
  • 网络Tashkent;Uzbekistan;TOSHKENT
塔什干 [tǎ shí gàn]
  • [Tashkent] 乌兹别克首都

  1. 一架韩国的大型客机被两名乘客劫持,被迫飞往塔什干。

    A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent

  2. 五岁的孩子在塔什干国家音乐学院弹奏钢琴。

    Five year old playing the piano at Tashkent State Conservatory .

  3. 塔什干原苏联中亚部分南部一城市,位于阿拉木图西南偏西方。

    A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R.west-southwest of Alma-Ata .

  4. 这次峰会将于星期五在塔什干举行。

    Tashkent is hosting the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Friday .

  5. 在经历塔什干一事后这点你应该比任何人都清楚

    You should know that better than anybody after what happened in Tashkent .

  6. 迈克尔在塔什干所住酒店的录像

    Frame grabs from Michael 's hotel in Tashkent .

  7. 苏联中亚部分西南一城市,位于塔什干西南阿穆达亚。

    A city of southwest Central Asian U.S.S.R.on the Amu Darya southwest of Tashkent .

  8. 塔什干,乌克兰,日间托儿所。

    Day nursery in Tashkent , Uzbekistan .

  9. 塔什干国际机场修复工程沥青砼道面施工技术

    Construction Technology of Asphalt Concrete Pavement for the Project of Rehabilitation of Tashkent International Airport

  10. 阿迈道夫周二到达塔什干

    Ahmedov arrives in Tashkent on Tuesday .

  11. 他刚刚从塔什干的国际学校毕业,即将进入大学学习。

    He just graduated from Tashkent International School and is about to study in University .

  12. 他们占领并抢劫许多著名的城市,包括撒马尔罕、塔什干、布哈拉、赫拉特等。

    They captured and looted many famous cities , including Samarkand , Tashkent , Bokhara and Herat .

  13. 那是1992年,乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干申请主办2000年夏季奥运会。

    This was in 1992 , when Tashkent , the capital of Uzbekistan , bid for the 2000 Summer Games .

  14. 此外,一名塔吉克斯坦儿童在麻痹发作不久后从杜尚别到塔什干就医。

    In addition , a child from Tajikistan travelled from Dushanbe to Tashkent for medical treatment shortly after onset of paralysis .

  15. 当时距离苏联解体不过一年,塔什干人民完全明白,这是在做梦。

    Just one year after the fall of the Soviet Union , the people of Tashkent were fully aware that they were dreaming .

  16. 其它的许多支线也是历代都通行的,通往撒玛尔罕、塔什干、印度,及里海等地。

    Numerous other routes were also plied throughout the ages , reaching all the way to Samarkand , Tashkent , India , and the Caspian Sea .

  17. 该路线从中国乌鲁木齐、伊宁出发,途经哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图、吉尔吉斯斯坦的比什凯克、塔什干、乌兹别克斯坦的撒马尔罕、土库曼斯坦的阿什哈巴德,最后通过伊朗的德黑兰到达西亚铁路网。

    His proposed route was from China 's Urumqi and Yining to Almaty in Kazakhstan , then to Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan , Tashkent and Samarkand in Uzbekistan , Ashgabat in Turkmenistan and finally blending into West Asia 's network through Teheran , Iran .

  18. 当时,塔什干奥申委的主管们很快承认,一旦申请成功,他们需要建设24处场地,包括一个符合规定大小的游泳池和其他一些麻烦的设施,如几家酒店、一座机场和一家医院。

    At the time , Tashkent 's committee leaders readily admitted that , should they win , they would need to build 24 venues including a regulation-size swimming pool as well as a few other nagging items , like hotels , an airport and a hospital .