
  • 网络Great Migration;The Great Migrations
  1. 第一次世界大战期间及二十年代美国黑人大迁徙运动

    The great migration of the black during WWI and in the 1920s

  2. 美国黑人第一次大迁徙运动的原因及影响

    The Reasons and Effects of the First Black Great Migration

  3. 它在随着民族大迁徙而出现的混乱中崩溃

    It foundered during the turmoils accompanying the Great Migrations .

  4. 于是,他们开始了又一次大迁徙(GreatTrek)。

    So they made another Great Trek .

  5. 第二次黑人大迁徙起于第二次世界大战。

    The second great black migration started from World War ⅱ .

  6. 幼鹤和它的家人将面临一场往南方的大迁徙

    this chick and its parents will face a long migration south

  7. 东亚和早期人类第一次大迁徙浪潮

    East Asia and the first migration tide of early man

  8. 海上民族大迁徙与地中海文明的重建

    The Migration of the Sea Peoples and the Remaking of Ancient Mediterranean Civilization

  9. 三部分以民族演变的特征为历史分期,分别从古代拿翔部族、民族的形成、民族的大迁徙、古代新疆多民族聚居格局定型三个历史时期对宗教文化与民族演变的关系展开具体论述。

    The three sections take the characteristics of national evolution as the historical stages .

  10. 曾经帮助这座城市实现发展的铁锈地带大迁徙又重新开始了。

    The great migration from the rustbelt that helped fuel its growth has resumed .

  11. 另一方面:我们正经历一场文化身份认同大迁徙。

    On the other : in the midst of a great cultural identity migration .

  12. 中国是一个“大迁徙”的国家,尤其是在春节假日左右。

    China is a country on the move - especially around its Lunar New Year holiday .

  13. 把自己的遗传遗产传承下去的需求激励着大迁徙。

    The need to pass on one 's genetic legacy is a great motivator of migrations .

  14. 中国是一个大迁徙的国家,尤其是在春节假日左右。

    China is a country on the move & especially around its Lunar New Year holiday .

  15. 春天的到来带来了加拿大北部三百万头驯鹿的大迁徙。

    Spring in northern Canada means the migration of three million caribou across the arctic tundra .

  16. 在这个时候它们性征发育成熟并开始参与繁殖大迁徙。

    They are sexually mature at this age and begin to participate in the breeding migrations .

  17. 美国和德国在重大历史时刻都经历过人口大迁徙。

    The mass movement of peoples lies at the heart of both American and German history .

  18. 20世纪美国黑人的城市化是通过两次黑人大迁徙实现的。

    The urbanization of African Americans in the twentieth century was achieved by two great black migrations .

  19. 这种古代的所谓部落贵族,大多数在民族大迁徙中或在它以后不久便消灭了。

    This old so-called tribal nobility disappeared for the most part during the migrations or soon afterwards .

  20. 公元3&6世纪,在欧洲和中国都在发生着的游牧民族与农业民族之间的大迁徙现象形成高潮。

    There were great migrations between nomadic and agricultural groups in both China and Europe during 3-6 centuries .

  21. 上古以来,西北、西南地区民族的大迁徙,多经由这一地区的这些通道。

    In the ancient ages , north-western and south-western ethnic groups migrated norm - al through this zone .

  22. 每年马赛马拉的角马大迁徙是一种自然循环,东非大草原因此能够休养生息。

    The annual wildebeest migration at the Masai Mara is a natural cycle that replenishes and renews the grasslands of East Africa .

  23. 秦汉时期的民族大迁徙和大流动极大地促进了民族人口、文化的融合,同时也基本奠定了中国民族分布的基本框架。

    It advanced greatly the fusion of population and culture in ancient China , and established the basic frame of Chinese nationalities ' distribution .

  24. 这次人口大批的离去被称作“大迁徙”是自第二次世界大战后的第二次。

    The massive came to be called " The Great Migration , " and a second one followed in the years after World War II .

  25. 作为日耳曼民族大迁徙的收尾者,伦巴德人属东日耳曼人的一支,他们起源于斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部。

    As the last one of the Germans migration , the Lombards belonged to the East Germans . They derived from the south of Scandinavia .

  26. 我们对该问题的研究不应仍然停留在比较初步的层次之上,仅仅关注“大迁徙”的宗教原因,忽视“大迁徙”的另一个非常重要的促动因素即经济因素。

    We should not only attach great importance to religious factors , but also to economic factors when the causes of the Great Migration is studied .

  27. 20多年外界人都不曾见到的地球上最壮观的景观之一——大迁徙被毁于一旦。

    And it 's was long fear that one of the most spectacular migrations on earth not seen by outsiders in 20 years have been wiped out .

  28. 多次发生在历史时空中的民族大迁徙和政治统治权力的扩张与更替,推动了北方草原地区地缘政治结构的整合。

    The large scale national migration and politic right expansion and alternation time after time in the history pushed the politic frame conformance of northern prairie area .

  29. 十年一次的下次人口普查将在2020年进行。届时的普查结果将告诉我们迁移到南方的非裔美国人是否足够构成第三次大迁徙。

    The next decennial census in 2020 should tell us whether the of African-Americans into the South will be large enough to be considered a third Great Migration .

  30. 角马跨越肯尼亚马拉河进行大迁徙时,河中会有许多鳄鱼出没,伺机而动。图中,一只鳄鱼吃掉了队伍中一只受伤的年幼角马。

    A crocodile eats a young injured wildebeest during the great migration in the Mara River in Kenya which is infested with crocodiles lying in wait to kill .