively is the main attraction for customers in a city that is still obsessed with status .

  14. 并将不同城市消费者的文化特征数据、奢侈品消费动机数据进行了类比。

    For comparing the data of the cultural characteristics and the luxury consumer motivation for different urban consumers .

  15. 对城市消费者保持粮食低价格是歧视农民的定价政策得以推行的重要促进因素。

    Maintaining low food prices for urban consumers is an important motivation for having pricing policies that discriminate against farmers .

  16. 体育营销分析师皮尔.胡斯托说,这次奥运会将给这些赞助商提供从未有过的接触到中国3亿到4亿城市消费者的机会。

    Sports marketing analyst Pierre Justo says the Olympics will give sponsors unprecedented access to China's300 to400 million urban consumers .

  17. 中国的人均收入仍然较低,但许多城市消费者有能力尝试高价商品和服务。

    Chinese per capita incomes remain low but plenty of urban consumers are able to sample high-value goods and services .

  18. 中国市场规模庞大、发展迅速,拥有数亿对媒体内容日益渴望的城市消费者,其吸引力仍在。

    The allure of a huge and fast-growing market with its hundreds of millions of increasingly media-hungry urban consumers remains undimmed .

  19. 城市消费者零售企业品牌偏好与忠诚的跨地区比较:北京、武汉与长沙

    A Trans-regional Comparative Study on Beijing , Wuhan and Changsha Urban Consumers ' Preference and Loyalty to Retail Enterprises ' Brands

  20. 我们预测,城市消费者的购买需求将扩大,例如汽车、家用电器、珠宝等奢侈品以及电子产品。

    We expect growing demand for items purchased by urban consumers such as cars , appliances , luxury goods like jewellery and electronics .

  21. 研究结果表明,中国牙膏已进入到品牌消费阶段,名牌牙膏产品已成为城市消费者的首选。

    The result showed that Chinese toothpaste is entering brand consume stage . The brand toothpaste has become the preferred choice in city consumers .

  22. 而这意味着超过十亿的城市消费者(一些是无地劳动者),他们中的很多人从贫穷国家的政治上来说是有影响力的。

    And that means over a billion urban consumers ( and some landless labourers ) , many of whom are politically influential in poor countries .

  23. 但是,这些相关的政府非但没有大肆庆祝,反而开始匆忙阻止本国农民受益过多、损害城市消费者的利益。

    But the governments involved , rather than celebrating , are scrambling to stop their farmers benefiting too much at the expense of their urban consumers .

  24. 对于日益增多的中国城市消费者而言,现在获取新鲜食品最近、最便利的来源,是超市而不是菜市场。

    For a growing number of urban Chinese consumers the nearest and most convenient source of fresh food is now a supermarket rather than a wet market .

  25. 由于时间和精力的限制,本文仅选取了江苏省南京和扬州两市的城市消费者作为调查对象。通过设计问卷,采用调查员面访的方式,共获得有效问卷651份。

    Because of the limitation of time and energy , we investigated Nanjing city consumers and Yangzhou city consumers , both of which are cities in Jiangsu province .

  26. 根据辽宁省十个城市消费者进行的问卷调查数据,深入研究了城市消费者对转基因食品的认知态度及购买意愿。

    According to the survey data of consumers who are in10 cities chosen from Liaoning , we intensively study consumers ′ cognitive attitudes and purchase intentions toward genetically modified foods .

  27. 它们不但在北京等地大力吸引城市消费者,而且还改进了产品的外观,使用与进口啤酒类似的小瓶包装。

    They are pushing for more urban consumers in places like Beijing and are updating the look of the product with smaller bottles similar to the kinds imported beers come in .

  28. 《中国投资参考》调查的城市消费者中,近一半(49.8%)的受访者定期购买维生素和膳食补充剂。考虑到该行业在中国还相对不成熟,这一比例已是相当之高。

    Almost half ( 49.8 per cent ) of urban consumers surveyed by China Confidential regularly buy vitamins and dietary supplements & a significant proportion given the relative immaturity of the sector .

  29. 中高层次学历、中高收入、年龄在26-49岁的城市消费者对碳标签食品的态度积极、认可度高,表现出鲜明的支付意愿。

    Specially , those who are highly educated , high earners , aged 26-49 years and living in urban , have positive attitude and high acceptance , and show a clear willingness to pay for carbon-labeling food .

  30. 作者进而使用1998年中国城市消费者调查的有关数据来分析三种理论模型对于研究中国饮食社交所特有的实证意义。

    This paper then uses the statistics obtained from China Urban Consumers Investigation of 1998 to test the validity of these three models and their practical contribution to the studies of China 's social communication on dinner tables .