
  • Big Island;【地名】【日本】Ō-shima
  1. 夏威夷大岛火山国家公园(HawaiiVolcanoesNationalPark)在它的纳马卡尼帕伊奥营地提供帐篷和补给出租,从而帮露营者减轻负担。

    Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is helping campers take a load off at its Namakanipaio campground with a tent and supply rental option .

  2. 奇怪的是,夏威夷大岛(Hawaii’sBigIsland)上滑溜溜的黑色玄武岩地貌也许是地球上最类似于金星环境的地方。

    The closest thing on Earth to a Venusian environment , oddly , may be the slick , black basalt formations on Hawaii 's Big Island .

  3. 两个大岛分别是安古迦岛(Unguja)通常被叫做桑给巴尔岛和奔巴岛(Pemba)。

    The two large islands are Unguja ( usually called Zanzibar Island ) and Pemba .

  4. 诸如此类的历史点滴形成了文化游船之旅“斯特拉斯堡,20个世纪之历史”的解说词。这个旅行路线会围着斯特拉斯堡知名景观——联合国教科文组织认可的世界文化遗产大岛(GrandÎle)前行,接着逆流而上到达欧盟委员会。

    These and other tidbits form the narrative of " Strasbourg , Over Twenty Centuries of History , " a scenic Batorama boat tour that circles Strasbourg 's Grand Î le , a Unesco World Heritage site , and proceeds upriver to institutions of the European Commission .

  5. 在另外一起事件中,今年5月2日,日本方面发现另外一艘不明身份的潜艇驶过鹿儿岛县奄美大岛(Amami-Oshima)以西水域。

    In a separate incident , another unidentified submarine was detected traveling west of Amami-Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture on May 2 .

  6. 大多数地方时在夏威夷的大岛上。

    Most of the places are in Hawaii 's big islands .

  7. 不列颠群岛中的第二大岛是爱尔兰岛。

    The second biggest island in the British Isles is Ireland .

  8. 富林德斯船长在1802发现并命名,这是澳大利亚的第三大岛。

    Matthew Flinders in1802 , the island is Australia 's third largest .

  9. 在那个大岛的南边。

    They are to the south of that big island .

  10. 解读非洲第一大岛成为亚洲人殖民地的历史。

    How Africa 's largest island was colonised by Asians .

  11. 我们能看见的三座小山在大岛上,

    Those three hills we can see are on the big island .

  12. 我们乘喷气式飞机去了那个大岛。

    We took a jet to the big island .

  13. 日本是由亚洲海岸外的四个大岛组成的。

    Japan is made up of four large islands off the coast of Asia .

  14. 长兴岛北方第一大岛的魅力

    Changxing , the First Biggest Island in North China , Is Full of Charm

  15. 海南是中国第二大岛。

    Hainan is china 's second largest island .

  16. 凯文:大岛上有一些迷人的火山,但是可爱岛,老天

    Kevin : The Big Island has some killer volcanoes , but Kauai , man

  17. 日本是由四个大岛构成的。

    Japan is formed of four large islands .

  18. 它(新西兰)由两大岛组成:北岛和南岛。

    It is made up of two large islands : North Island and South Island .

  19. 这是五份之一如此的火山爆发,制造夏威夷的大岛。

    It is one of five such volcanoes that make up Hawaii 's Big Island .

  20. 这个大岛上的基拉韦厄火山附近这样的景象一直屡见不鲜。

    On the Big Island , scenes like this near Kilauea volcano are pretty common .

  21. 抵达的第一站是世界第一大岛

    the first land you reach is Greenland , the largest island in the world .

  22. 海南岛是中国第二大岛,岛内野生动物资源独特而丰富,孕育着丰富的翼手类动物资源,是中国翼手类种类密度最高的地区之一。

    Hainan is the second biggest island of China with the abundant unique wildlife resources .

  23. 梅江南社区中心大岛办公楼国际公寓及商业街规划及建筑设计

    Lake South center island office building international department and commercial street planning and architecture design

  24. 由于台风弗朗西斯科号临近,日本一座名为“伊豆大岛”的小岛正在进行当地居民的撤离工作。

    Residents of a small Japanese island are evacuating in the face of Typhoon Francisco .

  25. 上图,还是在火山大岛拍的,早上7点钟,海边。

    Up picture was also shot in the Big Volcano Island , at7am morning , seaside .

  26. 中国第三大岛崇明岛就在上海。

    The third largeset island in China , the Chongming Island , is within Shanghai 's territory .

  27. 崇明岛是我国第三大岛,也是世界上最大的河口冲积岛。

    Chongming island is the third largest island of our country and the largest estuarine deposit island .

  28. 我们乘喷气式飞机到了大岛,然后乘螺旋桨飞机到了外岛。

    We took a jet to the big island , then a propelller plane to the outer island .

  29. 有来自接近北极圈的大岛丹麦所属的格陵兰岛;

    A team came from Greenland , a massive island near the Arctic Circle , ruled by Denmark .

  30. 诺西贝,这个词在马达加斯加表示“大岛”的意思,是马达加斯加最大的岛屿。

    Nosy Be , which means " big island " in Malagasy , is Madagascar 's largest island .