
wài ɡuó qǐ yè
  • foreign enterprise
  1. HHBC是一个外国企业与办事处。设立在加拿大,中国和南非。

    HHBC is a foreign enterprise with offices in Canada , China and South Africa .

  2. 第三章:外国企业管理层收购的融资模式及法律规制。

    Chapter III : Foreign enterprise MBO financing mode and legal regulation .

  3. 他们为外国企业提供种种优厚条件,以吸引这些企业到他们所在的州投资。

    They offer every inducement to foreign businesses to invest in their states

  4. 中国加入WTO,中国市场将吸引更多的外国企业来投资。

    With China entry WTO , The market will attract more foreign company to invest in China .

  5. 自从加入WTO后,我国民营企业面临着来自外国企业和国内同行其他企业的双重激烈竞争。

    After being a member of WTO , Chinese private enterprises are facing double competition from other domestic enterprises and foreign organization dramatically .

  6. 西班牙近期引入了一项本地成分规则,偏袒本国的生物柴油生产商。阿根廷威胁就此向WTO提起诉讼,指控欧盟对外国企业给予不平等待遇。

    Spain recently introduced a local content rule favouring domestic biodiesel producers , prompting Argentina to threaten a WTO case against the EU claiming unfair treatment .

  7. 加入WTO,将更大程度地引入外国企业的竞争,对中国石油化工业可谓机遇和挑战并存。

    The competition from overseas enterprises will become fiercer after the WTO entry . There are both opportunities and challenges to China 's petroleum and chemical industry .

  8. 我们已成立了我们的研究和运作中心,OEM产品为外国企业。

    We have established our research and operation center , and OEM products for foreign enterprises .

  9. 中国加入WTO以后,大量外国企业将进入中国市场。面对新一轮的人才竞争,建立合理的薪酬管理制度是每个企业急需解决的问题。

    After entering WTO , it is the critical time for Chinese enterprises which are faced with a new competition of the talent , to set up a scientific wages management system .

  10. 但cepa也令在港开展业务的外国企业受益。

    But CEPA has also benefited foreign companies that have set up operations in Hong Kong .

  11. 许多外国企业和监管机构时不时会感到自己被SEC视为二等公民。

    The development will be welcomed by businesses and regulators abroad , many of which have occasionally felt treated as second-class citizens by the SEC .

  12. 加入WTO后,外国企业、商品与服务理念的大量涌入,对中国具有社会公共利益性质的经济关系影响最为深远。

    After joining WTO , foreign enterprises , commodities and service idea will surge in great amount , which deeply affect the economic relation that has the character of public social interest of our country .

  13. 其二,在同外国企业合作或做OEM代工过程中,积累经验的同时,完成企业资本的原始积累。

    Second , they gathered experience and completed primary capital accumulation in the process of cooperation with foreign enterprises or production for OEM .

  14. 除了确实存在少数企业将国内的价格战打到国外的情况,多数是外国企业和政府歪曲和滥用了WTO的有关反倾销的条款。

    Except that a few enterprises really bring the domestic price war to forcing countries , most cases indicate that foreign enterprises and governments have distorted and abused the related clauses about the anti-dumping in WTO .

  15. 加入WTO后,由于外国企业在中国获得了更多的贸易许可,中国的进口增长率将会高于出口增长率,贸易指数将有所减少,但是仍会保持在顺差的范围内。

    After China 's entry into the WTO , her growth rate of import will excess that of export , experiencing a slight fall in trade index , yet still in the margin of trade surplus .

  16. 众多外国企业,尤其是美国企业参加了飙风战斗机(falcon)的设计。

    Many foreign companies , particularly us companies , were involved in the design of the Falcon aircraft .

  17. 随着加入WTO,对外开放和经济改革的进一步深入,我国企业不可避免地要面对拥有雄厚资金和先进技术的外国企业的挑战。

    With China 's entering WTO successfully , and the deepening of its opening and economy reforming , Chinese enterprises will inevitably be faced with challenges from foreign opponents who have abundant fund and master advanced technologies .

  18. 在WTO框架下的经贸活动,无论是我国企业走向国际市场,还是外国企业走向我国市场,都必须遵循游戏规则国际化规则。

    In the frame of WTO , all the economic and trade activities must conform to the regulation of " internationalization of game rules ", whether Chinese enterprises enter into the international markets , or vice visa .

