
wài bì duì huàn
  • foreign currency exchange
  1. 外币兑换机制的改革需要进一步的深化。

    The reform of the foreign currency exchange system needs further deepening .

  2. 通过人工服务和自助机具等方式,为参观者提供人民币存取、外币兑换、零钱兑换等金融服务。

    Financial services include money deposit and withdrawal , foreign currency exchange , and coin change to be provided at the counters or self-service terminals .

  3. C职员:外币兑换处就在那儿,在航空公司服务柜台的对面。

    Clerk : > The currency exchange is over there , across from the airline service counter .

  4. 您到外币兑换处好吗?

    Would you please step over to the foreign exchange service ?

  5. 机场和酒店提供外币兑换服务。

    Money exchange services are available at the airport and hotels .

  6. 在外币兑换柜台进行的每一笔交易似乎都要花很长时间。

    Each transaction at the foreign exchange counter seems to take forever .

  7. 请签一下这张外币兑换申请表。

    T : And will you please sign this foreign exchange request ?

  8. 你可以去外币兑换处兑换。

    You can change it at the foreign exchange desk .

  9. 外币兑换柜设在大堂。

    The money exchange counter is in the lobby .

  10. 外币兑换是一条双行道,这一点印度的出口商们也越来越有感触。

    As India 's exporters are learning , convertibility is a two-way street .

  11. 在前台设置电子的外币兑换牌。

    Do have an electronic currency exchange rate indicator at your front desk .

  12. 您可以到外币兑换处兑换钱吗?

    Would you please change your money at the foreign money exchange agency ?

  13. 保留所有的外币兑换单。

    Keep all exchange receipts for record purposes .

  14. 请将这些外币兑换成澳元?

    Can you change this into Australian Dollars ?

  15. 与此同时,在外币兑换市场德拉马克大幅贬值。

    Meanwhile , on the exchanges , on the foreign exchanges , the drachma depreciates sharply .

  16. 在中国银行或在你住的旅馆里的外币兑换处。

    B : At the Bank of China or at the foreign exchange desk in your hotel .

  17. 外币兑换所在哪里?

    Where is the exchange ?

  18. 兑换以低面额或外币兑换等量的(钱)

    To give or receive the equivalent of ( money ) in lower denominations or in foreign currency .

  19. 当投资者将外币兑换为本地货币或其它货币时,投资者有可能蒙受亏损。

    Investors may experience a loss when they convert foreign currency back to their home currency or other currencies .

  20. 这些银行家是由在集市长椅上用外币兑换雅典钱币的兑钱商发展而来的。

    These developed from money changers exchanging foreign for Athenian coins from benches set up in the Agora or market place .

  21. 您必须在机场的外币兑换处或在外滩中国银行换汇外币。

    You have to convert them back at the money exchange of the airport or the Bank of China at the Bunds .

  22. 出纳员不仅接受客人付款,还兑现支票,换零,并进行外币兑换。

    The cashiers not only receive payment from the guests , but also cash checks , make change , and exchange foreign currency .

  23. 假如我们要把外币兑换在人民币,我们就得按每天公布的外汇率来兑换人民币。

    If we exchange them for Chinese Renminbi in our accounts we should follow the foreign exchange rates for all these currencies daily .

  24. 目前,只有中国国有银行和少数外资银行能够向中国个人客户提供本外币兑换服务。

    At present , only state-owned Chinese banks and a handful of foreign banks can buy and sell foreign currency from Chinese retail customers .

  25. 先生,请参考告示牌的外币兑换价。兹随函附寄我价格表一份,请参考。

    The rates of exchange are on the board , sir . We are enclose herewith one of our price - list for your examination .

  26. 虚报出口发票、以把更多外币兑换成人民币的手法再次盛行,令中国近来强劲的出口数据招致怀疑。

    The ruse of puffed-up export invoices to convert extra foreign currency into renminbi is on the rise again , casting doubt on recent strong export data .

  27. 他将外币兑换成本国货币。外币系指除新加坡元之外的任何一种货币(或任何货币的次单元)。

    He commuted the foreign currency to domestic " Foreign Currency " shall mean any currency ( or sub-unit of any currency ) other than the Singapore Dollar .

  28. 燕玲在商业机构包括会计行和银行工作多年,有丰富的工作经验,熟识财务、金融的各项职能,包括外币兑换及衍生产品等。

    Yen Leng has extensive exposure in the corporate world in both accounting and banking industries , covering various functions of treasury department , foreign exchanges and derivative products .

  29. 饭店附设商场、外币兑换、行李寄存、商务中心、机票、火车票代办、旅游观光及酒店管理咨询等各种服务项目。

    Besides , the Shopping Arcade , Money Exchange Service , Luggage Deposit , Business Centre , Ticket-booking , Sight-seeing Service and Hotel Management Consultion are for the guests'convenience .

  30. 以上房价均以人民币结算如用港币、美金付款,汇率按酒店当天规定之外币兑换汇率计算。

    All of the price will be calculate with RMB . If you want pay HK dollar or US Dollar , the change rate will be calculated according to that day 's change rates .