
dà xiǎo biàn shī jìn
  • incontinence;gatism
大小便失禁[dà xiǎo biàn shī jìn]
  1. 大小便失禁不仅仅是一种老年病。

    Incontinence is not just a condition of old age .

  2. 这孩子无法正常说话、行走,大小便失禁。

    The child was not able to speak , walk properly or control bodily functions .

  3. 3M无痛保护膜在大小便失禁病人护理中的应用

    Application of 3M pain-free protective film for nursing care of patients with urinary and fecal incontinence

  4. 半年前出现性格改变和抑郁,5个月前出现发作性右上肢麻木无力,2个月前出现左上肢活动不灵活和双下肢一过性无力,6d前出现大小便失禁和精神行为异常。

    6d ago she underwent mood disturbance with depression and 5 months ago she suffered from recurrent numbness and weakness in the right arm .

  5. 即瘫痪同时伴发大小便失禁。

    This means that urine and stool incontinence will accompany paralysis .

  6. 随着病情的发展,她变得大小便失禁。

    As the illness progressed , she became doubly incontinent .

  7. 神经源性大小便失禁围手术期并发症及处理

    The Perioperative Complication and It 's Treatment for Feces and Urine Neurogenic Incontinence

  8. 大小便失禁病人两种皮肤保护方法疗效观察

    Observation on the therapeutic effect of skin protection in patients with fecal incontinence

  9. 中风后他大小便失禁。

    The stroke had made him incontinent .

  10. 在他大小便失禁后,还被强迫坐在自己的排泄物中。

    When he became incontinent , he was forced to sit in his own filth .

  11. 你要知道就算是大人,当遇到特别恐怖的事情时,也会大小便失禁!

    You know even adults , when faced with terrorist when things will become incontinent !

  12. 用胸&骶神经根桥接治疗截瘫性大小便失禁的新术式

    A new operation of bridging the thoracic-sacral nerve roots to treat incontinence of faeces and urine

  13. 妊娠及分娩方式对产妇大小便失禁患病率的影响

    The effect of pregnancy and mode of delivery on the prevalence of urinary and fecal incontinence

  14. 不巧的是,小鲁的母亲也患上了老年痴呆症,大小便失禁。

    Unfortunately , the small Lu 's mother , suffering from Alzheimer 's disease , incontinence .

  15. 症状包括后肢无力或瘫痪、大小便失禁和脊髓疼痛。

    Signs include rear limb weakness or paralysis , urine or fecal incontinence , and spinal pain .

  16. 临床表现为肢体无力、活动障碍,大小便失禁等。

    Clinical situation were limbs powerless , activity obstacle , urinary and fecal incontinence , and so on .

  17. 虽然谈论死亡已不是禁忌,但人们仍避免谈及老年痴呆或是大小便失禁这些话题。

    Although talking about death is no longer a taboo , dementia and incontinence remain hard to discuss .

  18. 在老年,许多人成为困惑和混合时吃或更衣室或他们大小便失禁。

    In old age , many persons become confused and mixed up when eating or dressing or they become incontinent .

  19. 但是顺产其实也是有风险的,对妈妈们而言可能会出现会阴撕裂、产后大出血、大小便失禁等问题,宝宝也可能在生产过程中受到伤害。

    But natural birth actually comes with risks , including tearing , haemorrhage and incontinence for the mother and injuries to the baby during labour .

  20. 据目睹者说我发病的时候面色苍白,大量出汗,但是没有抽搐、大小便失禁或其他情况。

    I was told by eyewitnesses that I became pale and sweated excessively during the attack , but I had no convulsions , incontinence or anything else .

  21. 目的:探讨小儿腰骶部脊髓脊膜膨出修补术后及隐性脊柱裂所致的神经源性大小便失禁的手术方式及术后处理方法。

    Objective : To study the operation type and treatment post operation of neurogenic fecal and urine incontinence in Children with meningomylo tele and occult cleft spine .

  22. 一般来说慢性脑积水病程在1月以上,重度的慢性脑积水可出现意识障碍、大小便失禁、进行性痴呆、步态不稳。

    Generally speaking the course of chronic hydrocephalus is more than 1 month and patients with severe chronic hydrocephalus suffer from disturbance of consciousness , incontinence , progressive dementia and gait instability .

  23. 分娩时她受了重创造成了瘘管。从此,她大小便失禁浑身恶臭难闻。所以,13年来她—直待在屋子里哪儿也不去,因为羞愧耻于见外人。

    She suffered a horrific injury during labor called a fistula that left her incontinent and smelly , and for the next 13 years she was confined to her housenever stepping outside for shame at the way she was leaking wastes .

  24. 中毒主要是酒精(乙醇)对中枢神经、心血管及呼吸系统的作用,主要表现为不同程度的头晕、呕吐、言语含糊、昏迷、血压下降、大小便失禁及抽搐。

    Poisoning is mainly caused by alcohol ( ethanol ) on the central nervous , cardiovascular and respiratory . And it is reflected mainly in varying degrees of dizziness , vomiting , speech vague , unconscious , blood pressure drop , incontinence and convulsions .

  25. 动作失调或伴大小便有时失禁。

    Movement disorder , or sometimes with urine incontinence .

  26. 大小便可能失禁哦。血液随肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素汇聚到肾上腺髓质的中部,血管收缩,呼吸加快。

    The bladder and colon prepare to empty , the central portion of the adrenal medulla floods the bloodstream with adrenaline and noradrenaline , constricting the blood vessels , breathing quickens .

  27. 我的父亲年事已高,大小便时有失禁。

    My father was on the verge of senility and incontinence .