  19. 本文介绍的采访内容将有助于我国的本土企业去了解外国企业的状况,在全球经济的大环境下互通有无共同促进中国RFID产业的形成和发展。

    The contents described in this article will make help to let enterprises of China understand foreign RFID companies , and make then to cooperate each other in the global economic .

  20. 在许多领域,世界贸易组织(WorldTradeOrganization)软弱的规则,并没有让外国企业在中国享有平等的竞争环境,但在TPP之下,这些规则会得到加强,使中国成为一个更适宜开展商业活动的国家。

    Many of the areas in which weak World Trade Organization rules have failed to level the playing field for foreign companies in China would be strengthened under the T.P.P. , making China a better place to do business .

  21. 如果日本加入《泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协议》(Trans-PacificPartnership)贸易协议为外国企业创造了新的机遇,即使是顽固守旧的日本可能也会很快成为外国企业重新考虑的对象。

    Even staid old Japan may soon be up for a rethink if participation in a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal opens new opportunities for foreigners .

  22. 但是,随着一项回溯性税法于2012年通过,MAT让急切的税务稽查员能够把矛头冲向外国企业,要求这些企业结清他们从未想到自己应该支付的账单。

    But alongside a retrospective tax law passed in 2012 the MAT has allowed eager tax inspectors to chase after foreign companies for bills they never thought should be paid .

  23. 不过,从保诚(prudential)和淡水河谷(vale)的交易数据来看,投资者对在香港二级上市的外国企业往往兴趣不大。

    However , trading data from Prudential and vale have shown that secondary listings by foreign companies in Hong Kong tend to generate little interest .

  24. 随着WTO规则的逐步深入,如我国仍不加强有关方面的立法,就会致使那些易造成环境污染的外国企业大量涌入我国,加剧我国的环境污染状况,掠夺我国的自然资源。

    According to the rules of WTO , if our country neglects the legation of environment , many abroad enterprises which maybe cause a lot of pollution will influx our country , and make the environmental situation deteriorated and take away our resources .

  25. 模型的静态比较分析表明,FDI溢出效应、外国企业生产成本(竞争力),以及国内企业的生产成本和初始数量是影响FDI产业内挤出(入)效应强弱的主要因素。

    Comparative static shows that FDI spillover effect , FIEs ' cost ( competitive force ), the domestic enterprises ' cost and initial number are the main factors which affect the degree of the intra-industry CO / CI of FDI .

  26. 进入21世纪以来,特别是我国加入WTO后,经济全球化的趋势日趋明显,不仅有更多的外国企业进入中国,而且有更多的中国企业也在向国外发展。

    Since entering 21 century , especially after China joined WTO , the trend of integrative economy of the world is more and more obvious , not only more and more foreign enterprises entered China , but also more and more Chinese corporations walk out to the world .

  27. 中国加入WTO后,中国企业的生存和发展将面临着巨大的威胁和挑战。不仅面临着大量外国企业在技术质量、资金实力等方面的竞争,而且面临外国企业先进管理优势的压力。

    With the entrance to the WTO , Chinese enterprises are facing huge threats and challenges to their existence and development , which include not only the competition from the technological quality and capital strength of foreign companies but also the pressure from the managerial advantage of foreign companies .

  28. 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的144A条例,为这种对邻近市场的偏好提供了便利。该条例允许外国企业向美国机构投资者筹资时,不用在证交会进行注册。

    This preference for nearby markets is facilitated by Securities and Exchange Commission rule 144A , which allows foreign companies to raise capital from US institutional investors without an SEC registration .

  29. 与其它所有希望在中国开展cdm项目的外国企业一样,香港和澳门企业必须与内地企业组成合资企业,且持股比例不得高于49%。

    These companies , like any other foreign company seeking to do CDM projects in China , must form an equity joint venture with a mainland Chinese company in which they hold no more than a 49 per cent stake .

  30. 这些企业受合同所限,不能出口在中国建造的最现代化的反应堆,因为外国企业如西屋电气(westinghouse)和阿海珐(areva)拥有此类反应堆设计的版权。

    The companies are contractually prohibited from exporting the most modern reactors being built in China because foreign companies such as Westinghouse and Areva own the copyrights for those reactor designs .