
dà yīnɡ dì ɡuó
  • The great British Empire
  1. 他必须前往白金汉宫去接受女王授予的“大英帝国勋章”。

    He had to go to Buckingham Palace to accept an MBE from the Queen .

  2. 英国人开始仿效法国人,餐馆的概念传遍了大英帝国。

    The British began to copy the French , and the restaurant idea spread throughout the British Empire .

  3. 大英帝国还崇拜战争英雄,在《桂河大桥》(thebridgeontheriverkwai)等电影中宣扬他们的丰功伟绩。

    The Empire revered military heroes , glorifying them in films such as the bridge on the River Kwai .

  4. n.帝国;帝王统治,君权美国曾一度是大英帝国的一部分。

    empire The United States was once a part of the British Empire .

  5. 历史学家珍莫里斯(JanMorris)曾经将城市化描述为最持久的大英帝国遗产。

    The historian Jan Morris has described urbanism as the most lasting of the British imperial legacies .

  6. Q.什么时候(如果有的话)在所有大英帝国的土地上都看不到太阳?

    Q. When ( if ever ) did the Sun finally set on the British Empire ?

  7. 2001年,罗琳从威尔士亲王——查尔斯王子(PrinceCharles)处领取到大英帝国勋章。

    In 2001 , Rowling received an award called the Order of the British Empire , or OBE , from Prince Charles , the Prince of Wales .

  8. 之后WilliamWilberforce用了他五十年的生命,终于废除了大英帝国中的奴隶制度。

    William Wilberforce later spent fifty years of his life to abolish slavery in the British Empire .

  9. 汇丰应该迁离英国,也许可以与前大英帝国的另一产物渣打银行(StandardChartered)一起,后者在不满足的英国也开始显得格格不入。

    HSBC ought to move , perhaps along with Standard Chartered , the other product of the former British empire that is starting to look out of place in a discontented UK .

  10. 发布会既展出了浓郁欧式风格的服装,也不乏印度传统的纱丽长袍,它们的设计灵感主要来自大英帝国统治(EnglishRaj)前的各个朝代、尤以莫卧尔王朝(Mughaldynasty)为甚。

    There were traditional sari-like gowns as well as more European silhouettes , inspired largely by the regimes that preceded the English Raj , especially the Mughal dynasty .

  11. 这消息对于卷福来说可谓喜上加喜,他不久前刚刚被列入女王寿辰授勋名单中,将获得大英帝国司令勋章(CBE)。

    The news means it is a double celebration for the British actor , who has been named a CBE in the Queen 's Birthday Honors List .

  12. 他是权势人物的密友,2008年见证了尼古拉·萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)和卡拉·布吕尼(CarlaBruni)婚礼,还曾获得大英帝国荣誉爵士勋章。

    A confidant of the powerful , he was a witness at Nicolas Sarkozy 's wedding to Carla Bruni in 2008 and was made an honorary Knight of the British Empire .

  13. 路易斯(C.S.Lewis)、罗尔德·达尔(RoaldDahl)和奥尔德斯·赫胥黎(AldousHuxley),他们都拒绝了这个大英帝国授予的荣誉。

    CS Lewis , Roald Dahl and Aldous Huxley have all declined the award of the Order of the British Empire .

  14. 一些作家以大英帝国在印度为题著书立说例如:威廉达尔林普(WilliamDalrymple)和劳伦斯詹姆斯(LawrenceJames)。他们提出,英国人在17、18世纪比19世纪更为宽容。

    It has been suggested by authors writing on the British in India ( e.g. William Dalrymple and Lawrence James ) that the British were more tolerant in the 17th and early 18th centuries , than they were in the 19th .

  15. 安迪?穆雷(AndyMurray)几乎没能按时赶到白金汉宫领取他的大英帝国勋章(OBE),因为药检官员突然出现在他门前,要求他提供一份尿样。针对公司董事的测试也应如此。

    Just as Andy Murray recently almost missed getting to Buckingham Palace on time to collect his OBE because the drugs testers had showed up on his doorstep demanding a urine sample , so it should be for company directors .

  16. 王室评论员、大英帝国勋章(OBE)获得者AlastairBruce解释说,凯特王妃生产后,将会有一名助手带着写有孩子性别、体重和出生时间的出生证明离开医院。

    As royal commentator Alastair Bruce OBE explains , the first indication that the Duchess has given birth will come when an aide leaves the hospital carrying a sheet of paper detailing the babys sex , weight and time of birth .

  17. 加尔各答(印度城市,原为Calcutta,现为Kolkata),由不列颠东印度公司1690年创立,目的在于挑战当地穆斯林霸主。随后,加尔各答开始与伦敦竞争大英帝国的最大大都会的头衔。

    Calcutta ( now Kolkata ) was set up in 1690 by a member of Britain 's East India Company , in defiance of the local Muslim overlord . It later vied with London as the biggest metropolis in the British empire .

  18. 1814年,马耳他岛沦为大英帝国的殖民地。

    In1814 , Malta became a part of the British Empire .

  19. 格拉斯哥在当时被誉为大英帝国第二大城市。

    Glasgow was famed as the second city of the empire .

  20. 例如,大英帝国一直崇拜极地探险。

    For instance , the empire had revered manly polar explorers .

  21. 随着大英帝国的衰落,对英国的认同感已逐渐消解。

    British identity is dissolving in the slow ebb of empire .

  22. 大英帝国曾经占有过世界上的大片地方。

    The British Empire once covered large parts of the world .

  23. 酒吧里陈列着大英帝国时期各种体育比赛所夺得的奖杯。

    The bar is decorated with trophies from imperial sporting endeavours .

  24. 整个岛屿在1815年成为大英帝国的一部分。

    The entire island became part of the British Empire in1815 .

  25. 这位大英帝国的子民想要点茶,他说。

    The son of the British empire wants tea , he says .

  26. 印度曾是大英帝国的殖民地。

    India was once a colony in the British Empire .

  27. 随着大英帝国的崩塌,其原有的信仰体系霎那间变得滑稽可笑。

    As the British empire collapsed , its belief-system suddenly became funny .

  28. 论大英帝国的兴起与整体世界的形成

    On the Uprising of British Empire the Development of the Integrated World

  29. 他们是大英帝国最后的残骸。

    They are the last vestiges of the British Empire .

  30. 生活在大英帝国统治之下的民众。

    The people that lived under the flag of the British empire .