
mù zhì mínɡ
  • epitaph;epitaph on a memorial tablet
墓志铭 [mù zhì míng]
  • [gravestone epitaph;inscription on the memorial tablet within a tomb] 记载死者生平事迹的文字,刻在四方或长方的石头上,埋在坟墓里

  1. 众所周知,雷恩的墓志铭中写道,大教堂本身就是他的纪念碑。

    As Wren 's epitaph famously declares , the cathedral itself is his monument .

  2. 一段墓志铭,一段挑逗且下流的墓志铭,大致是足够

    An inscription might suffice , an epitaph that titillates like dirty talk .

  3. 但是对于“墓志铭”和“秘密”这样的独立唱片公司来说,黑胶成了必不可少的东西:两家厂牌目前在黑胶唱片和在CD唱片两部分的收益都是差不多一样多。

    But for indies like Epitaph and Secretly , vinyl has become essential : Both now take in nearly as much revenue from LPs as they do from CDs .

  4. 如果为死去的迈巴赫写篇墓志铭,碑文恐怕不会很体面。

    The Maybach epitaph will not be a not pretty one .

  5. 标新立异奇花异葩&谈韩愈墓志铭散文的特色

    A Brief Talk on Characteristic for Han Yu 's Epitaph

  6. 古老墓志铭现身以色列为世人讲述耶稣的来历。

    Proof of jesus-burial artifact may be the oldest evidence of christ .

  7. 他的墓志铭应当是:他为我们做了好事。

    His epitaph should be : He did us good .

  8. 在墓志铭中。人是并非经过发誓的。

    In lapidary inscription a man be not upon oath .

  9. “血红的月亮就是他的墓志铭”

    " And his epitaph , the blood-red moon . "

  10. 从许多方面看,本文可谓是凯恩斯主义时代的墓志铭。

    It was in many ways the epitaph for the Keynesian era .

  11. 唐代墓志铭的押韵及其研究方法

    Rhyming in Epitaphs of the Tang Dynasty and Its Method of Research

  12. 他的墓志铭写着这么一句话:“他死了,所以别人才活了下来.”

    The epitaph reads : " He died that others might live . "

  13. 无论是我活着为你写墓志铭。

    Or I shall live your epitaph to make .

  14. 呵,在危险的日子那简短的墓志铭。

    And the brief epitaph in danger 's day .

  15. 实际上我想和大家一起考察几个墓志铭。

    I want to actually try out on you a couple of epitaphs .

  16. 曾巩墓志铭之特色及其价值

    The Characteristics and Value of Zeng Gong ' Epitaphs

  17. 这才是你们想要的墓志铭。

    That 's what you want on your tombstone .

  18. 他开始收集墓志铭方面的旧书。

    He began to collect old books of epitaphs .

  19. 我的“墓志铭”上有的只是我姓名

    My ' epitaph ' shall be my name alone

  20. 感觉更像是为你写的墓志铭

    A bit like something on a tombstone .

  21. 理智是情感的墓志铭。

    Wit is the epitaph of an emotion .

  22. 高尚是高尚者的墓志铭,

    honesty the grave stone of the honest .

  23. 那么让我们再看一个例子,约翰·杜长眠于此,可能你自己的墓志铭就是这样的。

    Well , let 's try another one Here lies John Doe probably the Ur-epitaph .

  24. 再搞个募捐活动,我的名字的确是会刻在上面,好吧,是出现我的墓志铭上!

    One more fundraiser and my name will get engraved , all right-on my tombstone !

  25. 南京出土明《国子监生赵君墓志铭》

    Ming Period " Epitaph of the Imperial Academy Student Zhao Jun " Unearthed from Nanjing ;

  26. 高尚是高尚者的墓志铭,卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证。

    Nobility is the epitaph for the noble and ignobility , the pass for the ignoble .

  27. 深沉的怀念是没有墓志铭的;

    deep memories yield no epitaphs ;

  28. 墓志铭是古代传记中的一种,作品数量琳琅满目,不可胜计,但是对墓志铭写作理论的研究却相对比较贫乏。

    Epitaph is one style of China 's ancient biographics , which include dazzling and countless works .

  29. 流传数代仍然繁荣的家族企业是创始人才华的活生生的墓志铭。

    Prosperous family businesses passed down the generations are living epitaphs to the talents of their founders .

  30. 济慈为自己选择的墓志铭是:“这里长眠这一个名字写在水中的人。”

    Keats chose as high epitaph " Here lies one whose name was writ in water . "