
chǔ lǐ jī
  • processor
处理机[chǔ lǐ jī]
  1. 他经常在文字处理机上一直工作到深夜。

    He would often be working away on his word processor late into the night

  2. 一种基于DSP和FPGA的雷达信号处理机设计

    Design of a Radar Signal Processor Based on DSP and FPGA

  3. 我决定为微处理机编制一套程序。

    I decided to write a program for a microprocessor .

  4. 我有一台装有微处理机的打字机。

    I 've got a typerwriter with a microprocessor .

  5. 在微处理机问世之前这种工作是难以想象的。

    This sort of work would have been inconceivable before the advent of microprocessors .

  6. 用自行研制的一台使用4片TMS320C40,且利用共享内存作为主要通讯手段的数字信号高速并行处理机实现了MUSIC算法的高速并行计算。

    This paper has realized a parallel algorithm of MUSIC on a digital signal parallel processing machine .

  7. 基于DSP的弹着水柱实时测量处理机的实现

    Realization of Real-Time Measuring Processor for Water-Column of bombing Based on DSP

  8. 基于双DSP的红外目标信息处理机设计

    The infrared target processor design based on dual DSP

  9. 可扩展机载SAR信号处理机的研究

    Research of Scalable Processor for On - Board Airborne SAR

  10. 实时成像处理机是SAR系统的一个重要组成部分。

    The real-time imaging processor is an important component of SAR system .

  11. 用微处理机逐点处理法快速测定τg的分布和Sg的变化

    Point-by-Point Technique for Rapid Determination of τ _g Distribution and s_g Variation by Means of a Microprocessor

  12. 采用DSP的图像匹配处理机,由于用软件实现匹配算法,因而系统更加灵活。

    Implementing image matching algorithm with software , image matching system with DSP is more flexible .

  13. 高速信号处理用de微处理机

    A Microprocessor for High Speed Digital Signal Processing

  14. 基于图像处理机的USB扩展通信研究

    USB Expansion Correspondence Research Based on Image Processor

  15. 基于星上实时信号处理机的Chirpscaling算法实现方法

    Implementation of Chirp Scaling algorithm based on space-borne real-time SAR processor

  16. 基于多DSP技术的SSR实时信号处理机

    Real-Time SSR Signal Processing System Based on Multi-DSP

  17. 该系统以通用微型计算机为主机,阵列处理机(MAP)作为选件。

    In the system , a general purpose microcomputer is the host and the micro-array-processor ( MAP ) is an option .

  18. 基于MPLS流量工程的流量保护自动处理机

    Automatic Traffic Protection Processing Machine Based on MPLS Traffic Engineering

  19. 一种通用神经网络处理机设计及其VLSI集成化讨论

    Design of a General Purpose Neuro Processor with Digital-Analog Processing and Discussion on VLSI Integration

  20. 本文设计的非制冷红外图像信息处理机系统采用FPGA与DSP相结合的模式,利用FPGA完成所有的外围模块的设计。

    We design an uncooled infrared image information process system with FPGA and DSP , and all peripheral functions are implemented on FPGA .

  21. 本文讨论了应用APPLE微处理机测量环境湿度的方法,给出了实际应用的源程序。

    This paper describes a method for measuring ambient humidity by employing an APPLE microprocessor . A source program for practical use has been given .

  22. 主要介绍基于DSP与CPLD的雷达/雷达干扰实验系统信号处理机的设计与研制。

    The paper introduced the design and development of signal processor of radar / radar-jamming experiment system based on DSP and CPLD .

  23. 微处理机DDC调节的可控硅双闭环直流调速系统

    Double Closed Loop Silicon Controlled P.C. Speed Regulating System by Microcomputer DDC

  24. 论证了处理机各个关键模块的具体测试方法。针对其中的数据存储重排模块和FFT与求模模块,计算了故障覆盖率。

    The implementation of BIST is offered , and the fault-coverage-rate of data rearrangement module and FFT and moduling is calculated .

  25. 本文分析了PMA工作原理。并给出一个处理机模型。

    This paper discuss PMA working principle and provide a processor model .

  26. 用微处理机实现IIR数字滤波

    A microcomputer realization of IIR digital filter

  27. 中国VLBI网相关处理机研制进展

    The New Progress of Chinese VLBI Network Correlator

  28. 计算机网络中接口信息处理机(IMP)的结构技术研究

    Study of the Structure Technology of Interface Message Processors ( IMP ) in Computer Networks

  29. 动态矩阵控制(DMC)中顺序开环控制增量的计算涉及到矩阵的求逆运算,计算量很大,不利于微处理机的在线应用。

    The calculation of inverse matrix is involved in Dynamic Matrix Control ( DMC ) and it restrains on-line application .

  30. Transputer处理机在连续系统并行仿真中的应用

    The Application of the Transputer in Parallel Continuous System Simulation