
  • 网络efflux;exocytosis;MATE
  1. 两种产物都由外排作用释放出来。

    Both products are released by exocytosis .

  2. 颗粒外排与Fas/Fas配体途径在人γδT细胞的肿瘤细胞毒活性中的作用

    The Roles of Granule Exocytosis and Fas / Fas Ligand Pathway in the Cytotoxicity of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Antigen Activated Human γδ T Cells to Tumor Cell Lines

  3. 医生的诊所外排了长长的一队人。

    A long line of people formed outside the doctor 's office

  4. 正常溶酶体的酶为某些组织所外排。

    Enzymes from normal ysosomes are exocytosed by some tissues .

  5. 3月底,特斯拉销售门店外排起的队伍犹如苹果(Apple)门店那么长,那就是一个线索。

    The Apple-like lines outside Tesla sales outlets at the end of March were a clue .

  6. 溶酶体内pH值上下波动加快,有利于溶酶体内容物外排及与配体的结合,提高了溶酶体的工作效率。

    The lysosomal pH fluctuated quickly , which was benefit for lysosomal content excretion , thus enhanced the lysosome activity .

  7. 稠油废水处理的达标外排,其中处理的关键污染指标为COD(化学需氧量)。

    The key link of treating heavy oil sewage is pollution index-COD attaining standard .

  8. 全耐药铜绿假单胞菌中多药外排泵mRNA表达的定量RT-PCR检测

    Measurement for mRNA levels of efflux pumps in clinical stains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by real-time RT-PCR

  9. 外排屑深孔钻削DF系统的设计与研究

    Design and study on outside chip removing DF system of deep-hole drilling

  10. P-gp是依赖ATP的跨膜药物外排泵,可减少多种不同化学结构和不同作用机制的药物在细胞内的蓄积。

    P-gp is an ATP-dependent transmembrane efflux pump .

  11. 这些变化将有助于增加ATP供应以用于甘油的合成及盐离子外排。

    These changes are expected to enhance ATP synthesis to be used by glycerol synthesis and ion exclusion .

  12. 多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌AdeABC外排机制研究内外部EGR控制二甲醚发动机的燃烧与排放

    Combustion and Emission Control in DME Engine Using Internal-External Exhaust Gas Recirculation

  13. 现阶段公认的卵巢癌耐药机制主要包括:P糖蛋白介导的药物外排、DNA损伤修复能力增强、抗凋亡能力增强等。

    Drug-resistant mechanisms of ovarian cancer are as follows : drug efflux mediated by p-glycoprotein , enhancement on the repair capacity of DNA damage , increase anti-apoptotic capacity and so on .

  14. 城市尾水外排长江口的氧化还原环境监测及其对重金属Hg,Cr形态的影响分析

    Monitoring of the redox environment caused by city tail water discharged into Changjiang Estuary and effect on it forms of Hg , Cr

  15. 目的研究肺炎克雷伯菌(klebsiellapneumoniae)ATCC49790与药物外排泵有关的耐药性。

    Objective To investigate the drug resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 49790 associated with drug efflux pumps .

  16. 在凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌中(CNS),44.0%(37/84)为结构型耐药,41.7%(35/84)为外排型耐药。

    Active efflux mechanism was characterized in 35 / 84 ( 41 . 7 % ) strains of CNS .

  17. 海胆胚胎不同发育期P-糖蛋白(P-glycoprotein)药物外排功能的研究

    Study of Drug-Efflux Function of P-glycoprotein in Different Developmental Stages of Sea Urchin Embryos

  18. 现已证实具有外排功能的P-gp在多种耐药的细胞系中高表达。

    Overexpression of P-gp has been shown to correlate with multidrug resistance in numerous multidrug resistant cell lines .

  19. 结果表明,含氰溶液pH为7时,树脂对CN-有较好的吸附率,部分吸附后液可直接外排。

    The results show that the adsorption rate of CN ~ - is relatively high when pH of the cyanide-containing solution is 7 and part of the treated solution can be drained directly .

  20. 演出还有15分钟就要开场的时候,博物馆外排起了长队,从门口的台阶开始,沿着第五大道(FifthAvenue)排了差不多一个街区那么长。

    Fifteen minutes before the scheduled start time , the line outside the museum extended down the entrance steps and a block or so up Fifth Avenue .

  21. 耐药基因mef编码的外排蛋白是一个能量依赖的膜蛋白,由405个氨基酸组成,含12个跨膜区域,mef依靠质子运动力泵出14、15元环大环内酯类药物。

    Mef pumped out 14 - and 15-membered ring macrolides by proton motility .

  22. 多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌临床株与RND型和MATE型外排泵的研究

    RND-Type and MATE-Type Efflux Pumps Involved in Multidrug Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacter Baumannii

  23. 顺式-和反式-阿霍烯在Caco-2细胞模型中的体外摄取、转运和外排特性

    Characteristics of uptake , transport and efflux of Z-and E-ajoenes in Caco-2 cell monolayers in vitro

  24. 简要介绍了精对苯二甲酸(PTA)生产过程中,外排至污水厂活性污泥处理池中形成的污泥废料的性状。

    The properties of purified terephthalic acid ( PTA ) waste mud in the process of PTA sewage tank were intro - duced briefly .

  25. 结果:血脑屏障上的P-糖蛋白具有ATP依赖性的药物外排泵的功能,能降低脑内药物的浓度。

    RESULTS : P-glycoprotein at the blood-brain was found to function as ATP-depended efflux pump transporting various drugs out of cells and decreasing the apparent permeability of brain .

  26. P-gp的标准底物维拉帕米在模型中的外排能被P-gp的强抑制剂酮康唑抑制。

    The efflux of the standard substrate of P-gp verapamil could be effectively inhibited by ketoconazole , the potent inhibitor of P-gp .

  27. 洛贝林可以增加人结肠癌多药耐药细胞株HCT-8/VCR细胞内的罗丹明123的荧光强度,抑制P-gp的外排。

    Lobeline can increase the fluorescence intensity of rhodamine 123 in the cell line of Hct-8 / VCR and inhibit P-gp efflux .

  28. 弱碱性脱墨工艺由于省去了大量化学品,因此外排废水的COD明显减少,脱墨浆的生产成本较低。

    The weak alkaline deinking process saves a large amount of chemicals , so the COD of waste water decreased significantly and the production cost of deinking pulp is very low .

  29. 四株MDR细胞系与其相应敏感细胞系相比,前者对DNR的摄取均减少,外排均增加。

    Both DNR accumulation reduced and DNR efflux increased in four MDR cell lines as compared with their parental cell lines .

  30. 该装置投产后,存在着熔盐泄漏、设备腐蚀严重、硫酸颜色异常且腐蚀性强、装置运行周期短和外排尾气中SO2、SO3、NOX含量超标等问题。

    Since the plant was put into operation , some problems occurred during the period of operating , including the leakage of salt , heavy corrosion of equipment , abnormal color and strong corrosion of sulphuric acid , etc.