
  • 网络Bank of Mexico;Banco de Mexico
  1. 根据墨西哥银行的统计,在美国打工的墨西哥人寄回家的钱今年以来已经减少了将近3%。

    According to the Banco de Mexico , remittances to Mexico have dropped by nearly three percent this year .

  2. 其中一个是信誉:墨西哥银行债务与gdp的比率只相当于巴西的三分之一。

    One is credit : the ratio of bank debt to GDP in Mexico is barely a third what it is in Brazil .

  3. 墨西哥银行业重组经验对我国银行业改革的启示

    The Experience of Mexican Banking Reform and Its Implication for China

  4. 脆弱与冲击:1995-1996年墨西哥银行危机

    The Mexican Banking Crisis of 1995-96 : A " Vulnerability-Shocks " Explanation

  5. 银行民营化与过度竞争:以墨西哥银行业为例

    Privatization And Over-competition of Banks : Taking the Mexican Banking Sector as an Example

  6. 外国资本进入墨西哥银行业的现状及影响

    Foreign Banks in Mexico

  7. 例如,墨西哥银行业曾成功游说政府允许银行业参与跨国并购,而中国国有银行则尚未获得成功。

    For example , Mexican banks have successfully lobbied to be part of cross-national mergers and acquisitions , while their state-controlled Chinese cousins have not .

  8. 墨西哥银行危机印证了脆弱与冲击银行危机解释模式的政策含义:发展中国家应针对银行体系脆弱性的具体原因,采取相应改革措施;

    The Mexican banking crisis of 1995-96 supports the policy implications of the " vulnerability-shocks " paradigm : developing countries should identify the specific causes of their banking systems vulnerability and implement the appropriate financial reforms ;

  9. 墨西哥中央银行行长奥古斯丁·卡斯滕斯(AgustínCarstens)也想担任该职位。

    Mexican Central Bank Chief Agustin Carstens also wants the job .

  10. 尽管大部分人认为墨西哥中央银行行长不太可能成功,然而卡斯腾斯坚持称,他是IMF总裁的最佳人选。

    He is considered , but the governor of Mexico 's central bank insists he is the best candidate for the IMF 's top job .

  11. 潜在的候选人的名单非常长:包括中国人民银行副行长朱民,墨西哥中央银行行长AgustinCarstens,南非前财长TrevorManuel。

    And the list of potential candidates is long : They include Zhu Min , deputy governor of the People 's Bank of China ; Agustin Carstens , Mexico 's central bank governor ; and South Africa 's former finance chief , Trevor Manuel .

  12. 墨西哥国家银行一名直接参与贷款的员工已于2月份被解雇。

    One Banamex employee directly involving the lending was fired in February .

  13. 唯一一位构成威胁的侯选人是墨西哥中央银行行长阿古斯丁·卡斯滕斯。

    The only other declared candidate is Mexican Central Bank Governor Agustin Carstens .

  14. 墨西哥中央银行研究顾问。

    Research Advisor , Mexican Central Bank ( Banco de M é xico ) .

  15. 逾40亿美元的巨额现金从墨西哥的银行转移到美联银行的账户。

    More than $ 4bn in bulk cash was also transported from Mexican banks to Wachovia accounts .

  16. 同行,墨西哥国民银行高调提出谋求暴利才是利用小额贷款帮助人们脱贫的最佳途径。

    CompartamosBanco argues that the best way for microfinance to help the poor is for it to make a socking great profit .

  17. 在墨西哥与乡村银行的女性接触,跟FINCA微型金融组织共事,

    Spending time with women in village banks in Mexico , with FINCA microfinace organization ,

  18. 贷款机构西班牙对外银行(BBVA)的情况更为典型,它目前在墨西哥开展的银行业务,比其国内市场的利润更高。

    More typical is the case of BBVA , a Spanish lender that now earns more from its banking operations in Mexico than in its home market .

  19. 在墨西哥与乡村银行的女性接触,跟FINCA微型金融组织共事,跟当地最早,也是唯一接受过中等教育的肯尼亚年轻女性见面,跟解放儿童组织在发展中国家建造可持续的校舍。

    Spending time with women in village banks in Mexico , with FINCA microfinace organization , meeting young women who were the first and only in their communities to attend secondary school in rural Kenya , with Free The Children group that build sustainable schools in developing countries .

  20. 今年,陷入困境的西方银行出售了价值数十亿美元的中资银行股份,但一家以投资美国和墨西哥出名的西班牙银行却准备逆势而为。

    In a year when troubled western lenders sold billions of dollars of shares in Chinese banks , a Spanish bank better known for its US and Mexico investments is set to buck the trend .

  21. 前墨西哥金融部长、现任一家墨西哥北方银行(banorte)总裁的吉列尔莫奥尔蒂斯(guillermoortiz)想严格控制外国银行在新兴市场中的子公司,让它们无法从该国大量转移资金。

    Guillermo Ortiz , a former Mexican finance minister who is now chairman of banorte , a Mexican lender , wants subsidiaries of foreign banks in emerging markets to be ring-fenced so that money cannot be funnelled out of the country .

  22. 在墨西哥,花旗购买了Banamex(墨西哥当地最大的银行之一),但是在世界大多数具有吸引力的市场,花旗并没有占据主导性的地位。

    With the exception of Mexico , where it bought Banamex , one of the country 's largest banks , Citi still lacks a commanding presence in most attractive international markets .

  23. 1994年墨西哥的货币贬值危机之所以会发生,主要因为墨西哥的许多家银行一直采用货币互换交易,从而导致自己在比索币值方面的风险敞口远远超出政府意识到的水平。

    The Mexican devaluation crisis of 1994 happened in large part because many Mexican banks had used swaps to give themselves a far greater exposure to the value of the peso than the government realised .

  24. 墨西哥方面,一家石油服务公司因从花旗集团的子公司墨西哥国家银行非法获得4亿美元的贷款而正在接受调查。

    In Mexican , an oil service company is under investigation for obtaining more than 400 million dollars in illegal loans from Citigroup subsidiary , Banamex .

  25. 一群墨西哥反对党参议员指出,美国政府去年对花旗的纾困,使得其墨西哥子公司Banamex违反了该国法律。墨西哥法律禁止外国政府拥有墨西哥国内银行的股份。

    A group of opposition senators has pointed out that the US government bail-out of Citi last year placed its Mexican subsidiary , Banamex , in breach of national law , which bans foreign governments from owning a stake in domestic banks .