
  • 网络Exogenous Variable
  1. 而FDI作为外生变量对国内经济而言始终是一面双刃剑,它在促进我国经济快速增长的同时,也可能会对我国国内投资形成了挤出效应,给我国带来了一定负面影响。

    FDI as exogenous variables has always been a " double-edged sword " in domestic economic , FDI will promote economic growth , and meanwhile FDI maybe has the negative effect in china .

  2. 使用神经网络预测2010人均GDP,调整后的结果表明外生变量是促使2010年陕西经济趋同的原因。

    We use the neural network to forecast per capita GDP for 2010 . The results after adjustment showed that exogenous variables is the main reasons to promote the economic convergence of Shaanxi in 2010 .

  3. 而FDI作为经济增长的外生变量,趋利的本质决定了其短期内促进经济增长的同时也会产生对经济的负面效应。

    As an exogenous factor , FDI can push economic growth in a short term , but some negative effects can be brought at the same time .

  4. M1、M2均通过GDP对股市产生间接影响,但没有形成利率传导机制,我国股市是关于协整向量的弱外生变量。

    M1 and M2 indirectly effect the stock market through GDP but no transmition mechanism is formed stock market is a weakly exogenous variable in the cointegration vector .

  5. 同时,本文引入了政府征收的企业生产责任延伸费用作为外生变量,基于EPR理论研究了政府收费对于OEM再制造决策的影响。

    Meanwhile , this thesis led in the government fees of EPR as exogenous variable , studied the Influence of the government fees to OEM 's remanufacturing strategic .

  6. 四是以因变量向自变量递归传递原则及外生变量最少化原则为基础,建立了基于内外贸易和需求的宏观经济联立模型&TN·MAC模型。

    Fourthly , based on the principle of gradual transitivity of variables and the principle of minimizing exogenous variables , the author sets up a macroscopic simultaneous equation model named " TN MAC MODEL " .

  7. 在JF132型汽车制动器试验台上进行了AUDI盘式制动器的动态测试,建立了该制动器的带外生变量的自回归(ARX)模型。

    Dynamic test of AUDI disc brake was performed on JF 132 vehicle brake tester . ARX model with external variable of the brake was developed .

  8. 本文建立一个含多个外生变量的向量自回归模型,运用MonteCarlo方法实现该模型的广义脉冲响应函数分析。

    This paper attempts to construct a vector autoregressive model with more exogenous variables , use Monte Carlo methods to achieve the generalized impulse response function analysis , and the method was applied in the empirical analysis of Monetary Policy .

  9. 其研究结论为:(1)货币供给量M1是唯一的外生变量,其增长不是价格水平变动的直接因,而是通过全社会实际固定资产投资间接地成为价格水平变动的因;

    Money supply M1 is the sole endogenous variant . Its growth does not directly lead to the movement of price level , but indirectly influences it through total social real fixed investment .

  10. 将利率作为外生变量,运用VAR-(BV)EGARCH模型对可转债市场与股票市场之间的溢出效应进行研究。

    Based on VAR - ( BV ) EGARCH model which introduces interest rate as exogenous variable in the first time , this paper studies on the spillover effects between Chinese convertible bonds and stock markets .

  11. 必须通过外生变量促进政府观念转变;

    Must through the exogenous variable promotion government idea transformation ;

  12. 外生变量可以包括内生变量的后滞值。

    Exogenous variables can include lagged values of endogenous variables .

  13. 具有外生变量部分线性自回归模型的异方差检验

    The Test for Heteroscedasticity of Partially Linear Autoregressive Models with an Exogenous Variable

  14. 每一个模型都包括需要估计的外生变量和内生变量。

    Every model includes exogenous and also endogenous variables which must be estimated .

  15. 供应链管理传统假设需求是外生变量,是由外部市场决定的。

    Supply chain management has traditionally assumed that the demand pattern is exogenous .

  16. 同时,我们还能对“哪些变量为外生变量”这样的问题,有更好的把握。

    It is also possible to get a better idea of which variables are exogenous .

  17. 困惑与超越:知识观的嬗变与教育观的转换五、知识由观念的外生变量转为实际的内生变量;

    Five , the knowledge transfers the actual inside fresh variable by the idea exogenous variable ;

  18. 同时在融资买入以及融券卖出的方程中,他们之间是互为外生变量的。

    Through the test financing to buy and sell securities are exogenous variables with each other .

  19. 这些现象通常与转移成本与标准制定、交叉网络外部性等外生变量相关。

    These phenomena usually are associated with the transfer costs and standards , cross-network externality exogenous variables .

  20. 小波分析和考虑外生变量的广义自回归条件异方差模型在电价预测中的应用

    Application of Wavelet Analysis and Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic Model Considering Exogenous Variables in Electricity Price Forecast

  21. 影响财政赤字赤字的外生变量只有政府支出和税率。

    The only exogenous variables that affect the budget deficit are government spending and the tax rate .

  22. 它是决定新股发行制度变迁效率的诸多变量因素中最重要的外生变量。

    Among variables of change way efficiency of stock unseasoned issuance it is the paramount external variable .

  23. 政府和协会监管权分配状况及其变化受内生变量和外生变量的影响。

    The right shared by government and institute CPA is influenced by endogenous variables and exogenous variables .

  24. 利率政策是我国货币政策的重要工具,是一个十分典型的外生变量。

    Interest policy is one of the monetary policies and is a exogenous variable to China 's economy .

  25. 外生变量是模型本身不予以解释而是当成已知的变量。

    An exogenous variable is a variable that is not explained by the model but rather is taken as given .

  26. 外生变量个体差异对品牌形象和感知质量的影响作用也在本次研究中得到了有效验证。

    The impact of individual differences on the brand image and perceived quality also has been effectively verified in this research .

  27. 国内外的绝大多数文献都把多元化当作外生变量,很少关注多元化经营的影响因素。

    Diversification In most literature is treated as external variable , and has little concern about the factors affecting firm diversification .

  28. 外生变量和引致变量回流区域内的扰动可使主要混合区内热量释放发生相应的变化。

    Disturbances in the recirculating flow regime can produce related variations in the heat release rate in the primary mixing region .

  29. 政府管制是自然垄断产业实现有效竞争的必要条件,而管制成本应该是个外生变量;

    Government regulation is the requirement to realize the workable competition of natural monopoly industries , but the cost of regulation is exogenous .

  30. 凯恩斯货币理论将货币供给定义为外生变量,却不能解释货币供给与市场之间的正相关关系。

    Keynes considered the supply of the currency as outer fact , but it can 't explain the connection currency and the currency market .