
  • 网络rus;Kievan Rus;KIEV RUS
  1. 基辅罗斯分裂后,罗斯各王公追求自己的独立外交政策,拜占廷与罗斯政治关系变得复杂。

    After Kievan Rus broke up , in Rus each Prince pursued own independent diplomacy policy , so relation of Byzantium and Rus became very complicated .

  2. 基辅罗斯(882-1240)外交受空间因素和东正教影响,形成被动性、扩张性和复杂性的特征。

    The diplomacy of Kievan Rus ( 882-1240 ) showed the characteristics of passivity , expandability and complexity under the influences of the factor of territory and the Orthodox Church .

  3. 基辅罗斯在各个方向的外交概况为:东方威胁、威胁南方、西方较量、善待北方。

    The general situation of the various diplomacies of Kievan Rus was as following : threaten from the East ; threatening to the South ; contesting in the West and treating friendly to the North .