
  • 网络Dianping.com;HankowThames;corn
  1. 腾讯则入股中国第二大电商平台京东(JD.com),以及一些适应移动时代的企业,如餐馆点评网站大众点评网(Dianping)和韩国游戏开发商CJGames。

    Tencent has taken a stake in JD.com , China 's second-largest ecommerce platform , and mobile-friendly companies such as restaurant review site Dianping and South Korea 's CJ Games .

  2. 中国两大互联网公司美团网(Meituan)和大众点评网(Dianping)同意合并。这宗合并将成为中国规模最大的非公开上市企业合并交易——知情人士称,潜在估值最高可达200亿美元。

    Two of China 's largest online companies have agreed to combine in what will be the country 's largest private market merger , with a potential valuation of as much as $ 20bn according to people familiar with the matter .

  3. 大众点评网最初以消费者点评和商户信息为主,但现在已经拓展到团购、外卖、订餐领域。

    Dianping began as a consumer review and merchant information company , but it has expanded into group buying , food delivery and restaurant reservations .

  4. 本月,团购网站美团网和消费者点评网站大众点评网同意合并,目标是创造一个电商巨头。

    Meituan , a group buying service , and Dianping , a consumer review site , agreed to join forces this month with the goal of creating an e-commerce juggernaut .

  5. 高瓴资本在这两家时尚网站的合并中起到了重要的推动作用。就像旅游网站携程和去哪儿网的合并,以及团购网站美团和大众点评网的合并案例一样。

    The tie-up of the fashion sites , both backed by Hillhouse Capital Management , follows the mergers of travel sites C-trip and Qunar as well as group-buying websites Meituan and Dianping .

  6. 本周四,阿里巴巴投资的团购服务美团网宣布,它将与腾讯投资的消费者点评服务大众点评网合并,希望能携手打造一个电子商务巨头。

    Meituan , a group buying service backed by Alibaba , said Thursday that it would join forces with Dianping , a consumer review website backed by Tencent , hoping to create an e-commerce juggernaut .

  7. 美团虽然是过去五年中团购服务巨额补贴战的最后幸存者之一,但百度、腾讯等现金充裕的公司在糯米、大众点评网和外卖服务饿了么等竞争对手上投入了更多资金,令美团受到影响。

    Though Meituan is one of the last survivors of a huge subsidies war between group buying sites over the past five years , the site has suffered as cash-rich companies like Baidu and Tencent have thrown more money at group buying through investments in rivals like Nuomi , Dianping and the food delivery service Ele.me .

  8. 腾讯是中国最大的全资私营公司,市值逾1400亿美元。它上月购入中国最知名餐馆评分点评类网站大众点评网(Dianping)的20%股权,以及筹备在美上市的电商平台京东(JD.com)的15%股权。

    Tencent , the largest wholly private company in China , boasting a market capitalisation above $ 140bn , last month bought a 20 per cent stake in Dianping , China 's best known restaurant rating and reviews website , and a 15 per cent stake in JD.com , an ecommerce platform that is seeking a US listing .

  9. 美团大众点评团购网联合企鹅智酷发布的报告显示,2015年我国电影业在线售票交易额超过线下。

    More movie tickets were sold online than offline in 2015 , a joint survey by Penguin Intelligence , Tencent 's big data platform , and group buying service Meituan and Dazhongdianping showed .