
  • 网络Shell Group;Royal Dutch Shell
  1. 范德科尔克的父亲是荷兰皇家壳牌集团(RoyalDutchShell)的高管。尽管他是一名虔诚的新教徒,也是忠实的和平主义者,但盛怒之下他也会在孩子们身上泄愤。

    His father was an executive at Royal Dutch Shell , and despite being a devout Protestant and dedicated pacifist , he suffered violent rages and inflicted them on his children .

  2. 荷兰皇家壳牌集团(RoyalDutchShell)昨日警告,其2008年石油和天然气产量很可能连续第6年下降。该公司正费力弥补几个关键项目的产量缺口。

    Royal Dutch Shell warned yesterday that oil and gas production was likely to fall for a sixth consecutive year in 2008 as it struggles to make up shortfalls at key projects .

  3. 其中一家公司是跨国石油公司壳牌集团。

    One of these companies was Shell - a multi national oil company .

  4. 主要介绍了壳牌集团的管理体制和经营特点。

    The paper introduces mainly the administration system and management features of Shell Group .

  5. 壳牌集团的管理体制和经营特点

    Administration System and Management Features of Shell Group

  6. 8.荷兰皇家壳牌集团-3.6

    Royal Dutch Shell ( RDSA ) - 3.6

  7. 英荷壳牌集团公司

    Royal Dutch / Shell Group of Companies

  8. 壳牌集团在华总投资3年后将达50亿美元。

    Shell 's investment in China will reach us $ 5 billion in3 years time .

  9. 荷兰皇家/壳牌集团公司

    Royal Dutch / Shell Group

  10. 壳牌集团已经开发出几种创新性废油废脂处理方法。

    Shell has developed and has access to several innovative ways of disposing of waste oil and greases .

  11. 诸如荷兰皇家壳牌集团等大型跨国公司几近一个世纪前就已在委内瑞拉设立办事处。

    Big multinationals , such as Royal Dutch Shell , set up shop in Venezuela almost a century ago .

  12. 壳牌集团致力于向客户提供有助于降低运营成本的解决方案,为客户提供价值,改善客户的业务环境。

    Shell is committed to delivering solutions to customers that lower operating costs , deliver value and improve the business environment .

  13. 今天,荷兰皇家/壳牌集团公布了2001年第四季度及全年的经营业绩。

    The Royal Dutch / Shell Group of Companies today reported its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2001 .

  14. 香港中国探险学会自然保护工作成绩斐然&壳牌集团举办环保表彰会并赠款赞助

    Natural Protection Work Achieved Splendid Results in China Exploration Association in Hongkong Shell Group Held Commendation Conference of Environmental Protection and Presented with Financial Aid

  15. 我们鼓励员工发挥领导力、责任感和团队精神,从而为整个壳牌集团的成功做出贡献。

    We encourage our employees to demonstrate leadership , accountability and teamwork , and through these behaviours , to contribute to the overall success of Shell .

  16. 他酌量着抗衡世界一流企业&在人力资源、领导层、采购方面与通用电气比拼,在IT行业与荷兰皇家壳牌集团一决高下。

    He is measuring the firm against the world 's most admired companies & GE on human resources , leadership and purchasing , Royal Dutch Shell on IT .

  17. 作为一项过渡措施,壳牌集团将借钱给尼日利亚政府,用以支付政府应分担的融资成本,直至该计划得到落实。

    As an interim measure , shell has offered to lend the government the money to back its share of the financing costs until the scheme is finalised .

  18. 石油巨头英荷皇家壳牌集团对于欧元区的前景做出三种预测:勉强“蒙混过关”,加强一体化(主要指货币联盟)抑或是分崩离析(欧元区解体)。

    Shell , an Anglo-Dutch oil giant , has three scenarios for the euro zone : what it calls " muddling through ", a deepening of monetary union , or a break-up .

  19. 中国学生代表参加了壳牌集团近日在亚太地区开展的一个新型商业模拟挑战项目,壳牌借这一项目努力招募和培养亚洲的未来商业人才。

    Royal Dutch Shell plc ( Shell ) has run an innovative Asia Pacific-wide business game involving students from China as part of its efforts to find and develop future Asian business talent .

  20. 英国石油、壳牌和埃尼集团表示,它们仍认为勘探权交易受“不可抗力”条款制约(意料之外的破坏性事件),导致无法履行合同义务。

    BP , shell and Eni say they still consider the concession deals to be subject to force majeure code for unexpected and disruptive events that prevent contractual obligations from being met .

  21. 壳牌氢能公司是指壳牌集团下属的、在全球经营和开发氢能和燃料电池相关业务的多家公司。

    " Shell Hydrogen " refers to the companies of the Shell Group that are engaged in the pursuit and development globally of businesses related to hydrogen and fuel cells .