
  1. 路在何方&中国电信大客户服务工作的反思

    Where to Go ? & Reflections on Large Customer Service of China Telecom

  2. 基于客户关系管理的大客户服务体系的建立与完善

    The Establishment and Perfection of Large Customer Service System Based on Customer Relationship Management

  3. 服务质量的竞争是电信行业市场今后的竞争焦点,其中大客户服务更是今后各大运营商的工作重点。

    The service quality competition is the competition focal point of telecom industry marketplace in future .

  4. 通辽供电公司大客户服务工程的总体设计

    The Overall Design of Major Customer Service Project ( CSP ) of Tongliao Power Supply Company

  5. 网络管理系统的开发往往滞后于业务开发的步伐,客户服务针对性不强,不能够深入地体现出大客户服务的服务水平。

    Network management development lags behind operations development , it pertinency of consumer services are too strong to incarnate consumer service level embedded .

  6. 本文的研究工作正是在这一背景下开展的,其目标是为陕西移动通信公司研发一个大客户服务管理系统。

    I prosecute my research under the circumstance , the target is to develop a VIP management system for ShanXi Mobile Communication Company .

  7. 然后对电话装机流程、网络资源部分使用流程和大客户服务业务流程进行了重组设计。

    Then the process of the telephone installing , partial use of the network resources and the service of important customer has been re-engineered .

  8. 客户服务中心的发展趋势是大客户服务中心,即在一个客户服务平台上支持多个行业的不同业务。

    The development trend of Call Center is the large call center , that is to say , support different business of different industry on one call center platform .

  9. 介绍了该系统的设计、实施、效益分析及应用前景,电力公司可利用该系统规范大客户服务工作,以满足电力大客户对供电优质服务的需要。

    The paper introduces the system 's design , implementation , benefit analysis and application foreground . The system can standardize the customer service work in order to satisfy the need for power service of high quality .

  10. 乐山电业局大客户细分及增值服务研究

    Study on Value-added Service for Key Accounts in High-quality Customer Engineering of Le Shan Power Bureau

  11. 提出了商业银行ATM机的改造,商业银行新营业网点的建设和大客户营销、大客户服务手段改进等想法和建议。

    Suggestions on the transformation of commercial bank ATM , new agency construction of commercial bank and big customer marketing , big customer serving means improvement are also proposed .

  12. 通过建立快速、全面、准确的大客户业务受理及故障申告处理通道,形成完善的大客户服务体系;

    By building a quick response , full-scale , accurate key-customer service provisioning and complain processing channel to establish a completed key-customer service system .

  13. 本文从CM公司的实证分析出发,运用科学的市场调查方法,对CM公司的大客户的需求进行深入分析以后,系统的制定出一套适合CM公司为大客户提供针对性服务的措施。

    This thesis make up useful measures for CM company to keep VIP customers basing on empirical analysis . And the thesis is composed of five chapters .

  14. 接着本文介绍了天津网通大客户满意度测评体系,并引用了天津网通大客户满意度调查结果,根据各项测评指标的得分进行了细化分析,找出大客户服务工作中存在的不足。

    Tianjin Netcom key account satisfaction survey system are introduced , with the reference of Tianjin Netcom key account satisfaction survey result , further detailed analysis are made , finally point out the pros and cons of key account services in Tianjin Netcom .